1-The reading from the Performing Gender and Interpersonal Communication Research opened up a the door of the debate over feminine theory and its extension to the theoretical, fictional, or philosophical discourse, it also brings up the gender inequality between male and female, and how the power is shifted socially to a specific gender over the other one:” great satisfaction we were then able to assert that “sex is a biological designation,” and “gender is a set of socially constructed expectations for women and men.”
when one is born,s/she is full of hope and freedom that they can achieve and be whoever they want to be, but as s/he grows older they face many social barriers, limitations, and oppressions that dictate what women and men are intended to be. Following the norms of the society where one was born is inevitable to stay connected to the society and because we can’t change these rules unless we hold the power in our hand; ”recognizes that we are born into and must operate within a network of power relations, not of our own making” (p. 375)”.
Gender discrimination is related to social constructions and not to the body’s biology.” the separation of sex and gender allowed us to point to social constructions, not biological destiny as the source of women’s oppression and men’s privileges”.Some of the social discriminations that men and women face are seen in the interpretation of gender from the early stages of life and even before birth.” the separation of sex and gender allowed us to point to social constructions, not biological destiny as the source of women’s oppression and men’s privileges” Every family is waiting to have that boy impatiently because males are seen as assets and as a household leader who holds the family name, while women are seen as a burden until they find a husband.
Analyzing the gender performance, exploring the theatrical performance as a metaphor for the materialization, surveying previous research on performativity will help educate our minds and make us aware of the big gap between both genders in the community and how we can make that inequality disappear.
2- Sex is a fantasy that everyone is looking for. Extending oral and body communication in the ” Consent and refusal is not the only talking points/ sex talk” article was interesting on how one can refuse or accept an invitation, a request for sexual activity, or an invitation without feeling pressured to accept it if not it will be unethical and harmful.
we use communication every day to express ourselves to receive and send messages but I feel that we do it subconsciously that we don’t pay attention to the details, the tone, and the force used during this activity. J L Austin’s speech act theory ”focus on what an act of speaking accomplishes, as opposed to what its words mean ”. And it shows the power of words and the things we can do with them is enormous.
To engage in a safe sexual activity, we need to follow few steps: consenting to the act willingly, having clear communication about roles and expectations from this activity, willing to participate in an ethical sex act where both parties are satisfied to a certain limit.
Sexual invitation, gifts, and invitation all shared the common characteristics that leave the recipient free to turn it down without being pressured to accept or refuse and at the same time required gratitude from both sides in case of an approval of an invitation or a request for sexual activity.
Also, the method of the Safewords allowed people to engage in any given activity where certain rules are already set can be a great way to satisfy one’s desire, because both parties can exit the activity any time without explanation and without hurting each other during a sex act, or any other activity because it enables the physical and emotional safety for everyone.
3- ”Your Behavior Creates Your Gender video by the American philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler explains the fact on how someone’s behavior can demonstrate their gender regardless of their sex and physiology that was given at birth.
””We act and walk and speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman.”
the gender of a woman or a man is something that one should relate too and feel comfortable with. If one is given a male body but s/he feels more feminine that reflects an unbalanced fit between the gender and the sex wich will create more trouble if there is no family and or social support toward this imbalance. So if I speak and I feel as a woman in the body of a man I should be a woman because my behavior and my lifestyle reflect who I am and who I want to be.