This post sums up what we are doing for the rest of the semester. At the start of the semester, I posted more frequently. In the middle, I let you all do most of the posting. Now, as we approach the end, I will be posting more again to keep you on track to finish.
You have an assignment due tomorrow, June 23 at 11:59 pm. Details were posted in a previous announcement. It will include your final journal entry as we will be done with the readings. Additionally, part of the assignment is Discussion 7, where you will discuss what you wish to write about for your Institutional Artifact Project. I will read your discussion posts and approve the artifact on Wednesday morning – so please post these on time. If you would like to post them early, I will try to get you feedback tomorrow.
Your Institutional Artifact Drafts are due June 25 at 11:59 pm. It is important you post the draft on time so that I can give you feedback in time for you to make revisions before including this in your final portfolio.
Once you have submitted your draft, you will be asked to respond to the drafts of your classmates and to write one final discussion post reflecting on the course. From June 26 through July 2 at 11:59 pm, your tasks are the following:
- Revise your Gender Identity Draft and Institutional Artifact Draft to include in your final portfolio (descriptions in the syllabus).
- Review your journal entries and discussion posts to identify your strongest informal writing. Revise it to include in your final portfolio(descriptions in the syllabus).
- Take the vocabulary test on blackboard. A list of terms was posted here.
I will provide more details about how to actually share your final portfolio and take the exam in a future post. Please check out the links included in this post as they contain valuable information. I will be in zoom office hours Tuesday, June 23 from 10 am to 12 pm. Feel free to come by or make an appointment for another time.
Finally, I have been posting grades to blackboard so you can begin to figure out where you stand. The work you have done to date is reflected in the grade center. If you have any questions, please let me know.