After watching the YouTube interview with Cece Donald “Free Cece” and also watching the documentary “Free Cece ! it definitely made me very emotional because of all the events that took place and how they were handled.
In the interview something was said that caught my attention and that is “A beautiful day in the park is different for a black trans woman”. Hearing this made me really upset because it true to some extend. How unfortunate that this society makes people feel unsafe. Also it was said that when we see injustice we have the power to take action, which is true but like Cece mentioned she was worried for her supporters because they could experience the same situation she was experiencing just for supporting her. I definitely believe that as a group we do have power to change and injustice. Now while watching the documentary made me mad at some point because of people’s ignorance and making Cece seem as she was at fault. In this documentary there were a lot of things that were said that really makes you think “wow we really live in a messed up world” well at least that’s what came to my mind. Cece mentioned her attacker seeing the fear in her eyes and it was as if her fear made him validate his white supremacy ( privilege), this is very sad because the fact that a person can literally see someone in fear and still have the audacity to feel superior and keep harassing that person because they know they can get away with it’s ridiculous and cruel. “Black bodies transgender or not are assumed to be criminals” it also a very good point because in this situation it was not only about being transgender it was about being a woman of color that triggered these racist people who knew exactly what they were doing and because of their stupidity of being judge mental and feeling so superior a person was killed not intentionally but for self defense. If they didn’t start calling names or even putting their hands on Cece and would’ve let her go her way a lot would’ve been prevented.
Michael O. Freeman who is a county attorney said things such as how Cece had other alternatives than stabbing him with a dangerous weapon on his cheast and he also said something about if you want to be successful avoid the conflcit and flee. His words made me feel anger because it doesn’t mention how the white group of people should’ve kept quiet and not be racist or how they should’ve never hurt Cece with a beer bottle. There are a lot of things that must change in society in order to live in peace, you may not like something but as long as it is not affecting you personally then its best to be quiet and live your own life. We as human being should be protecting each other but instead we are destroying humanity with the thought of others being more privileged and superior than a certain sex or race.
Hello Ligia, “A beautiful day in the park is different for a black trans woman” that one sentence really frustrated me it is not only black trans people who is in danger but black women as well. there is a lot of reports lately in the news about violence and killing of black women.
Hello Ligia, “A beautiful day in the park is different for a black trans woman” that one sentence really frustrated me and i will never see the park in the same positive way anymore. it is not only black trans people who is in danger but black women as well. there is a lot of reports lately in the news about violence and killing of black women.
Hello Ligia,
It is sad that others have to be scared to go outside because they are not sure what may happen. It is even more sad that CeCe was nervous for all her supporters. It just shows how cruel the world is. It also showed me of a world I have not experienced, which makes me so sad. This makes me want to be more aware just to ensure that I can potentially help or save someone. I also believe we have the ability to make change, we just have to keep fighting.
Hello Ligia, it truly is heart breaking when people are afraid to even go outside all because of fear of what might happen to them. This shows just how corrupt society and the world is and no one should feel this way at all.
Hello Ligia,
Unfortunately, people can go out freely, without being a judge or with the fear of what would happen. This only lets us know how messed up our society is, it became to a point that just for being yourself it means you can get in trouble.
Ligia, I agree with you and was also very angered that CeCe was expected to handle the situation differently while being provoked and called racial and homophobic slurs. Had they just left her alone, what transpired may not have. And everyone would’ve made it home that night.