If you think about it, no matter who you are or where you come from, we all have privileges even within our own culture. Privileges is a specific right, advantage, or immunity given or available only to a particular person or group. Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying that it is not an issue; some people have more privilege than others. Privileges have caused unfair moments in history that has even impacted the lives of many in a very negative way. To get more into detail, let me explain with this example. For example, I could be considered privilege if I, as a Dominican man, attend a Dominican restaurant, and the service I get is better than a white male that attend. That’s not always the case, but it can happen. I personally had experience that situation where I was treated better than other. That is something I can consider as my privilege. Another example is a white male who could be considered a privilege if he attends Harvard University vs. a Hispanic male. This example demonstrates how two people from different groups could have privileges on different occasions. Furthermore, to tap into it, the more in-depth compound privilege could have a tremendous impact on social groups. For example, the minorities groups especially, the black community has been oppressed for many years causing a gap of inequality; That is why on our demographic and data we see how there is a lot of black people who are uneducated, and not able to sustain a “good life”.
I also experienced microggregation because I am a man and sometimes, I help out my mother with the house shores. My cousins always made fun of that, they said “that’s for girls man. Or aren’t you supposed to be the man of the house?” I always tried to help out around the house because I know that gender does not limit people to help out and still be useful. Stereotypes always play big roles in this situation’s, it is our job to break those ignorant thoughts.
Hello Jhulio,
I always find your writing very interesting and full of new information. It’s great that you are lucky person to be privileged and not to feel insecure about how you are treated. I also like the part of helping your mothers despite your cousins making fun out of it. I guess we need to do what is right and not be bothered by someone else judgemental on it.
Hello Julio, you talked about how our environment affects our privilege. The information you provided made me want to revisit the definition of what is privilege and the difference between having and advantage in a certain situation and having privilege.
Hello Jhulio,
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. you stated “I always tried to help out around the house because I know that gender does not limit people to help out and still be useful. Stereotypes always play big roles in this situation, it is our job to break those ignorant thoughts”. Society created this depiction that men and women are assigned to a specific task based on the title. You remind me of my brother, whenever I’m cooking he never hesitates to wash the dishes for me because he always says “I need to help you out”, he doesn’t look at one-woman job.
Hello Jhulio,
It is interesting how you have noticed your privilege in Dominican restaurants. I myself am Puerto Rican and Dominican but I do not speak Spanish. I feel like people usually guess that I am Hispanic, however if I am at a Spanish restaurant and I am with someone that speaks Spanish, I usually make the person I am with order. I am not sure where the discomfort stems from. Maybe it is because I feel they will get better service.
Hello Jhulio,
I totally agree with you that we all experience different types of micro-aggression in our cultures but the macro-aggression overweights them by FAR! Since the beginning of times there’s been evidence that African Americans have been treated less than whites. It has become such a bigger problem now because the people who are supposed t be protecting us are the same one killing us for nothing other than our skin color. You might not be condoning in this ignorant behavior but you should speak up and help. This is a situation that’s gotten out of control especially since our judicial system is against us.
Hi Jhulio, I agree with you about us all having privilege, some more than others, whether we want to admit to it or not. And until everyone is ready to get on the same page, we will continue to have this inequality.
Hello Jhulio, I agree with your point of all of us having more privilege than others. Until society can realize certain things and get on the same page, inequality will always thrive and exist. Society needs to realize how other people who are not white are getting treated and acknowledge and take action to change the terrible treatment.