This weeks readings were very interesting. Starting off with ‘Identity Terms’, I never really thought of all the language people used describe themselves. I’ve heard of majority of these terms but can say I never really understood them fully. I didn’t realize that a ‘disabled person’ was differently identified than a ‘person with disabilities’. However, when reading that portion of the text, the differences became clear. This reading just furthermore proves the fact that language is extremely important. The way we phase our identities me see similar but they can be very very different. The second reading ‘Feminist Philosophy of Language’ also focused on how important our language is. I must say before I read it I had my own interpretation on what it might have been about. Although I love what feminist stand for I do know that some have very drastic ideas and theories. Reading the section titled ‘Invisibility of women’ kind of proved my point of drastic theories. By saying words like ‘he’ and ‘man’ make women feel invisible is like saying ‘she’ and ‘woman’ have the exact same affect. I believe being very careful with our language is important and both these readings show that very well, even if I don’t completely agree with everything they say.