Anaya Alcantara Journal 4

In this reading, I got to learn about the feminist movement to the language and psychology of the language. Gender neutrality and feminism have been putting out how language has purposely created a conversation between others about a woman is not being taken into account during this process. Feminism can be known as the idea of freedom for women politically, economically, and socially with the same rights and opportunities for women as the same as for men. The main focus of the feminist language is to acknowledge the unawareness ways that language both minutes of silence and emphasizes gender in different ways. It is a very interesting topic to read, it gave a different point of view of the situation. Part of the theory focuses on words or phrases that make one gender, in this case, women, subjugated, or invisible compared to the other. Moreover, society determines and marks language by basing it on males, considering that it has importantly an essential use of language reflecting the necessity of society. The fact that people will negatively judge somebody else and discriminate their attitudes and points of view is considered a menace. Also, using a male as a reference to people has made women go invisible but at the same time emphasized their work. It’s very obvious on how dominant the language by males is, it does not matter in which language you speak. On the other hand, when we speak about language and its differences involving feminism, it takes me to the identity terms “People of color” vs. “Colored people” a single word can change a whole meaning. for example, when you identify someone by “people of color” you are highlighting the person as different than the rest, which is the same thing when it comes to language and its distinction.











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