Tiffany Zeno Discussion 3

Appearance Feelings Feelings Stem From: Theories
Hair ·         Love-Hate Relationship.

·         My hair is curly, and I can do multiple things with it

·        I must constantly dye my hair cause my natural hair is dark and makes me look pale

I have been told that I look pale with darker hair, and I can see that my hair changes with weather.


It is my personal preference not to wear my hair in a frizzy style

·         Social learning theory

·         Psychoanalytical theory

Smile ·         Love-Hate Relationship

·         Love my smile, but don’t have the straightest teeth

I have been told that I have a pretty smile and believe so. However, I have also formed a complex about my crooked teeth. Maybe it’s because I know my smile is something people are constantly looking at? ·         Social learning theory

·         Psychoanalytical theory

Eyes ·         I have very bad vision

·         Need to wear contacts/glasses all day everyday

Personal- It is annoying to have to constantly wear something on/in your eyes in order to see. I literally cannot do anything without contacts or glasses. ·         Cognitive development theory

·         Biological determinism theory

For most of my physical appearances, I feel psychological theories such as  social learning and psychoanalytical theories influence my feelings the most. This is because throughout life you see what is viewed as “pretty.” Without even realizing, you may try to uphold these standards. Growing up, my family would also tease me if my hair got frizzy in the rain, or if I was sweaty from playing and my hair got puffy. I feel these become repressed feelings that later on in life make you unconsciously judge yourself. I mentioned the cognitive and biological determinism theories when referring to my feelings towards my vision. I feel this best relates to my feelings because this has nothing to do with how I feel about my physical appearance, or what I have learned about “beauty.” This is something that hinders my ability to effectively accomplish things, and even at times makes me feel sick.

I believe my embodied communication complies with my command performance by body politics. I refuse to act a certain way because of social norms. I do not act upon cultural theories. However, I would say my embodied communication can stem from psychological theories.

3 thoughts on “Tiffany Zeno Discussion 3”

  1. Hello Tiffany,
    Thank you for sharing your story.
    I believe that most women and men share the consequences of Social learning theory and the Psychoanalytical theory’s aspects. We all need to look a certain way to reflect the ideal image of beauty. Perfect white teeth, wearing contact lenses, being skinny, a face full of makeup, and of course perfect hairstyle and color.
    we became obsessed with this perfect image that all cosmetics companies are making millions and millions of dollars taking advantage of this complex. and that’s why I feel it’s hard not to comply with the command performance because of fear of rejection.

  2. Hi Tiffany,

    When you say that psychoanalytical theories influence your feelings the most it’s something I never thought about even though I am an over-thinker person and even more if it’s about my body or what people will say about me. I also use glasses/ contacts because I can’t see without them literally. I have put myself in situations I will cry because of somebodys about how I look with glasses which is sad because I should be confident about me, how I look, and who I am as a person.

  3. Hi Tiffany. I have a love hate relationship with some of my features as well. I like the fact that you mentioned some of these preferences are personal. I can relate, sometimes its just personal preference that we cannot control.

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