Journal 3

Theories of gender and sex refers to the sex of female and male and how gender is studied. We live in a society were certain expectations have been placed regarding how a women and men should behave and act.

After reading, I question so many things and mainly why we pay so much mind into people’s opinion regarding gender and who we want to be. Now seeing how much people judge different opinions and how much critical things they have to say it is hard not to ignore and be affected by their comments/opinions. Gender can be viewed through different perspectives but the one that caught my attention in this reading which is very important is the psychological perspective because it is said that gender identity is not naturally set at birth  but instead developed through childhood. There are of course different approaches as to how this happens. One being social learning meaning that behavior is mimicked while cognitive development referring to how children adopt gender identification and then perform certain behaviors. To certain extend I agree with this but I also believe that gender identification happens because their body is not the one that they truly are, like it is sometimes said they are born in the wrong body but they truly know who they really are. The example given of a boy deciding not to play with dolls because they know better a way how society sets expectations on genders. A boy playing with dolls is seen as wrong but this action does not necessarily mean that a boy will change their gender.

“Ten responses to phrase ‘man up” is a very beautiful video with a great and powerful message. This being that genders are always in pressure since society sets expectations for genders like I mentioned before, but these expectations cant always be met since genders aren’t chosen, instead they are who we want to be and who we truly feel like.

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