Gender can be a bit confusing but after reading and analyzing the different gender diagrams I strongly believe that best one that describes me is, “Sex, Gender, sexuality Interlace.
A very important group in this diagram is my family group. My family has shaped who I am now and most goals I have set for myself. I am the second oldest and since my sister Is in Ecuador I am basically the role model for my younger siblings. This has been really difficult at times since my parents expect me to be perfect in order to set a good example for my siblings. Therefore when it comes to school as hard as it can be I try my best because I know my siblings look up to me. My family is not perfect but they are very supportive and have always been with me through every single step I take. My family is very important because they have shaped everything I believe in and have shaped the person I am today with morals and respect for others and to always value family.
Anther very important group is my future. This is very important to me now because my goals for the future make me work hard now, even though sometimes it may seem impossible. Imagining what my future will look like makes everything worth it. My future is very important for me and my family, because without them and their support I wouldn’t be as strong and determined. My families hard work makes me look into my future and be who I want to be in order to in one way or another give them back for all their hard work and effort to make me a better person. I cant wait to see my classmates diagrams because by doing this discussion board and diagrams it has shown me how everyone’s gender and experiences/goals are different but no matter what our gender/ sexuality is or who we become we all have goals and are equally important.
HELLO Ligia, my family is everything to me too, I dont think i won’t be in college, in this class reply to your discussion if my mother was not in my life right now. Even if we fight sometimes, we always end up to an agreement because we love each other so much. I don’t know what i am going to do if i loss her.
Hello Ligia,
Thank you for sharing your insights with us. Beautiful name by the way, and the lovely diagram you presented. I think you chose two important assets to represent yourself. with family, the unconditionally love and support in the decision you make, makes you happy. With their determination and encouragement, you choose the decision to give back to your family with the education/career you uphold. I agree with the statement you made “everyone’s gender and experiences/goals are different but no matter what our genre/ sexuality is or who we become we all have goals and are equally important”. This was beautifully said, we all have goals/dreams but we’re all human and we all want something from life to be someone.
Hi Lugia, nice diagram ! I agree that trying to understand gender at first can be a bit confusing and challenging . But luckily the diagrams provided gave a clearer insight. It was interesting reading your experience with family. Being apart of a particular group can also hold weight in other areas of your life as well, it is all connected. You being a college student and a family member pushes you to do the best you can , to not disappoint your family. This seems like a lot of pressure but it’ll be all worth it in the end .
Hey Lugia! Wow, thanks for sharing! I experienced the same thing, that’s I’m so happy to be taking this course. I’ve learned a lot of identity terms and their definitions, it has really opened my eyes a lot. I love when you mentioned the “future” piece, your dedication to giving back to your family is heartfelt! thanks for sharing!