Adjusting to College in a Hybrid/ Remote World

Starting college can be challenging–especially in these uncertain times. Learn tips to get ahead of the many new things you will encounter as a college student. Learn tips to get ahead of the many new things you will encounter as a college student. Register in advance for this meeting:

Self-Regulate for Success

Are you being pulled in a million different directions? Learn tips to stay grounded, self-regulate, and procrastinate less. Register in advance for this meeting:  

LGBTQ Students: Coming Out and Connecting

This workshop will focus on the process of coming out in LGBTQ students and will discuss ways of connecting that can promote resilience and protection against rejection. The workshop includes both a didactic and a space for students to reflect on their experiences of coming out and connecting both in and out of college. Register … Continue reading


The academic year always seems to fly by so quickly. There are many tips to avoid the stress and nerves that deadlines can create. The Academic Advisement and Transfer Center (AATC) is hosting a Zoom workshop filled with list of fail-safe tips to keep you organized and focused on what matters. MEETING ID: 854 8601 … Continue reading

DegreeWorks 101 Workshop

Want to learn how to track your academic progress and accumulated credits at BMCC? Join us for a hands-on workshop that will help you learn to navigate DegreeWorks and how to use the system to stay on track with your education. Meeting ID: 837 2102 6315 | Passcode: 894219

Plan A to B: Managing Anxiety

In these uncertain times, anxiety is a common emotional response as we navigate an ever-changing world. Come to this workshop and learn some helpful tips to manage that anxiety effectively. Register in advance for this meeting:

The Counseling Center “Happy” Hour

It's all about positivity at this fun and interactive virtual event. Come learn facts and tips to boost your happiness and maintain a positive outlook! Register in advance for this meeting:

How to P.A.R.T.Y.

Learn how to prevent alcohol and drug risks to you. Register in advance for this meeting:

Feel Better Fast

Don’t let feeling down get in the way of your happiness. Come to this workshop and learn practical tips to boost your mood quickly. Register in advance for this meeting:

Relax, Reduce, Rejuvenate / Round trip through Self-Care

This stress-reduction workshop will teach you effective techniques to practice mindfulness and unwind. Give yourself permission and come take a trip on this self-care journey. Register in advance for this meeting:

Find your Motivation, Say Bye to Procrastination!

Ready to kick procrastination to the curb and reignite your motivation? 🚀 Come to this workshop and unlock the secrets to staying motivated while studying. Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your productivity! ⏳

Health Benefits of Drumming

Did you know that there are many health benefits to drumming? Come and join the Counseling Center this Tuesday 3/7/23 from 11am- 12:30 pm in Theater. Here are a few of the health benefits of drumming. Relieves Depression Enhances Well-Being Lowers Pressure Boosts Cardio Neutralizes Stress Burns Calaories Improves Circulation Increases Energy If interested email … Continue reading