Imagine you are on a lovely cruise, sailing along on the crisp blue ocean. Suddenly the captain yells, “We are taking on water! We must abandon ship!” You are allowed to take five items with you in the lifeboat. Quickly, reply to this thread listing those five things without thinking too much about it.
Please respond to other posts!
1. passport
4. cellphone
5. and the captain lol
Hey Deborah, I like your list passport is a good one. Captain hahaha :).
Deb, SURE the caption, hehe good one!
Deb — I love that you are bringing the captain! What a thoughtful & practical list!
yes the captain is the number one choice
1). My phone
2). My charger
3). My wallet
4). My hand bag
And 5 a life vest
Edisa — A life vest is a very good idea! Using your handbag to keep all of your stuff is a good idea too!
Charger is important lol, I would do the same! Sometimes I do think that there should be no concept of battery, so there would be one less thing to worry about LOL
1. Life vest
2. Any food I can grab ( fruits )
3. I.D
4. Phone
5. charger
Hey Aalyah, food is defiantly a good one lol. Also I like how we both thought of a life west. Good Job :).
Aalyah, food is a good choice. I would do the same. LOL We shouldn’t stay hungry!
Aalyah — Food is so important! Hopefully they will have more then fruits available!
1. My phone
2. Phone charger
3. I.D
4. Money LOL
5. Food or water
Vavi — Money is important! One always needs money!
I should’ve put my phone charger too LOL
I would take
1. My family (2-legged & 4-legged members)
2. Phone & charger
3. Wallet (money, ID, passport, etc.)
4. Life boat with radio to contact someone to rescue us!
5. Other passengers
Hello Professor, A radio in order to contact someone is a great choice/idea :).
1 phone
2 life vest
3 radio
4 cash
5 food
My son
Important documents