22 thoughts on “Theorists & Math #2: Materials for Math”
Stacking ring: An infant can use this to stack rings through the fixed structure. Or they can just mouthed the rings if they are younger. This promotes numeracy and relationship. They can learn to count, and understand colors, size, and shapes, for older infants.
Shape sorter: An infant can use this to place the appropriate shape through the appropriate space of cube. This promotes symbols and understanding relationships. Child can learn shapes, colors, sizes, trial and error.
Book/songs: An infant can use books/songs with the help of adults to repeat words to a song, or repeat words that or being read to them. This promotes patterns. They can learn about characters, and symbolic awareness.
Blocks: An infant can use this to stack the blocks on top of each other. They can also group the shapes together and sort color. This promotes understanding relationship between materials. The child can learn repetition and what to expect next.
Deb — Thanks for your responses! You have many creative ideas! The stacking rings can also be used for order/ seriation (putting objects in order based on size — smallest to largest, tallest to shortest, biggest to smallest, etc.)
1. Stacking ring-stack on top of each other through the structure, try to eat the rings, they can also learn the colors of each ring, and count the rings. Numeracy and Relationship it promotes.
2. Shape sorter- Figure out what the shapes are, match them in the right space. Symbols and understanding relationships are promoted.
3. Book/Songs- With help from an adult they can learn new words/sentences, and songs by being read to. Patterns is promoted
4. Blocks- Stack blocks on top of each other, learn the shape and colors. Understanding relationship with materials
Tiana — Thanks for your post! The books promote patterns because they are repetitious! Which object would promote seriation — putting objects in order based on size (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.)? Which object besides the shape sorter helps children learn about symbols?
Stacking rings- A baby can stack the rings one by one on top of each other. The math skills this material supports is understanding relationships and numeracy. They count how many rings they are and notice the different colors and sizes of the rings.
Shape sorter- a baby can try to fit the right shape in it’s place. The math skills this material supports is symbols and understanding relationships because they are learning about the size and shapes.
Books/songs- a baby can observe the pictures in the book or just listen to the. The math skills this material supports is symbols by looking at the pictures.
blocks- a baby can stack them up or just throw them. they can separate them by color or even count how many they have. The math skills this material supports is patterns and numeracy. they can count and notice how each block has a different color.
Solanny — Thanks for sharing your insights! Yes, the books have symbols! For the shape sorter, putting the rings in order by size is called seriation (relationships between concrete materials). For the blocks, separating them by color is sorting (relationships between concrete materials).
Stacking Rings – Children at the age of 0-18 months would us this toy to put the nibble on the rings, some may be able to count as they stack the rings (Numeracy). Some may be able to identity the shape or the colors of the rings and some may be able to know the difference in the wood stand and the plastic rings (Understanding relationships between concrete materials & Patterns)
Shape Sorter – Children at the age of 0-18 months may be able to place the shape in the correct location on the sorter, some may be able to identify the different colors, shapes and sizes. They may also be able to compare each object (Understanding relationships between concrete materials & Patterns)
Books – Children at the age of 0-18 months may be able to Identify words, colors and pictures in the book. (Patterns& Symbols)
Blocks – Children at the age of 0-18 months may put these blocks on their mouth. Some may be able to stack and count the blocks (Numeracy). Some may be able to identify the different colors (Patterns) and some may be able to sort or organize the block base on attributes (Understanding relationships between concrete materials)
Erica — Thanks for sharing! Yes, babies can compare the shapes in the shape sorter! For the ring stacker, when babies put the rings on in size order (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.) that’s called seriation — relationships between concrete materials.
1). Stacking Rings: A 0-18 months old baby can use this material to grab the rings or cups and try to fit them over the cone, they are able to learn important eye coordination, as well as movement with both arms and hands. Stacking Rings assist sitting and general mobility, but also teaches skills such as arm and hand movements. Also course perceptual skills like colors, sizes, shapes, relative positions, counting many more.
2). Shape Sorter: A 0-18 month old baby can use this material to manipulate the shapes to correctly fit into their holes and then once the container fills, they dump them back out again. There are many benefits of toddler shape sorters. Besides the obvious benefit of exposing toddlers to various shapes and colors, shape sorters have other benefits as well. They improve finger dexterity and help children hone their fine motor skills. It also helps young toddlers cause and effect and object performance. When they put the shape through the hole, it disappears, but once they look in the container, it’s still there.
3). Book/Songs: A baby 0-18 years old month can use a book with the help of an adult to help the development of language skills. The math skills this material supports is colors, shapes and patterns that are shown in the book through pictures.
4). Blocks: A baby 0-18 years old moth can use blocks to stock one on top of the other. Blocks can help children learn to take turns and develop self esteem. Due to many shapes, sizes, blocks offer many opportunities for children to practice important math skills, covering measurements, number, symmetry, balance and estimation, by comparing shapes and sizes, creating or providing measuring and weighing tools, we can extend play and exploration. Blocks also help children improve their ability to manipulate 2D and 3D objects in their head which can help them in math later in life.
Edisa — Thanks for your very descriptive account of how babies can use the materials ! You included fine motor & cognitive skills as well as math skills! The concept of relative position (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.) is called seriation, which is part of understanding relationships between objects. The shape sorter supports relationships between concrete materials, such as shape and comparing. The books have symbols have patterns.
1. Stacking rings: Babies are able to stack colorful rings on top of each other. This type of toy encourages the child to practice his math skills in the way that they can count it and learn numbers. They are able to differentiate colors and sizes as well.
2. Shape sorter: This type of toy encourages the child to find out what are the shapes. The child can also match chapes an place them in the right space. Children can learn the symbols and understanding relationships are promoted.
3. Book/songs: When we reed books and sing songs to a child, we make sure to repeat words and parts of song so that the child learns words, and images as well.
4. Blocks: When infants play with blocks, they can piles them up, putting them on top of each other. They are able to learn shapes and colors.This type of toy incentives the child to learn about balance, colors and also math, as we count the blocks, supporting the child’s learning process.
Juli — Thanks for sharing your insights! Yes, the ring stack helps babies to distinguish sizes, which is part of relationships between concrete materials! Ordering materials from smallest to largest or shortest to tallest is called seriation. The books have repetitious elements, which are patterns as well as the images, which are symbols.
1. Stacking rings: Babies 0-18 months can learn how to stack rings on top of one another. As babies gradually grow up, they would learn about colors, shapes and sizes. They would learn that a ring is of a shape like this, it is circular and comes in different colors as well.
2. Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
3. Book/songs: This would teach babies age 0-18 about songs that they can repeat after. Also pattern and number books would teach them counting and line formation.
4. Blocks: This would teach them how to balance objects on top of one another. It would also teach them about shapes and how a bigger object goes to the bottom and smaller ones are arranged on top of it.
1. Stacking rings: An infant ages 0-18 months would be beneficial for active babies that can sit, crawl. The toy helps them learn to stack rings but also it helps them learn about the different sizes the rings have and the color. The math skill that this material support would be learning how to count the number of rings the toy has and the shapes as well.
2.Shape sorter: An infant 0-18 months could use this toy to help them learn about the shapes, the different kinds that are there. It helps the infant try out the shapes on the different holes and see where each one fits. The math skill would be learning the different kinds of shapes but also the number of shapes the toy has.
3. Books/Song “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed” or “Wheels on the Bus”: The books help the infant with an adult to learn what the book is about, these books both have number included in them, for example, the monkeys on the bed it is a book that kids along love to count the number of monkeys left and the total amount of monkey. The math skill would be learning how to count numbers in a fun way.
4.Blocks: The infants would use the block to stack them up, sort by their color, make designs with them and learn their colors. The math skill they would develop would be how to count when they stack them up how much each stack has or the amount of each color block they used.
Stacking Rings- Babies can learn the different sizes and learn to stack from biggest to smallest or vice versa. Kids can also learn colors. I would recommend this toy for kids ages 0-18 months.
Shape Sorter- Kids 0-18months can learn not only the different colors, but different shapes as well. They can also learn what shapes fit in what spaces.
Books/Songs- When we sing songs and read books, children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols. They can later part take in imitative play because of this.
Blocks- Kids can learn to stack snd build different things. They can learn to sort basked on shape, height, or color. They can even learn how to count.
Stacking ring – can help an infant understand colors and counting , size and shapes.
Shape sorter-This toy can help a infant learn shapes and sizes and what fits where and colors and counting using numbers
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant helps them pick it up and to learn sounds and sentences patterns are being promoted.
Blocks- stacking blocks on top of eachother learning the shapes and colors and understanding relationships with materials.
Stacking Rings- Babies 6-18 months can use this toy to learn how to count and also learn the colors and the shape of this toy.
Shape sorter – Babies 8-18 months can use this toy to learn shapes and also learn how to put each shape into the right place.
Books- Babies 0-18 months can learn through you singing to them and also by looking at the pictures the baby can get an idea on what you are talking about.
Blocks- Babies 6-18 months can use these blocks to learn what size blocks goes first and what comes last and they can also learn colors and they can also count using these blocks.
Stacking Rings- An infant can identify the different sizes and colors they see. The toy teaches them how to count and how to understand the different shapes.
Shape sorter – An infant can identify the different shapes and colors. The toy teaches them how to understand how things can fix into other things.
Book/songs – An infant can identify the different songs and pictures. Books and songs can teach infants feelings and they can also see all the different colors there are.
Blocks- An infant can have the ability to build and stack things on top of each other. It teaches infants the relationship with other materials.
Stacking Ring- Babies can stack the rings biggest to smallest or by color
Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols.
Blocks- Infant children can have the ability to build and stack things on top of each other. It helps infants learn the relationship with other materials.
Stacking Ring- Babies can stack the rings biggest to smallest or by color
Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols.
Blocks- Infants can stack these blocks and line them up. It teaches them which blocks come first as well as colors and how to count numbers.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with stack rings is how to structure little to big and big to little with the different size rings. They can learn numeracy by counting each piece when placing it on the rod in the middle.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with a shape sorter is geometric shapes and understanding the shapes. Like circles, rectangles, squares, etc and they can know where exactly to place them.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with books and songs is how to count. They have numbers song where the child and parents count numbers from 0 to 10. There is also books that have to do with counting shapes, things, and food. This helps with the math skill of pattern and numeracy.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with blocks is numeracy and patterns. They can count each block, how many blocks are their each color,and which block would fit perfectly with the other one.
Stacking ring: An infant can use this to stack rings through the fixed structure. Or they can just mouthed the rings if they are younger. This promotes numeracy and relationship. They can learn to count, and understand colors, size, and shapes, for older infants.
Shape sorter: An infant can use this to place the appropriate shape through the appropriate space of cube. This promotes symbols and understanding relationships. Child can learn shapes, colors, sizes, trial and error.
Book/songs: An infant can use books/songs with the help of adults to repeat words to a song, or repeat words that or being read to them. This promotes patterns. They can learn about characters, and symbolic awareness.
Blocks: An infant can use this to stack the blocks on top of each other. They can also group the shapes together and sort color. This promotes understanding relationship between materials. The child can learn repetition and what to expect next.
Deb — Thanks for your responses! You have many creative ideas! The stacking rings can also be used for order/ seriation (putting objects in order based on size — smallest to largest, tallest to shortest, biggest to smallest, etc.)
1. Stacking ring-stack on top of each other through the structure, try to eat the rings, they can also learn the colors of each ring, and count the rings. Numeracy and Relationship it promotes.
2. Shape sorter- Figure out what the shapes are, match them in the right space. Symbols and understanding relationships are promoted.
3. Book/Songs- With help from an adult they can learn new words/sentences, and songs by being read to. Patterns is promoted
4. Blocks- Stack blocks on top of each other, learn the shape and colors. Understanding relationship with materials
Tiana — Thanks for your post! The books promote patterns because they are repetitious! Which object would promote seriation — putting objects in order based on size (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.)? Which object besides the shape sorter helps children learn about symbols?
Stacking rings- A baby can stack the rings one by one on top of each other. The math skills this material supports is understanding relationships and numeracy. They count how many rings they are and notice the different colors and sizes of the rings.
Shape sorter- a baby can try to fit the right shape in it’s place. The math skills this material supports is symbols and understanding relationships because they are learning about the size and shapes.
Books/songs- a baby can observe the pictures in the book or just listen to the. The math skills this material supports is symbols by looking at the pictures.
blocks- a baby can stack them up or just throw them. they can separate them by color or even count how many they have. The math skills this material supports is patterns and numeracy. they can count and notice how each block has a different color.
Solanny — Thanks for sharing your insights! Yes, the books have symbols! For the shape sorter, putting the rings in order by size is called seriation (relationships between concrete materials). For the blocks, separating them by color is sorting (relationships between concrete materials).
Stacking Rings – Children at the age of 0-18 months would us this toy to put the nibble on the rings, some may be able to count as they stack the rings (Numeracy). Some may be able to identity the shape or the colors of the rings and some may be able to know the difference in the wood stand and the plastic rings (Understanding relationships between concrete materials & Patterns)
Shape Sorter – Children at the age of 0-18 months may be able to place the shape in the correct location on the sorter, some may be able to identify the different colors, shapes and sizes. They may also be able to compare each object (Understanding relationships between concrete materials & Patterns)
Books – Children at the age of 0-18 months may be able to Identify words, colors and pictures in the book. (Patterns& Symbols)
Blocks – Children at the age of 0-18 months may put these blocks on their mouth. Some may be able to stack and count the blocks (Numeracy). Some may be able to identify the different colors (Patterns) and some may be able to sort or organize the block base on attributes (Understanding relationships between concrete materials)
Erica — Thanks for sharing! Yes, babies can compare the shapes in the shape sorter! For the ring stacker, when babies put the rings on in size order (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.) that’s called seriation — relationships between concrete materials.
1). Stacking Rings: A 0-18 months old baby can use this material to grab the rings or cups and try to fit them over the cone, they are able to learn important eye coordination, as well as movement with both arms and hands. Stacking Rings assist sitting and general mobility, but also teaches skills such as arm and hand movements. Also course perceptual skills like colors, sizes, shapes, relative positions, counting many more.
2). Shape Sorter: A 0-18 month old baby can use this material to manipulate the shapes to correctly fit into their holes and then once the container fills, they dump them back out again. There are many benefits of toddler shape sorters. Besides the obvious benefit of exposing toddlers to various shapes and colors, shape sorters have other benefits as well. They improve finger dexterity and help children hone their fine motor skills. It also helps young toddlers cause and effect and object performance. When they put the shape through the hole, it disappears, but once they look in the container, it’s still there.
3). Book/Songs: A baby 0-18 years old month can use a book with the help of an adult to help the development of language skills. The math skills this material supports is colors, shapes and patterns that are shown in the book through pictures.
4). Blocks: A baby 0-18 years old moth can use blocks to stock one on top of the other. Blocks can help children learn to take turns and develop self esteem. Due to many shapes, sizes, blocks offer many opportunities for children to practice important math skills, covering measurements, number, symmetry, balance and estimation, by comparing shapes and sizes, creating or providing measuring and weighing tools, we can extend play and exploration. Blocks also help children improve their ability to manipulate 2D and 3D objects in their head which can help them in math later in life.
Edisa — Thanks for your very descriptive account of how babies can use the materials ! You included fine motor & cognitive skills as well as math skills! The concept of relative position (biggest to smallest, tallest to shortest, etc.) is called seriation, which is part of understanding relationships between objects. The shape sorter supports relationships between concrete materials, such as shape and comparing. The books have symbols have patterns.
1. Stacking rings: Babies are able to stack colorful rings on top of each other. This type of toy encourages the child to practice his math skills in the way that they can count it and learn numbers. They are able to differentiate colors and sizes as well.
2. Shape sorter: This type of toy encourages the child to find out what are the shapes. The child can also match chapes an place them in the right space. Children can learn the symbols and understanding relationships are promoted.
3. Book/songs: When we reed books and sing songs to a child, we make sure to repeat words and parts of song so that the child learns words, and images as well.
4. Blocks: When infants play with blocks, they can piles them up, putting them on top of each other. They are able to learn shapes and colors.This type of toy incentives the child to learn about balance, colors and also math, as we count the blocks, supporting the child’s learning process.
Juli — Thanks for sharing your insights! Yes, the ring stack helps babies to distinguish sizes, which is part of relationships between concrete materials! Ordering materials from smallest to largest or shortest to tallest is called seriation. The books have repetitious elements, which are patterns as well as the images, which are symbols.
1. Stacking rings: Babies 0-18 months can learn how to stack rings on top of one another. As babies gradually grow up, they would learn about colors, shapes and sizes. They would learn that a ring is of a shape like this, it is circular and comes in different colors as well.
2. Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
3. Book/songs: This would teach babies age 0-18 about songs that they can repeat after. Also pattern and number books would teach them counting and line formation.
4. Blocks: This would teach them how to balance objects on top of one another. It would also teach them about shapes and how a bigger object goes to the bottom and smaller ones are arranged on top of it.
1. Stacking rings: An infant ages 0-18 months would be beneficial for active babies that can sit, crawl. The toy helps them learn to stack rings but also it helps them learn about the different sizes the rings have and the color. The math skill that this material support would be learning how to count the number of rings the toy has and the shapes as well.
2.Shape sorter: An infant 0-18 months could use this toy to help them learn about the shapes, the different kinds that are there. It helps the infant try out the shapes on the different holes and see where each one fits. The math skill would be learning the different kinds of shapes but also the number of shapes the toy has.
3. Books/Song “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed” or “Wheels on the Bus”: The books help the infant with an adult to learn what the book is about, these books both have number included in them, for example, the monkeys on the bed it is a book that kids along love to count the number of monkeys left and the total amount of monkey. The math skill would be learning how to count numbers in a fun way.
4.Blocks: The infants would use the block to stack them up, sort by their color, make designs with them and learn their colors. The math skill they would develop would be how to count when they stack them up how much each stack has or the amount of each color block they used.
Stacking Rings- Babies can learn the different sizes and learn to stack from biggest to smallest or vice versa. Kids can also learn colors. I would recommend this toy for kids ages 0-18 months.
Shape Sorter- Kids 0-18months can learn not only the different colors, but different shapes as well. They can also learn what shapes fit in what spaces.
Books/Songs- When we sing songs and read books, children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols. They can later part take in imitative play because of this.
Blocks- Kids can learn to stack snd build different things. They can learn to sort basked on shape, height, or color. They can even learn how to count.
Stacking ring – can help an infant understand colors and counting , size and shapes.
Shape sorter-This toy can help a infant learn shapes and sizes and what fits where and colors and counting using numbers
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant helps them pick it up and to learn sounds and sentences patterns are being promoted.
Blocks- stacking blocks on top of eachother learning the shapes and colors and understanding relationships with materials.
Stacking Rings- Babies 6-18 months can use this toy to learn how to count and also learn the colors and the shape of this toy.
Shape sorter – Babies 8-18 months can use this toy to learn shapes and also learn how to put each shape into the right place.
Books- Babies 0-18 months can learn through you singing to them and also by looking at the pictures the baby can get an idea on what you are talking about.
Blocks- Babies 6-18 months can use these blocks to learn what size blocks goes first and what comes last and they can also learn colors and they can also count using these blocks.
Stacking Rings- An infant can identify the different sizes and colors they see. The toy teaches them how to count and how to understand the different shapes.
Shape sorter – An infant can identify the different shapes and colors. The toy teaches them how to understand how things can fix into other things.
Book/songs – An infant can identify the different songs and pictures. Books and songs can teach infants feelings and they can also see all the different colors there are.
Blocks- An infant can have the ability to build and stack things on top of each other. It teaches infants the relationship with other materials.
Stacking Ring- Babies can stack the rings biggest to smallest or by color
Shape Sorter- Babies can put the shapes where they go
Books/Songs- A different way of learning and counting
Blocks- Babies can stack the blocks or line them up
Stacking Ring- Babies can stack the rings biggest to smallest or by color
Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols.
Blocks- Infant children can have the ability to build and stack things on top of each other. It helps infants learn the relationship with other materials.
Stacking Ring- Babies can stack the rings biggest to smallest or by color
Shape sorter: This object will teach babies age 0-18 about shape and intensity of objects. They would learn about promoting objects and also how each shape fits in a given space.
Book /songs-With the help of a caregiver sounding out the words to the infant children can learn different words, sounds, and symbols.
Blocks- Infants can stack these blocks and line them up. It teaches them which blocks come first as well as colors and how to count numbers.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with stack rings is how to structure little to big and big to little with the different size rings. They can learn numeracy by counting each piece when placing it on the rod in the middle.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with a shape sorter is geometric shapes and understanding the shapes. Like circles, rectangles, squares, etc and they can know where exactly to place them.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with books and songs is how to count. They have numbers song where the child and parents count numbers from 0 to 10. There is also books that have to do with counting shapes, things, and food. This helps with the math skill of pattern and numeracy.
Math skills babies from 0-18 months can learn with blocks is numeracy and patterns. They can count each block, how many blocks are their each color,and which block would fit perfectly with the other one.