These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:
- 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
- 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).
Questions for this touching base post:
- How are you doing?
- Who are you sharing your home with?
- How was the 1st week of distance learning for you?
How are you doing? I’m doing okay for the most part. Honestly I do not enjoy being in front of a computer screen for strenuous amount of hours. to avoid this, I try and stretch my legs in between. On the plus side, I’ve become a faster typer all of a sudden lol. I believe that the amount of posting/reading I have to do on a daily basis is making me lose interest in most of my courses. If possible, I would maybe like to see if their can be a downsize on the writing and more interactive activities. I believe we can still do messy play with simple everyday household items and maybe upload pictures of what we created. I also miss the getting to know each other skits and kahoots. Those are the things that made me look forward to coming to ECE class and made it fun. Other than that I’ve been stress eating more than usual, enjoying my family’s company, and trying to apply new things that I learn on my 3 year old. Still taking it one day at a time.
Who are you sharing your home with? I share my home with my husband, 2 sons (ages 3 and 12), and my niece (age 13). I have my hands full, but we’ll manage. I can do anything through Christ who strengthen me.
Hey Deborah, I agree with you I also miss those class times where we do Kahoots, catch up with each other and those messy plays. I also am spending most of my time doing homework and going on webs for my classes, screen time has definitely increased tremendously and it is not every enjoyable to just sit and read and write all the time. However hopefully everything goes back to normal as soon as possible and we can go back to all the fun times.
My sentiments exact Edisa, in hindsight though it was pretty cool to video chat with everyone last week, I’m looking forward to another kahoot.
Deb, I feel the same way. I too feel that most of our time nowadays is spent in front of a screen which is not healthy. There are no physical activities that we can do at this time, which I really feel bad about!
Vaishnavi this may not relate to ECE but I’ve been doing some Zumba at home as an exercise. They have some good ones on youtube.
Hey Deb! I totally agree with you, ECE 209 lecture was definitely my favorite class this semester, loved playing Kahoot and having messy play and hanging out with you guys, it’s sucks that we had to move it towards online but it’s was what had to be done in a time like this so. Stay safe!
I’m certain it will remain one of your Favorite classes, moving to online does limit us but we can still get creative! Stay safe as well. 🙂
I can totally relate to all that you’re dealing with Deb. I myself have been eating a lot and my eyes hurt after being in front of the computer all day. Let’s just hope for the best, I’m here if you need me, call or text me.
Stay safe!
Stay safe and sanitize!
Good tip!
Thanks Erica I know I can always depend on you for a good chat ! 🙂 You stay safe as well.
Deb — Thanks for sharing! I am sorry that things became so monotonous all the sudden. It sounds like things are becoming boring… I can add some ice breakers/ community building activities (they will most likely be posts though, sorry). We can try to do some virtual messy play. I can create Kahoots too. Can we chat about this on Tuesday?
Of course, looking forward to our chat on Tuesday! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
1). I am hanging on there. I cant say I am enjoining all these online classes, because it is overwhelming trying to manage everything. Every professor has many expectations, however as days are passing by I am becoming more comfortable and getting used to this change. I hope everything goes back to normal as soon as possible and we can survive this semester.
2). I live with my mother only. I have an older sister as well she is married and lives right next to me. So I see her almost everyday as well.
Stay safe everyone and stay home as much as possible.
Edisa, I am glad that you are doing okay. I agree with the expectations that you mentioned our teachers have but I also feel that this is all new to us. We will get through this!!
Hey Vaishnavi, thanks for responding. Most definitely I agree with you all of us are going to get through this, its just a matter of time and adjustments.
Online classes are tough but we’ll get throught!
Keyla most definitely. Stay safe :).
Edisa — Thanks for your post! It sounds like you are developing a rhythm & routine for your distance learning classes. That is so great that your sister lives right next door– how great!
Hi how are you jen im hanging in there day by day. Im trying to get as much work done.Overall im feeling okay getting the rest i need . Im staying with a roommate. Everyone please stay safe and stay inside and stay hydrated we will get through this .
Hi Sarah,
glad you’re feeling well and that you’re safe. Take it easy!
Sarah — Thanks for sharing. I am happy you are getting rest! That is something good that is happening out of all of this!
How are you doing? – I am doing okay, just a little overwhelmed with the situation out there. This distant learning is a little hard as I feel that in order to balance out the assignments, our professors are giving us a little more work than usual. Apart from this, I am hanging in there and I really hope all this gets sorted soon.
Who are you sharing your home with? – I am staying with my uncle and aunt. We all are overwhelmed as we are home all day which does not seem normal to any of us.
How was the 1st week of distance learning for you? – So far, I think that it is manageable. I also feel that nowadays most of my time is spent in front of a screen either on my laptop or my phone – completing assignments and binge watching shows.
Hi Vavi
I agree that a lot of my time is being spent in front of my screen getting work done
Hey Vavi, I think we all are feeling the same, I just mention to Deb all this screen time is making my eyes hurt, but we can get through this. When I do get a break I do a puzzle, color or play games with my kids, it seems to help. Maybe, you, your aunt and uncle can try doing some of these activities to keep you guys balanced out. Hope it gets better.
Stay Safe!
Hey Vavi, I also feel that my professors are giving me more work than usual but we all can get through this.
Vavi — Thanks for your post! Ugh — I am sorry your professors are giving you more work than usual! I hope I am not 1 of those professors! Yes, it seems that everyone is spending a lot more time at home with their housemates then they are accustomed to! What are you binge watching?
I just finished – How to get away with murder. I will now start watching Money heist!!
How are you doing? – This is such a great question. I can honestly say that I’m holding up well. I am a little over whelmed by everything that is going on being that all of my classes are online and this week the virus will be at it’s peak, but I am taking it one day at a time and trying my best not to stress.
Who are you sharing your home with? I’m sharing my home with my two brothers, sister, mom, and stepdad.
How was your 1st week of distant learning? – My first week was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It is a bit over whelming but talking to my professors about everything is helping me out a lot.
Stay safe.. Stay healthy.. Stay home!
Same here not as bad as I thought it was going to be but I know it’s definitely going to get easy. Stay safe!
I live by that motto! All we could really do is take it one day at a time and try to stay as stress free as possible. Stay safe and healthy as well 🙂
Aalyah — Thanks for sharing. Everything is overwhelming now — with distance learning and COVID-19, etc. Your mantra of taking it 1 day at a time is a good 1 — sometimes I just have to take it 1 hour at a time. Are your brothers younger or older?
Hi Jen, honestly I am doing great, yeah things are overwhelming with everything that’s happening right now and classes now being online it’s a lot however I’m happy that everyone I love is healthy and doing good, I have the things I need to get my school work done and survive during this time. But How are you?.
I am sharing my home with my mother, younger sister, cat and two turtles.
The first week of social distancing has not been as difficult as I expected it to be, figuring out the ways assignments are going to be handed in, how classes will meet etc hasn’t been that hard so, it’ll be easier as time goes by.
Hi Amairany, I love your positive attitude! In fact today I woke up feeling more ready than ever to tackle my assignments. I agree the most important thing is knowing that your love ones are safe and healthy. I slowly getting the hang of things.
Amairany — Thanks for your post! I am happy you are doing great! I am glad your loved ones are safe and healthy! A cat & 2 turtles — wow! You seem to have a positive attitude about this, which is great!
How are you doing? I am better now, last week was hard for me, I assumed having all my classes online would be fine for me, considering I have done online classes before, but when my kids school closed, that’s when I started to get a bit nervous. Trying to find time to get all my work done for all my classes, along with trying to help a 5th grader get through her work, while my son is napping can be challenging, but I’m trying to be positive and find ways around it. As the days go by I feel our routine is getting better, so we’ll see how it’s going in a few more weeks.
Who are you sharing your home with? Me, my daughter & my son
How was the 1st week of distance learning for you? The first few days was okay, then it was a few days later when I learned my kids school would be closed. That’s when I became nervous and the rest of the week got really stressful for me, but I am better now.
I definatly agree, I couldn’t imagine dealing with all my work and having to also check up on kids your amazing. We got this girl hopefully it will end soon. Take care of you and your family :).
Erica — Thanks for your post! It sounds like you have your hands full! I am happy you seem to be developing a groove and routine. How old are your children? Glad the stress is reducing!
How are you doing? I am doing fine now. Thank god I caught up with all my work that I was missing for most of my classes and doing everything that I have to do. I thought I would be fine because I have done online classes before but it’s more stressful than I thought. Some of my assignments couldn’t open on my laptop so I was unable to do some of my work but everything is good now.
Who are you sharing your home with? I share a home with my 3 sisters and mother.
How was the 1st week of distance learning for you? The first week of distance learning for me was very stressful especially because my sleeping schedule got crazy and I haven’t slept throughout the night ever since last week. One of my professors will be video chatting twice a week for my class at 8am and I cannot be up at that time because I usually sleep at 3 in the morning. My sleeping schedule is the only thing I need to fix now.
Solanny — Thanks for your post! That’s wonderful that you were able to catch up on assignments! I am sorry that the transition to distance learning has been more stressful then you expected. Good to hear the tech issues you were having resolved. Good luck with your sleeping schedule — we could text at 3 AM some days, because I am up too….
Im doing good bored of staying home
Sharing my home with my siblings and mom my dad is at work
1st week of distance learning was a bit confusing but its easier now
Kayla — Thanks for sharing! I am sorry you are bored; that’s not fun. How many siblings? Good that distance learning is easier now!
I’m doing ok. Being quarantined in the house is both good and bad for certain reasons. However keeping up with classes is certainly not easy. I find myself more stressed though because of distance learning. But I’m trying to do my best to keep up because I do want to pass my classes. It’s hard though. But the good news is that I get to be around my grandmother more and help around the house a lot more since my family and I are all still in the process of setting things up in my family’s new house.
I have reviewed this module