Module 1 Introductions Activity #1: Scavenger Hunt

After exploring the OpenLab site and reading the Syllabus, Assignment Guidelines, Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 209-Lecture, answer the following questions:

  1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
  2. What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
  3. What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    1. When are the papers and projects due?
    2. How many points is each paper or project worth?
  4. How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
  5. Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
  6. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
  7. What are my office hours?
  8. What are the ways you can reach me?
  9. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
  10. What should you do if you have a question for me?
  11. When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
  12. When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    1. Curriculum in Infants Classrooms?
    2. Attachment?
    3. Cognitive development?

33 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Activity #1: Scavenger Hunt”

  1. 1). My grade will be determined by my completion of ECE 209 Seminar, the points that I will earn in ECE 209 lecture, and my self-assessment for ECE 209
    2). The criteria that each paper and project must meet to earn points is that you must meet every element in the Learners section of the assessment rubic.
    3). The paper and the projects that are due are the Reflections on Respect, the Observation Paper,s and the 5 part Infant Case Study.
    Reflections on Respect Paper- 1 point- due 2/25
    Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report- 1 point- due 3/4 at 11:59 pm
    Interview with the Family of an Infant Paper- 1 point-due 3/18 at 11:59 pm
    Observation of an Infant Paper- 1 Point-due 4/8 at 11:59 pm
    Commentary Paper Final- 1 point-due 4/8 at 11:59pm
    4) You should submit the paper on Blackboard as a word document.
    5). 2 places where you can find out when work for ECE 209 lecture is due are the Spring 2021 Course guide and Open Lab.
    6) If I have a technical issue with Open Lab, I should contact BMCC’s e-learning center. If I can’t complete an assignment by a certain due date, I will contact Professor Longley and inform her before the due date.
    7) Professor Longely’s office hours are Wednesdays from 9-10:30 am and Fridays from 12:30-2 pm
    8). You can reach Professor Longley by phone: 212-220-1321 (office), 917-318-3133(cell), or by
    9) You should include the word “Hi” when replying to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab.
    10) If I have a question for Professor Longely, I will email her, call her, or text her.
    11) Each module is due on Thursdays
    12) ECE 209-L will focus on:
    Curriculum in Infant Classrooms in Module 14
    Attachment in Module 5
    Cognitive Development in Module 10

    1. Diamunique — Thanks for your comment. Numbering your responses to correspond to the questions make it easier to read! The Commentary Papers are due in May. The Calendar in OpenLab also lists when work is due. When replying to a colleague using the word “Hi” creates a warm, friendly environment; please also use the word “because”. I wonder, what are the dates for Modules 14, 5, and 10?

  2. 1. My grade will be determined by my completion of ECE 209 seminar, the point I earn from 209 lecture, the self-assessment for ECE 209.
    2. Each paper and project must meet the requirement in the assignment rubric.
    3. The papers and projects due is Reflections on Respect 1 point, Infant/Family Case study 5 points, commentary paper 1 point.
    Reflection on respect 2/25 11:59 pm.
    Initial contact with the family on an infant report 3/4 11:59 pm.
    Interview the family of an infant paper. 3/18 11:59 pm.
    Observation of an infant paper. 4/8 11:59 pm.
    4. you should submit a paper for ECE 209 lecture on blackboard.
    5. I can find when work is due for ECE 209 lecture on course guide, remind app.
    6. If I have a technical issue with Open lab, I should contact the BMCC Service Desk or reach out to Professor Jen Longley.
    7. Professor Jen Longley office hours are Wednesday 9-11 am and Friday 12:30 pm-1:30 pm.
    8. Other ways to reach Professor Jen Longley is to Email at or phone 917/318-3133.
    9. I should say Hi.
    10. I should reach out to you during your office hours, Email, Text.
    11. The modules for ECE 209-Lecture due every Thursday.
    12. ECE 209 lecture will focus on
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms module 14
    Attachment module 5
    Cognitive development module 10

    1. Elizabeth — Thanks for your comment. Numbering your responses make them easier to find! I will always let you know what is due on the Remind app. Saying “hi” in your responses to colleagues’ in your reply creates a warm tone; I wonder, what word will foster dialogue? I wonder, what specific requirements of the rubric do you papers need to meet to earn 1 point?

  3. 1. Your grade will be determined by the successful completion of ECE 209 seminar, the points you earn in ECE 209 lecture an your self assessment for ECE 209.
    2. Each paper and project must meet at least the “learner” criteria to earn points in ECE 209
    3. The papers do for ECE 209 lecture are the reflection on respect, interview with the family paper, observation of an infant paper and commentary paper.
    Reflection on respect is due 2/25 Observation of an infant paper is due 4/8, interview with the family paper is due 3/18 and the commentary paper is due 5/13. The reflection on respect is worth 1 point and the others are worth 1 point combined.
    4. You should submit a paper for ECE 209 lecture on blackboard under assignments
    5. Two places you can find work for ECE 209 lecture is on open lab and the course guide
    6. If you have technical issues with open lab and/ or cannot complete assignments by due date, contact Jen and or the E-learning center depending on the issue
    7. Jen office hours are Wednesdays (9am-10:30am) and Fridays (12:30 pm-2:00pm)
    8. The best ways the reach Jen are by phone, text, email, facetime, whatsapps.
    9. You should include the word “Hi” when replying to a comment written by a colleague on open lab
    10. If I have a question for you will reach out to you Via contact information given.
    11. 11. The modules are due Thursdays 11:59 each week
    12. ECE 209 will focus on:
    Curriculum in infants Classrooms and Play 5\7
    Attachment 2/26
    Cognitive development 4/9.

    1. Mel — Thanks for your comment! Numbering your responses makes it easy to determine which question you are answering. Using the word “hi” to respond to colleagues is warm and welcoming; I wonder, what word should you you to foster dialogue in the discussions?

    2. Mel — Thanks for your comment! Numbering your responses makes it easy to determine which question you are answering. Using the word “hi” to respond to colleagues create s a warm & welcoming space; I wonder, what word should you you to foster dialogue in the discussions?

  4. 1)How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture? My grade will be determined by the completion of the ECE 209 seminar, the self reflection for ECE 209 seminar, and the points i earned from ECE 209 lecture.
    2)What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209? Each paper and project must meet the requirements of the assignment rubric.
    3)What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture? Reflections on respect due 2/25, Initial contact with family
    When are the papers and projects due?
    How many points is each paper or project worth?
    How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    What are my office hours?
    What are the ways you can reach me?
    What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    What should you do if you have a question for me?
    When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms?
    Cognitive development?

  5. 1)How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture? My grade will be determined by the completion of the ECE 209 seminar, the self reflection for ECE 209 seminar, and the points i earned from ECE 209 lecture.
    2)What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209? Each paper and project must meet the requirements of the assignment rubric.
    3)What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture? Reflections on respect due 2/25 1 point, Initial contact with family of infant due 3/4 1 point, Infant observation due 4/18 1 point , commentary paper due 5/13 1 point
    4)How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture? You should submit your papers in blackboard.
    5)Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture. I can find work on open lab and course guide.
    6)What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date? I can contact the professor and the e learning center.
    7)What are my office hours? Wednesday 9 am-10:30am and Friday 12:30 pm – 2pm
    8)What are the ways you can reach me? Text and email.
    9)What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab? You should include the word Hi.
    10)What should you do if you have a question for me? If i have a question i will reach or via text or email or set an appointment during office hours.
    11)When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture? Thursdays at 11:59 pm
    12)When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms? module 14
    Attachment? module 5
    Cognitive development? module 10

    1. Brittany — Thanks for your comment. Numbering your responses makes it easier to know which question you are replying to. Using the word “hi” in your reply to a colleague creates a warm and welcoming environment: I wonder, what word will foster deeper discussion and dialogue in the post?

  6. 1.How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture? My grade will be determined by my completion of ECE 209-Seminar, the points I earn in ECE 209-Lecture and my self-assessment for ECE 209.

    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209? You must at least meet the “leaners” section of the assessment rubric.

    3.What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture? The Reflections on Respect, The Observation Paper, and the Infant/Family Case Study.

    4.When are the papers and projects due? Reflections on Respect Paper- due 2/25, Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report is due 3/4 at 11:59pm, Interview with the Family of an Infant Report- due on 3/18 at 11:59pm, Observation of an Infant Paper- due on 4/8 at 11:59pm, and the Commentary Paper Final- due 4/8 at 11:59pm

    5.How many points is each paper or project worth? Each paper is worth 1 point.

    6.How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture? On blackboard as a word document

    7.Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture? On the Spring 2021 Course guide or/and Open Lab.

    8.What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date? You should contact BMCC’s e-learning center. If I will not be able to complete an assignment by the due date for any reason, I will contact Professor Jen Longley and let her know before the due date.

    9.What are my office hours? Wednesday’s from 9:00am-10:30am and on Friday’s from 12:30pm-2pm

    10.What are the ways you can reach me? By phone at 212-220-1321 (Office) or 917-318-3133 (cell), or by email:

    11.What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab? You should include the word “Hi” when you are replying to a comment that is written by a colleague on Open Lab.

    12.What should you do if you have a question for me? If I have any questions I will email professor Longley, call, text or FaceTime or zoom.

    13.When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture? Each module will be due on Thursdays by 11:59pm

    When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms? In module 14

    14.Attachment? Module 5

    15.Cognitive development? Module 10

    1. Selanie — Thanks for creating this comment. You copied the questions, which makes it easier to know what you are responding to when you answer. Using the word “hi” in your reply to a colleagues’ post creates a warm learning environment; I wonder, which word will spur richer discussion?

  7. 1)Your grade will be determined by how you do in ECE209 seminar and the lecture also the self assessment.
    2)For the paper’s they must meet the “learner” on the rubric.
    3)The pacers due for ECE209 are the reflection on respect, interview with the family, observation on an infant and the commentary paper.
    Due dates are 2/25 for reflection on respect
    4/8 observation on an infant
    3/18 interview with the family
    5/13 commentary paper
    Reflection paper is worth one point and the rest are worth one point combined.
    4) To submit a paper it should be on blackboard under assignments.
    5)The first place to find work on would be on the website open lab and second would be the course guide.
    6)If you are having technical issues and aren’t able to complete the work you should contact professor Longley and the E-learning center to let them know your situation.
    7)Professor Longley hours are Wednesday 9am-10:30am also Fridays at 12:30pm-2pm
    8)The most convenient ways to contact professor Longley would be text, phone, email and etc.
    9)A word you should included when replying to a comment written by a colleague on open lab would be “Hello”
    10)If I have a question I can always contact you through text, email and etc
    11)Modules are due on Thursday at 11:50 every week
    12)ECE 209 will focus on
    Curriculum infant classroom and play 5/7
    Attachment 2/26
    Cognitive Development 4/9

    1. Leslie– Thanks for creating this comment. Numbering your responses makes it easier to know what questions you are responding to when you answer. Using the word “hello” in your reply to a colleagues’ post creates a friendly learning environment; I wonder, which word will foster richer discussion?

  8. 1.How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    My grade will be determined by the completion of the ECE 209 seminar, the self reflection for ECE 209 seminar, and the points earned from ECE 209 lecture.

    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    Each paper and project must meet the requirements of the assignment rubric.

    3)What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Reflections on respect due 2/25 1 point, Initial contact with family of infant due 3/4 1 point, Infant observation due 4/18 1 point , commentary paper due 5/13 1 point

    4)How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    You should submit your papers in blackboard.

    5)Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture.
    I can find work on open lab and on course guide.

    6)What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    I can contact the professor and the e learning center.

    7)What are my office hours?
    Wednesday 9 am-10:30am and Friday 12:30 pm – 2pm

    8)What are the ways you can reach me?
    I can text and email you.

    9)What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    You should include the word Hi.

    10)What should you do if you have a question for me?
    If I have a question I will reach, via text, email or set an appointment during office hours.

    11)When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Thursdays at 11:59 pm

    12)When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms? module 14
    Attachment? module 5
    Cognitive development? module 10

    1. Madelin — Thanks for your comment. You copied the questions and posted your responses after that, which makes it easier to know which questions you are responding to. In addition to the Course Guide, you can use the Calendar to find out what is due each week. The word “Hi” will help to build relationships between your colleagues; I wonder, which word will help to foster deeper conversations in the activities?

  9. 1) How will your grade be determined for ECE 209 Lecture?
    Our grade for ECE 209 Lecture will be determined by 3 parts, Completion of 209-Seminar, the points earned in Lecture, and our self assessment for ECE 209.

    2) What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    Papers and projects must meet the “Learned” criteria in the Assignment Guidelines.

    3)What papers and projects are due for ECE 209 Lecture?
    -When are the paper and projects due and how much are they worth?
    The papers and projects that are due for ECE 209 Lecture are, Reflections on respect paper (Due 2/25 worth 1 point), interview with a family paper(Due 3/4 worth 1 pint), observation of an infant paper( Due 3/18 worth 1 point), and the commentary paper (Due 5/13 worth 1 point).

    4)How should you submit your work for ECE 209 Lecture?
    Students should submit their work through Blackboard.

    5)Name 2 places where you can find work for ECE 209 Lecture.
    I can find work for ECE 209 Lecture on OpenLab and or the Course Guide.

    6)What should you do if you have a technical difficulty with Open lab and or cannot complete the assignment by the due date?
    Contact the professor and let them know what is going on and let the E- learning center know what’s going on as well.

    7)What are my office hours?
    Your office hours are Wednesday 9-10:30am and Friday 12:30-2:00pm. If those times don’t work, we can contact you to set something else up for an appointment.

    8) What are the ways you can reach me?
    We will be able to reach you by text, email, phone, what’s app, the remind app and FaceTime.

    9)What words should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on OpenLab?
    Students should include the word Hi.

    10)What should you do if you have a question for me?
    If students have a question for you we should email you and or use another method of contact to ask.

    11)When are Modules due each week for ECE 209 Lecture?
    Modules are due every week on Thursday at 11:59pm.

    12)When will ECE 209 Lecture focus on:
    – Curriculum in Infants Classroom(5/7)
    -Cognitive Development (4/9)

    1. Zoe — Thanks for your comment in this activity. You copied the question and posted your response after, which makes it easy to know what you are responding to. Using the word “hi” in your reply to a colleague’s comment creates a warm & welcoming learning community; I wonder, what word will promote deeper discussion?

  10. 1. Our grades will be determined by the completion of ECE-209 Seminar, points that are earned in ECE 209-Lecture and the self-assessment.

    2. The criteria that each paper and project must meet to earn points is to meet each element in the Learners section of the assessment rubric.

    3. The papers and projects that are due for ECE-209 Lecture are:
    Reflections on Respect Paper, 1 point due 2/19-2/25
    Interview with a Family Paper, 1 point due 3/12-3/18
    Observation of an Infant Paper, 1 point due 3/26-04/08
    Commentary Paper, 1 point due 05/07-05/13

    4. You should submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture on Blackboard as a Word document.

    5. Two places you can find out when the work is due for ECE 209- Lecture are on the Course Guide or Open Lab.

    6. If you come across a technical issue with Open Lab contact BMCC’s Learning Center. If you can’t complete an assignment by the due date, contact Professor Longley.

    7. Professor Longley’s office hours are Wednesday’s from 9AM to 10:30AM and Friday’s from 12:30PM to 2PM and other times by appointment.

    8. Other ways you can reach Professor Longley is by phone, text or email.

    9. The word you should include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab is “Hi”.

    10. If you have a question for Professor Longley you could reach out to her during her office hours, email or phone.

    11. The modules are due each Thursday at 11:59PM.

    12. ECE209-Lecture will focus on
    Curriculum in Infants Classroom on Module 14
    Attachment on Module 5
    Cognitive Development on Module 10

    1. Brenda — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Numbering your answers to the questions makes it easier to follow which question you are answering. Using the word “hi” in your reply to a colleague’s comment is polite and creates a warm environment; I wonder, what word will promote deeper conversation?

  11. 1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture? My grade will be determined by the completion of the ECE 209 seminar, the self-reflection for the ECE 209 seminar, and the points I earned from the ECE 209 lecture.
    2. What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209? Each paper and project must meet the requirements of the assignment rubric.
    3. What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture? The papers and the projects that are due are Reflections on Respect 2/25 1 point, Interview the family of an infant paper 3/18 1 point, Observation of an infant paper 4/8 1 point, and the Commentary paper 5/13 1 point.
    4. How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture? To submit a paper it should be on blackboard under assignments as a word document.
    5. Name at least 2 places where you can find when working for ECE 209-Lecture? Two places you can find work for ECE 209 lecture are on open lab and the course guide.
    6. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date? I can contact the professor and the E-Learning c=Center.
    7. What are my office hours? Wednesday 9 am-10:30 am and Friday 12:30 pm – 2 pm
    8. What are the ways you can reach me? By cellphone, voice call, text, WhatsApp, Facetime, and email.
    9. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab? You should include the word “HI” when you are replying to a comment that is written by a colleague on Open Lab.
    10. What should you do if you have a question for me? If I have a question I can always contact you through email, call, text, or facetime.
    11. When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture? Each module will be due on Thursdays by 11:59 pm
    12. When will ECE 209-L focus on:
    The curriculum in Infants Classrooms? Module 14 (5/7)
    Attachment? Module 5 (2/26)
    Cognitive development? Module 10 (4/9)

    1. Daniela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Numbering your answers to correspond to the questions makes it easier for the reader to know which question you are responding to. Using the word “hi” to reply to a colleague’s post encourages relationships and a friendly environment; I wonder, what word fosters deeper discussion?

  12. Hello Professor

    1) My grade will be determined by:
    1. My successful completion of ECE 209-Seminar
    2. The points I earn in ECE 209-Lecture 3
    3. My Self-Assessment for ECE 209

    2) My Commentary Paper must meet the criteria of a “Learner”

    3) My papers and projects for ECE 209-Lecture are due to:
    3.1 Reflection on respect is due 2/25
    Observation of an infant paper is due 4/8
    Interview with the family paper is due 3/18
    Commentary paper is due 5/13.
    3.2 The reflection on respect is worth 1 point and the others are worth 1 point combined.

    4) We will use Blackboard to submit papers and projects for ECE 209-Lecture

    5) I can find it on ECE 209 Lecture on OpenLab and or the Course Guide.

    6) If I have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due
    date I can contact you as soon as possible as well as the E-learning Center

    7) Professor Office hours: Wednesday 9-10:30 AM & Friday 12:30-2 PM

    8) I can reach you by
    1.cell phone at 917/318-3133, for voice call, text, What’s App, FaceTime, etc. at
    3. the Remind app, instruction

    9) When I reply to a comment written by a colleague, I Should use the word “because”

    10) If I have any question, I will always email you or text you.

    11) All modules are due on Thursdays by 11:59 pm each week

    Module 14- Curriculum in Infants Classroom. – 5/7
    Module 5 -Attachment. – 2/26
    Module 10 -Cognitive Development. – 4/9

    1. Marcela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The calendar also has the list of when assignments & modules are due. All papers, including your Commentary Paper, should meet “Learner” in all elements.

  13. 1. My grade will be determined by my completion of ECE 209 seminar, the point I earn from 209 lecture, the self-assessment for ECE 209.
    2. Every paper and project must meet the requirement in the assignment rubric.
    3. The papers and projects due are
    -Reflections on Respect 1 point, Infant/Family Case study 5 points, commentary paper 1 point.
    -Reflection on respect due 2/25 11:59 pm.
    -Initial contact with the family on an infant report due 3/4 11:59 pm.
    -Interview the family of an infant paper due 3/18 11:59 pm.
    -Observation of an infant paper due 4/8 11:59 pm.
    4. you need to submit a paper for ECE 209 lecture on blackboard.
    5. I can find when work is due for ECE 209 lecture on course guide and or the “remind app.”
    6. If I have a technical issue with Open lab, I should contact the BMCC Service Desk or reach out to Professor Jen Longley.
    7. Professor Jen Longley’s office hours are Wednesday 9-11 am and Friday 12:30 pm-1:30 pm.
    8. Other ways to reach Professor Jen Longley is to Email her at or phone 917/318-3133.
    9. I should say Hi.
    10. I should reach out to you during your office hours, Email, Text.
    11. The modules for ECE 209-Lecture are due every Thursday.
    12. ECE 209 lecture will focus on Curriculum in Infants Classrooms module 14
    Attachment module 5
    Cognitive development module 10

  14. Marielys, Thanks for your comment in this activity. You can reach out to me anytime. Saying “hi” in your replies to colleagues’ comments creates a warm & friendly environment; I wonder, what word will spur further dialogue? I wonder, what requirement should your paper meet in the rubric? The other paper you have to submit is your Commentary Paper.

  15. 1. My grade will be determined for ECE 209-Lecture by successful completion of ECE 209- seminar, the points you earn in ECE 209-Lecture, and your self assessment for ECE 209.

    2. The criteria that each paper and project must meet to earn points is that you must meet every element in the Learners section of the assessment rubic.

    3. The papers and projects that are due for ECE 209-Lecture are Reflections on respect paper, initial contact with the family of an infant report, interview the family of an infant report, and observation of an infant paper.

    The papers and projects due are
    -Reflections on Respect 1 point, Infant/Family Case study 5 points, commentary paper 1 point.
    -Reflection on respect due 2/25 11:59 pm.
    -Initial contact with the family on an infant report due 3/4 11:59 pm.
    -Interview the family of an infant paper due 3/18 11:59 pm.
    -Observation of an infant paper due 4/8 11:59 pm.

    1.When are the papers and projects due? Thursday’s by 11:59 PM (2/19-2/25) (2/26-¾) (3/12-3/18) (3/26-4/8)
    2.How many points is each paper or project worth? 1 point each 4 in total.

    4. You need to submit a paper for ECE 209 lecture on blackboard.

    5. At least 2 places where you can find work for ECE 209-Lecture would be Open lab (course guide) and blackboard

    6. If I have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date I should Email, text, call or the remind app. The Bmcc’s e learning center (Communication).

    7.Office hours are Wednesday 9-10:30 AM & Friday 12:30-2pm. Others by appointment.

    8.The ways I can reach you are by phone (office or cell), text, FaceTime, WhatsApp, google hangout, Skype, zoom, remind app and email.

    9.The word I should include in my reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab is by saying Hello for example: hello Jessica,. Or because.

    10. If I have a question for you there is a menu item entitled “Questions?” Post questions on there or ask via email, phone, zoom, remind, Skype, or google hangout.

    11. Modules are due each week for ECE 209-Lecture every Thursday of each week at 11:59 PM.

    12. ECE 209 lecture will focus on Curriculum in Infants Classrooms module 14
    Attachment module 5
    Cognitive development module 10

  16. 1.How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?

    My grade will be determined by my completion of ECE 209 Seminar, the points that I will earn in ECE 209 lecture, and my self-assessment for ECE 209.

    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?

    Each paper and project must meet requirements of the assignment title, at least the “learner” criteria to earn points in ECE 209.

    3.What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?

    1.When are the papers and projects due?

    2.How many points is each paper or project worth?

    Reflections on respect paper is due 2/25 and earn 1 point,

    Initial contact with family of infant is due 3/4 and earn 1 point,

    Infant observation is due 4/18 and earn 1 point,

    commentary paper is due 5/13 and earn 1 point.

    4.How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?

    Students should submit their work through Blackboard under assignment.

    5.Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture

    The two places students can find their assignments are Open Lab and Course guide.

    6.What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?

    If student has a technical issue, she/he should contact BMCC’s E-learning Centre. Also. If student cannot complete assignments by the due dates, she/he should contact professor Longley and inform her before due dates.

    7.What are my office hours?

    Professor Longley’s office hours are Wednesdays from 9-10:30 am and Fridays from 12:30-2 pm, other times by appointments.

    8. What are the ways you can reach me?

    Students can reach professor Longley:

    By email at

    by phone, text, FaceTime, What’s App at 917/318-3133

    through the Remind app —students can join using the directions below or following this link

    9. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?

    Students should include worlds “Hi” and “Because” in their reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab.

    10. What should you do if you have a question for me?

    If a student has a question for the professor, he/she should use all means of communication indicated to communicate with the professor: Email, Call or Text her.

    11.When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?

    Each module is due every Thursdays at 11:59 pm.

    12. When will ECE 209-L focus on:

    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms?


    Cognitive development?

    ECE 209-Lecture will focus on:

    – Curriculum in Infants Classroom (5/7), module 14.
    -Attachment (2/26), module 5.
    -Cognitive Development (4/9), module 10.

  17. ECE Lecture Notes

    Hello Everyone,

    1. My grade will be determined by successfully completing ECE-209 Seminar, by setting and monitoring goals that I wish to achieve, and conferencing with Jen to discuss achieving goals and the grade I should receive and why.

    2. Every paper and project must meet requirements that are in the assignment rubric.

    3. The papers and projects due are
    1. Reflections on Respect (1 point and due 9/15 11:59pm),
    2. Observation Paper (1 point and due 10/27 11:59pm),
    3. Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report (1 point, due 9/29 11:59pm),
    4. Interview with the Family of an Infant Paper (1 point and due 10/13 at 11:59pm),
    5. Commentary Paper Final (1 point and due 12/8 11:59pm)

    4. Submit your papers on Blackboard as a word document.

    5. The Course Guide and Open Lab

    6. If I have a technical issue with OpenLab, I can contact Jen or E-Learning center.

    7. Office hours are Thursday 2:45pm-4:15pm and 5-6:30pm, or by appointment.

    8. We can reach Jen by text, email, or the remind app.

    9. You should include the word Hi when replying to a colleague.

    10. If I have a question for the professor, I will reach out via the remind app or email.

    11. Modules are due each week for ECE-209 Lecture by Wednesdays 11:59pm each week.

    12. ECE 209 will focus on
    1. Curriculum Infant Classroom, 11/11 Module 12
    2. Attachment 9/16 Module 4
    3. Cognitive Development 10/28 Module 10

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