Module 3 Relationship-Based Practices Activity #3: Self-Reflection

At the end of the semester you will help determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in the modules for ECE 209-Lecture and ECE 209-Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these module better prepare you to work with infants?

13 thoughts on “Module 3 Relationship-Based Practices Activity #3: Self-Reflection”

  1. What I learned in these modules was the importance of teaching children that there are diverse families. Also the importance of the 3-Rs and how we can implement them during class. The material in this module will better prepare me to work with babies because I have learned how to propose ideas to children and let them choose.

  2. One thing that I learned in these modules is the 3 Rs. I learned why they are important and the different strategies that infants teachers can use to implicate the 3 Rs. I also learned about why it’s important for teachers to teach children about diversity in families. The material in this module will help me prepare for working with young children because it will help me learn how to teach implicate these topics into my classroom

  3. What I learned in this week modules was the 3-R’s which are very useful to do in when becoming a teacher.The material from this week will help me prepare to work with infants because it broke it down into how to help and make the babies comfortable in order for them to trust us.

  4. I learned about the different challenges families and teachers face. There are many different kinds of families and they all deal with different issues. This module prepared me for what is to come and how i can support families and build a relationship with them.

  5. In Module 3, I learned about parenting with families, I chose the article about children with special needs. Some of the strengths of the families such as love, empathy, working as a team, discipline, patience, dedication. As well as some of the challenges that they have to face such as the denial and acceptance of the child’s disability.
    After watching the short film “Our family”, I learned about how families value the importance of diversity in school. In the future, I would like to follow “Family Model” showed on the video because I would like to encourage the relationship between parents and teachers, as well as teach children to appreciate their families and those who are different from them, encourage constructive dialogue and to give children the opportunity to share about their families in an accepting way.
    After reading the articles by Cheshire (2007), Christie (2018). I had an insight of the 3-R’s, and I understand their importance when working with infants because as future educators we need to make sure to build Respect, Response and Relationship when working with infants and toddlers.

  6. In these modules I learned the 3R’s. I learned how they are different and important also how teachers could use these 3R’s. The material in the module will help me in the future to prepare myself to work with young children because i will be able to use these strategies in my classroom.

  7. This week I learned, what challenges families with adopted children face in early childhood, what are the techniques an infant’s teacher can used to help the child and the family to deal with these challenges. Also, I learned the benefits of using the 3-R’S when working with infants.

  8. This week in ECE 209 I learnt about who are families and challenges that they face.
    I also learn about the 3R’s respect, response and relationship these are all develop through eye contact, smiling, warm tone of voice, individualize contact etc. Learning a babies ques verbal and nonverbal is important to response.
    Ah-ha’s I had about this module is informing a child of what you’re going to do before you do it shows respect to them as an individual, never taught of it like that.
    The material from this modules with help me to better to work with infants because it gives me more insight on how to form healthy relationship and learning experiences.

  9. So far in ECE this week I have learned the different every child is and how different their living situation can be and how teachers can use 3-R’s while working with infants/toddlers because it can help them with engagement and their overall development into getting them to be independent and being treated equally. I think that the material in this module will help me prepare myself to work with children because I will be able to use the 3-R method.

  10. What I learned in these modules was the importance of teaching children to be confident and empowered in what they do . Show them that you respect their space and decisions. Also the importance of the 3-Rs and how we can implement them during class. This module will help me better with children and their needs.

  11. I learned that it is important to respect infants in this module. Respecting infants will gain their trust and build a relationship.

    I will be better prepared to work with infants after learning that respecting them means responding to their needs in a positive, and constructive manner.

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