Watch the video below (stop at the 11:00 minute mark), complete this handout as you watch the video
Answer the questions below:
- What is the difference between:
- growth different from development?
- developmental milestones and age level expectations/ norms?
- How does brain development impact learning?
- Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
- Social development
- Emotional development
- Cognitive development
- Language development & communication skills
- Fine motor development
- Gross motor development
- Create unique in your responses
1)Growth relates to physical changes and increases in size while development is in increase in knowledge where behavioral skills are learned and retained.
-Developmental milestones track motor, social , and emotional skills .For example a child should be walking by their first birthday.
2)The kind of environment the mother is in will affect the development of the fetus’s brain.If a child’s brain doesn’t develop properly it will be difficult for the child to take in new information.
3) social development: Child should be able to show emotions when playing such as laughing and smiling. They may not play with other children but they will play next to other children.
-Emotional :Child is starting to show different emotions like frustration, fear and or anger.
-cognitive: Child is now processing and recognizing . They should be pushing buttons and turning door knobs or even opening and closing doors.
-language and communication: Still cries to communicate but can also articulate using single words or 2-3 word sentences.
-gross motor : The child should be walking and or running.
-fine motor: They should be able to hold small objects or turns pages of a book even if its more than one page at a time.
-self help skills: The child should be trying to use a brush or attempting to use eating utensils.
4) social : The ring stacker will help the child to learn to take turns stacking the rings.
emotional: The doll baby will allow the child to experiment through pretend play mimicking what he or she sees.
Cognitive-The shape sorter will allow the child to problem solve. They have to figure out what shape goes into what hole.
Language: The books will hep with language development. Though the child may not be able to read they can still open a book and identify certain things colors, shapes, and animals.
Fine motor- The connecting blocks will help with fine motor skills .The child will be able to use the fingers to pick up small blocks and connect them.
Gross motor: The push cart will help child strengthen legs and arms.
Brittney — Thanks for your comment. You offered specific details — and included self-help skills, which was not a domain listed on the question. I appreciate your descriptions of the domains & toys. I wonder, how does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
1) The difference between growth differentiation and development is that growth differentiation is physical, which could mean a change in height. Whereas growth development is more building and growing on your knowledge. The difference between development age level exceptions and norms is that with expectations children are expected to reach certain milestones by a certain age like walking, talking, etc.
2) Brain development impact learning because the brain needs to be properly developed. If a child’s brain is not properly developed, then they wont be able to learn things quickly.
3) Social Development- They can enjoy things over and over again
Emotional-They learn how to express emotions
Cognitive- They should start to recognize certain things like a utensil or a door
Language Development- They should be able to say at least 3-4 words
Fine Motor- They should be able to pick light objects like paper, pencils, crayons
Gross Motor- Children should be able to properly move their arms and legs.
4) Social- The crawling tunnel can help children learn how to take turns
Emotional- The baby doll can help the babies experience different emotions by playing and allow the children to copy what the doll does
Cognitive- The shape sorter can help children learn about different objects and shapes
Language- The books can help children learn new words
Fine Motor- The crayons and the connecting blocks will help them learn how to pick up small things with their hands.
Gross Motor- The baby gym can help the children use their larger muscles (arms and legs)
Diamunique — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The baby gym can help gross motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this module?
1.Difference between growth and development is growth refers to physical change as an increase in size, while development refers to an increase in complexity.
2.Development milestones age level expectations/norms that some people expect children to do certain things by an age like walking,crawling and etc.
2)The brain development impacts by learning because if their brain isn’t fully developed they won’t be able to comprehend new things.
1.Social development:Able to create friendships, communicate emotions.Also pretend the kitchen can be helpful for them to play and talk with each other while pretending to be at a restaurant or etc.
2.Emotional development:such as smiling when they are happy, making upset faces when not given attention, basically able to show how they are feeling.
3.Cognitve development:How they think such as touching objects imitating and observing people
4.Language development and communication skills:able to say a few words such as mama,
5.Fine motor development:play around with toys, walking, crawling
6.Gross motor development:walk by themselves, walk up steps, run.
1.Social development:Car so the baby can get familiar and learn to take turns
2.Emotional development:The baby doll specifically if the doll is able to talk so the baby would see the different types of emotions.Also the baby mirror so they can see the different emotions themselves had during the day.
3.Cognitive development:Ring stacker so the baby can learn the different shapes and how to stack them properly.
4.Language development and communication skills:Books so when the baby gets read to he/she get can familiar to new words and imitate
5.Fine motor development:Rattle and shape sorter so the baby can continue to experiment on moving his/her fingers and etc.
6.Gross motor development:Push kart so the baby can start trying to walk and also pretend to be in the kitchen so they can walk around to get objects.Another toy can be also the gym which would get them doing exercise but in a playful way which is beneficial for their bones to get stronger.
Lesly — Thanks for your comment in this activity. You mention the rattle supports fine motor development; I wonder, what other domains can it support? How does you comment connect to the video in this module?
1. What is the difference between?
-growth different from development? Growth refers to physical change as an increase in size while development refers to an increase in complexity.
-developmental milestone age level expectations/ norms? Many people expect children to do certain things at a certain age, for example, walk at 12 months.
2. How does brain development impact learning? If the child’s brain does not develop properly, the child will not be able to learn new things quickly.
3. Identify at least 1 behavior, skill, or milestone that a baby 0-18 months will demonstrate for each of the following domains of development:
Social development- The child try to interact with other people.
Emotional development-The child may react to how her/him feels emotionally, smiling if he/she is happy or crying because he/she is upset.
Cognitive development-The child can process and recognize things
Language development & communication skills- The child is able to say few words such as dad, no, mom, etc. or body movements to communicate its needs.
Fine motor development- The child can hold a pencil, crayons or eating untensil
Gross motor development-The child can walk, run or roll over something
List behaviors, skills, or milestones that others have not yet mentioned- Perceptual development: Looking at books.
4. Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
Social development-Pretend kitchen helps the child to interact with other children by pretending they are cooking
Emotional development-The baby mirror helps the child see their face expressions
Cognitive development-Shape sorter helps the child to recognize shapes, sizes and colors.
Language development & communication skills-Books helps the child recognize things such as animals or colors, so the child repeat the animal’s names.
Fine motor development-The crayons helps the child move her/his fingers
Gross motor development-The push car helps the child stretch her/his larger muscles such as arms and legs
Daniela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The baby gym can help gross motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this module?
1. What is the difference between?
1. growth different from development?
Growth is physical and changes in body size and development is increase in complexity.
2. developmental milestone age level expectations/ norms?
Developmental milestone is behaviors and skill seen in infants as they grow, and norms are the sequences of growth.
2. How does brain development impact learning?
If there is an abnormality in the brain development during pregnancy, it all affects the development of the child, in which will impact learning.
3. Identify at least 1 behavior, skill, or milestone that a baby 0-18 months will demonstrate for each of the following domains of development:
1. Social development: play with others.
2. Emotional development: crying, smiling.
3. Cognitive development: imitate. Building bulks.
4. Language development & communication skills: making noise when want something. Or making their own words.
5. Fine motor development: holding adult finger. Picking a toy.
6. Gross motor development: crawling, walking.
7. List behaviors, skills, or milestones that others have not yet mentioned! Perceptual development.
4. Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
1. Social development: baby mirror, so they can see them selves and start making talking to themselves. Which will be helped them socialize with other babies.
2. Emotional development: baby doll, it will used as figure for a baby to explain the emotions.
3. Cognitive development: shape sorter, it will help them to use their mind to put the shapes in the right place.
4. Language development & communication skills: A book by seeing the pictures in the book and identify it.
5. Fine motor development crayons it will use the hands muscles.
6. Gross motor development: crawling tunnel it will help to strength the legs muscles.
Elizabeth- Thanks for your comment in this activity. The baby mirror supports social development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
1)What are the differences between
1.-Growth refers to physical changes and development refers to an increase in complexity (knowledge, behaviors and skills) that are learned and refined. Can be affected by environment, culture, family values, influencing why the child is likely to learn
2) Observations found the rage of ages that are appropriate to a particular milestone behavior. It is about sequence over developmental age. Developmental age come into play, but the sequence of behavior is more important than the developmental age.
2) How does brain development impact learning?
Our brain takes care of things that we do not use, cuts off things that we’ve learned but then we don’t use. You took algebra in high school and do not remembered because we don’t use it. Our brain prunes it away. “If you don’t use it, you lose it”
3) Identify at least 1 behavior, skill, or milestone that a baby 0-18 months will demonstrate for each of the following domains of development:
1.Social development. – making eye contact, smiling, be curious and interesting in the environment
2.Emotional development. – show fear in new situations, show happiness when looking at parents
3.Cognitive development. – recognizing mother’s voice, problem solving
4.Language development & communication skills. – crying when is hungry or laughing when is happy. Body gestures
5.Fine motor development. – holding toys with fingers
6.Gross motor development. – rolling over, sitting up, crawling, making movements with arms and legs.
4)Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
1.Social development. – pretend kitchen (teamwork, pretending to cook with sibling or friends)
2.Emotional development. – Baby doll: while playing with the baby doll, children create a safe environment as well as learning empathy when taking care of the doll.
3.Cognitive development. – Shape sorter: Through sorting, children begin to understand that objects have similarities and differences
4.Language development & communication skills. – Books: When read together with the baby, exposing the baby to language
5.Fine motor development. – Crayons: By coloring with crayons the child can endurance small muscles.
6.Gross motor development. – Crawling tunnel. – While the baby is crawling through the tunnel, endurance legs and arms.
Marcela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The baby doll supports emotional development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
1.What is the difference between?
1.growth different from development? Growth refers to physical changes and increases in size while development refers to an increase in complexity.
2.developmental milestone age level expectations/ norms? motor skills, cognitive, language and emotional. Some people expect children to walk at 12 months.
2.How does brain development impact learning? If the Childs brain does not grow properly in the mothers womb then the Childs brain development can be impacted by learning due to lack of care from the mother like taking drugs, drinking, not taking prenatals and etc. Our brain takes care of things we do not use like algebra. “How many people took algebra in high school and don’t remember?” That’s what pruning does to our brain. “if you don’t use it you lose it.”
3.Identify at least 1 behavior, skill, or milestone that a baby 0-18 months will demonstrate for each of the following domains of development:
1.Social development: making eye contact, smiling & showing expressions
2.Emotional development: crying or smiling
3.Cognitive development: recognizing, processing, interrupting, sorting, remembering & clarifying
4.Language development & communication skills: Symbols, communication, crying, laughing or Bodily gestures
5.Fine motor development: holding on to a writing utensil or eating utensil
6.Gross motor development: running, jumping, skipping, or rolling over something
7.List behaviors, skills or milestones that others have not yet mentioned! Perceptual development
4.Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
1.Social development: The pretend kitchen can be used to communicate with other children by playing and sharing.
2.Emotional development: The baby mirror can show their reflection and show them how they use their facial expressions
3.Cognitive development: The shape sorter can help children with problem solving and knowing their shapes and colors.
4.Language development & communication skills:The books can help your child in reading, language and vocabulary.
5.Fine motor development: the crayons can help children grab and pinch objects or move from one hand to another
6.Gross motor development: The crawling tunnel can help children develop their gross motor skills with the moving of their arms and legs.
Selanie — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Crayons can support fine motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
Hi Selanie,
I agree with the responses with each development. Especially with “ If the Childs brain does not grow properly in the mothers womb then the Childs brain development can be impacted by learning due to lack of care from the mother like taking drugs, drinking, not taking prenatals and etc. Our brain takes care of things we do not use like algebra. “
1. The difference between growth and development is that growth is based on physical change as in size and development is an increase in complexity
2. Development milestone age level expectations/ norms is that people expect things from children to know already for example, walking, or crawling.
Brain development impacts learning because if the mother takes drugs while she is pregnant it can impact the child in the womb and when the child is born their brain isn’t develop properly it can cause a problem for them to learn certain things.
1.Emotional development- crying/smiling
2.cognitive development- recognizing, interrupting, processing, remembering, sorting, and clarifying development- showing expressions, making eye contact and smiling
4.fine motor development- holding on to a eating or writing utensil
5.gross motor development- skipping, rolling over something, or jumping
6.language development & communication skills- symbols, crying, laughing, or communication
1- emotional development: the baby mirror can be used show their facial expression.
2- cognitive development: the ring stacker can help children with shacking the rings and know their colors.
3- social development: the kitchen can help them communicate with other children when they play and share.
4-fine motor development: the car can help move from one hand to another when they are playing with it.
5- language development & communication skills: the books can help with reading and language.
6- gross motor development: the ball can help them by moving with arms and legs to throw and get the ball.
Madelin — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The ball can help gross motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
1. What is the difference between?
A. Growth is different from development because growth relates to physical body changes. While development relates more to complexity and their knowledge.
B. developmental milestone age level expectations/ norms- At certain ages parents want their child to achieve certain milestones for example crawling, walking, talking.
2. How does brain development impact learning?
Brain development impacts learning because if their brain has not developed properly the child will have difficulties understanding what is being told to them or learn at a much slower pace.
3. Social development- They are able to smile and distinguish familiar faces/ voices.
Emotional development- They scream to get their own way of things and laughs out loud.
Cognitive development-They respond to mother’s voice and start exploring their hands and fingers.
Language development & communication skills- They are able to coo and do gestures to communicate. Starts making voluntary vocal sounds.
Fine motor development- They reach for objects and let go of the objects. They also bang the objects together.
Gross motor development- They should be able to stand and start walking by themselves.
4. Social development- The baby gym can be used with others and learn to start sharing.
Emotional development- The baby mirror would demonstrate their facial expressions
Cognitive development- The shape sorter will help them place the shapes in the right place and learn the name of each shape.
Language development & communication skills- They can communicate with the other children while playing in the pretend kitchen
Fine motor development-The crayons will help them grasp onto small utensils.
Gross motor development- The drum and pots pans and spoons can help them with their hand muscles.
Brenda — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The pots & pans support gross motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
1. Growth refers to physical changes/ increase in size due to enlargement and multiplication cells. Development refers to an increase in complexity, change from something simple to complex this refer to skills, knowledge and behavior that are learn and refined.
2. Developmental milestones are major markers of accomplishment. These are used to track a child’s development and growth. For example a child should be walking or talking by a certain age.
2. Brain development is impacted from early by the mother choices and the types of environment put in. Brain development impact learning because if a child brain is not developing properly they won’t be able to process and receive information.
3. Social development: Baby likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops
– Emotional development : Baby shows feeling by crying
– Cognitive development : A child understanding routines. Expecting something to happen at a certain time
– Language development & communication skills A child moving on from one word sentences to two words sentences
– Fine motor development : A child can hold their bottle
– Gross motor development : A child can clap their hands
1. Social development- The can use the baby doll to have conversation with that child, hugging the doll as if it was a person.
2. Emotional development- The baby doll can be use to portray different emotion like the baby crying or sleepy
3. Cognitive development- The shape sorter can be use to promote problems solving skills.
4. Language development & communication- The books, the teacher can read out loud to infant to promote language development
5. Fine motor development- Crayons having a child color even if its not inside the lines helps develop the muscles in there fingers
6. Gross motor development- The drums, by hitting the drums can help with gross motor development.
Mel — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The drums support gross motor development — I wonder, can it support any other domains of development? How does your comment connect to the video in this activity?
Hi Shemella,
I agree with all your responses to each development and there’s other objects that can help with the development of a infant/ toddler.
Growth relates to physical changes and increases in size while development is an increase in knowledge where behavioral skills are learned and retained.
-Developmental milestones, social , track motor and emotional skills.
2)The kind of environment the mother is in will affect the development of the fetus’s brain and will not function well when growing up.
3)social development: Playing with other children and communicating emotions. Create friendships and play.
-Emotional :Children are starting to show different emotions like frustration, fear and or anger. Showing they are happy, playful, or upset.
-cognitive: Child is now processing and doing things on their own. Even imitating the caregiver by opening a door or turning something on. Touching and thinking on their own.
-language and communication: Still cries to communicate but communicate in some sentences. -gross motor : The child should be walking and or running.
-fine motor: They should be able to hold small objects or turn pages of a book even if it’s more than one page at a time.
-self help skills: attempting to use utensils and other things.
4) social : The ring stacker will help the child to learn to take turns stacking the rings and colors.
emotional: The doll baby will allow the child to experiment through pretend play mimicking what he or she sees by the caregiver.
Cognitive-The shape will allow the child to problem solve. They have to figure out what shape goes into what hole.
Language: reading a book will help with language and word development. Though the child may not be able to read.
Fine motor- The connecting blocks will help with fine motor skills .The child will be able to use the fingers to pick up small blocks and connect them.
Gross motor: The push cart will help children strengthen legs and arms.
Julissa — Thanks for your comment in this activity. You identified toys that will support each domain of development. I wonder, how does you comment connect to the video in this activity?
1.What is the difference between?
#1 Growth different from development?
#2 Developmental milestones and age level expectations/norms?
#1. Growth refers to physical changes in the body, including an increase in size. Development refers to a change in learning, going from the simple to more complex.
#2. Developmental milestones are a typical range of the child’s behavior. The child’s social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
Age level expectations and norms refer to a range of milestones to take place. This is about a sequence over a developmental age.
2. How does brain development impact learning?
The fetal brain is growing rapidly, both in size and complexity. There are neuro connections in the brain that translate new learning and old learning as well.
This learning process is further groomed thru pruning; where the brain cuts off things that are learned but not used.
Learning continues to be influenced by temperament and environmental factors such as family structure and culture.
3. Identify at least 1 toy (from the document below) that support a baby’s (0-18 months) development each in the following domains for a baby 0-18 months & explain how an infant teacher would use the toy to support the baby development for that domain.
Social development
Emotional development
Cognitive development
Language development & communication skills
Fine motor development
Gross motor development
Create unique in your responses
Social development: Baby mirror/Connecting blocks/Mobile
Emotional development: Mobile/Baby mirror/Scarf/Ring stacker.
Cognitive development: Books/Shape sorter/Baby mirror/Mobile/Ball.
Language development and communication skills: Books/Connecting blocks/Shape sorter/Baby doll, drum.
Fine motor development: Crayons/Car/Wrist rattles.
Gross motor development: Pushcart/Shape sorter/Empty box/Drum/Crawling tunnel/Pretend kitchen