Module 6 Cultural Aspects to Working with Families Activity #2: Feeding & Sleeping Scenarios

Read the Feeding and Sleeping Scenarios and Natural Rhythms vs Set Schedules. Pick 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios then answer the following questions:

Feeding ^0 Eating Sccenarios H


Natural Rhythms Vs Set Schedule
  1. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenario?
  3. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs?
  4. How can you support the family with this situation? What can you do to support the child?
  5. How would you handle this situation?
  6. Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Give evidence to support your response.
  7. How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working? What is going well? What may need to be changed? What have you learned about yourself as a student in an online class?

Respond to 1-2 other comments!


21 thoughts on “Module 6 Cultural Aspects to Working with Families Activity #2: Feeding & Sleeping Scenarios”

  1. Scenario #3
    1)I feel like this what some families do i have heard families say if you pick a child up every time they cry you will spoil them . I think the family are individualist they want the baby to learn self soothing skills and learn to sleep alone. I would probably inform the family that we cant let the child lay there and cry, me responding and reacting to his cries will help him build a trusting relationship with me. I would ask the family if their is another solution to help angel learn to sleep alone. Maybe angel will learn over time once he notices the other children sleeping in cribs alone.
    1) If baby marteen takes a nap at 11 then that is fine. I would let the family know that we have so problem with his schedules. It is important to mimic a babies schedule if a baby isn’t hungry at a certain time then they shouldn’t have to eat. I would ask the family for the child’s normal routine.

    Scenario #2
    1) I feel like this is something most babies can do if some one is not holding a bottle and feeding them . I would tell the parent that we like to feed the babies because it helps them to form trust with us . It also helps the child to form an attachment .
    2) I think the parent should allow the child to feed herself even if she is making a mess i feel like this is part of developing. I would respect the parents wishes and feed the child. But i would also encourage her to allow the child to explore and try new things.

    1. Hi Brittney
      I totally agree with you in seeping scenario #3, because as you stated is our job as teachers to respond to the baby’s cries right away in order create a bond of trust with him. Other than that, the baby would view the world unfriendly; consequently, the baby will have difficulties forming bonds with others. I also believe that the baby will learn little by little by watching the rest of his friends.

    2. Brittney — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Some people believe that letting a baby cry themselves to sleep “trains” the baby to sleep alone. It is indicative of an individualist culture. Checking with the baby’s family is important to identifying that baby’s routine. Feeding a baby builds trust & a bond with the baby. Culturally, some families do not think babies should play with food, make messes, or feed themselves/ they should recognize their dependence on others. I wonder, how will you respond to those families? I wonder, how are the strategies you identified the 1st week to be successful in an online class working?

  2. Sleeping scenario #1
    1.- My reaction, I would be very supportive and understanding
    2.- About the family’s culture and beliefs, I think this family is very attach to the baby, parents want their baby right next to them in order to attend to the babies needs as soon as possible.
    3.- I can you support the family, by talking to the parents and making a plan, so we can work together and find a solution.
    4.- I would handle this situation by working with the family as a team, so we can start putting the baby to sleep in the crib little by little in the house and at the daycare.
    5.- Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, the family use the child’s natural rhythms because they let the baby sleep in the same bed and never stablished a plan in which the baby could go to sleep by himself.

    Sleeping scenario #2
    1.- I would be surprised because is the scenario is not very common
    2.- about the family’s culture and beliefs, I think is a big family who likes to live together, or because of the economic situation they stick together in order to support each other.
    3.- I think I can show my support to the family by empathizing with their situation and being understanding. I will support the baby by treating him with love
    4.- In this case I would handle the situation by playing some sleepy music while the baby sleep, so the baby doesn’t feel lonely.
    5.-In this case, based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules, the family uses the child’s natural rhythms, because this family might not have the resources or the space to put the baby to sleep in a room by himself, for the baby got used to a loud environment.

    Feeding scenario #3
    1.- My reaction would be surprised and a little worry
    2.- About the family’s culture and beliefs I think is a family which doesn’t like to stablish rules or schedules
    3.- I think I can support the family by being understanding and at the same time providing with advisement.
    4.- I think I would you handle the situation by talking to the family, working together as a team and planning a feeding schedule for the baby.
    5.- Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, the family uses the child’s natural rhythms because the parents feed the child when he is hungry rather than feeding the baby at specific times following a schedule.

    Feeding scenario # 4
    1.- My reaction would be worried and concern
    2.- About the family’s culture and beliefs, I think this family doesn’t like to regulate the child’s behavior and they let the child do whatever she wants.
    3.- I think I would support the family by being understanding and offering my unconditional services.
    4- I would handle the situation by talking to the parents, because we need to work as a team in order to regulate the child’s behavior. The parents need to do their work at home. Together we need to stablish rules that the child has to follow at house and in the classroom.
    5.- Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, the family use the child’s natural rhythms the parents never stablish rules during feeding time, for the child does as she pleased.

    6.- Most of the strategies I identified in Module 1 are working well. However, I still having a hard time balancing my time with school, family, and friends. Sometimes I have some much homework to do, I don’t have the chance to spend time with them. I get a little overwhelmed because I want to present my assignments on time. I learned that being a student in an online class is not easy and that I always need to remind myself that I have to do my best in order to succeed.

    1. Marcela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. For feeding scenario #1, working together with the family is essential; I wonder, why does the family have to begin putting the baby in a crib at home? Do you have a set time that you eat breakfast, lunch & supper each day? I wonder, do babies need to have set times that they eat each day? Why? For feeding scenario #3, I wonder, what advice would you give the family? For Feeding Scenario #4, the family may be very fluid with how they eat. Juggling work and school is tough, it is hard to find time for it all!

  3. Sleep Scenarios:
    1)I choose this scenario because I have dealt with something similar when working with children.
    2) Usually when working with children this is one of the questions I like to ask the parents what they’d like me to do if their child were to ever wake up in the middle of the night. I wasn’t too surprised about Angelo’s family telling the caretakers to just let him cry. I feel like this is a common method that parents use when sleep training their child.
    3) I think this tells the daycare center that they don’t mind their child learning to self sooth and to try and be more independent as a child. I think they are trying to teach their child that self soothing is an important thing to do just in case someone isn’t there to help you in that immediate moment.
    4) I think the best way to help the family in this sense is to listen to what they are asking of you and see if there may be a a time limit for how long you would want the child to try for and how much is too much. Maybe to support the child before nap time you could talk with the child and let him know that he’s going to take a nap and that you will see him after he’s done resting.
    5) I personally would ask how long should I let the child cry for and how much is too much. If they want me to just leave him and let him cry then I would listen to what they asked of me even though it may be hard to hear a child cry.
    6)The family for my case study uses a set time and schedule for feedings and sleeping but doesn’t force anything. The child usually get sleepy/hungry around those time anyways so it works out.
    7) The strategies that I identified in Mod 1 are working okay. I’m trying my best to stay focused and engaged in school. I just feel super disconnected and tend to learn better in a learning environment. I don’t think online classes are the best for how I learn but it was good that I tried them because I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

    1) I picked this scenario because I was taught to never wake a sleeping child but I have heard of parents waking their children if they are having sleeping problems at night.
    2) My reaction to this scenario isn’t too shocked. Again I have heard of parents doing this and it seems like a logical thing to do if their child is having sleeping problems at night.
    3) I think this says that the family doesn’t mind doing things that aren’t “normal” I think that they will also do whatever they can to try and fix the problem. There may not be a solution to this problem that make sense to everyone but works for them.
    4)I can support the family by waking the child up if he sleeps for 45 minutes. I think that also before he takes his nap explain to him that he’s going to take a nap and that you may have to wake him up if he sleeps past a certain time just so he is aware that he could be woken up.
    5) I would handle the situation by doing everything that was asked of me. I would also tell the child before nap time that I may have to wake them if they are sleeping past a certain time, that way the child isn’t in shock after waking them up if needed.

    Feeding Scenarios:
    1) I picked this scenario because my sister used to do something similar when she was younger and I wonder how my parents handled it while she was in school.
    2) I wasn’t too shocked that this can happen. I think that some children eat best when they are distracted with other things to do. It also depends on the child but sometimes they can be picky eaters and distracting them while they are eating helps them to eat in general.
    3) I think this says that the family is laid back in the sense that as long as their child is eating something, they don’t mind if she’s doing something else as well.
    4)I can help support the family by letting the child continue to do this during her eating time. I can also suggest that they try having her pick out 2 objects that she wants to eat with and seeing if that will help her to stay in her chair instead of having her walk around.
    5) I would handle this by seeing if they were okay with me trying something where I ask the child to pick 2 things she wants to eat with and seeing if that helps her to sit and eat with those 2 objects. If they are opposed to this, then I wouldn’t mind her walking around and eating if this helps her.

    1) I picked this scenario because I thought it was interesting that a parent wouldn’t want their child to experiment with their child feeding themselves.
    2)I was a little shocked that the parents don’t want their child to experiment with feeding herself but then again maybe they have a set schedule on how they want their child to learn to feed themselves and other things.
    3) I think this tells us that this family really cares about schedules and the timing of everything being done at a set time.
    4) I think id be able to support the family in doing what they ask and me spoon feeding the child. I also think that I could explain to the child before meal times that they are going to be fed with a spoon and that I will be feeding them.
    5) I think I would handle this by trying to see what the parents schedule for the child is for feeding themself. If I could work with the parents and come up with a way for the child to become familiar with a spoon on their own, then maybe they would be able to come up with a compromise about letting their child feed themselves a couple of times a week instead of me just spoon feeding.

    1. Zoe — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Your answers demonstrate your respect for the family’s wishes. It is hard to hear a baby cry. Considering that, relationship-based practices, attachment, and the principles of teaching babies, I wonder, is there something else that could be done in Sleeping Scenario #3? Your idea for Feeding Scenario #4 — to pick out 2 objects — is very insightful! For feeding scenario #5, I wonder, why would the family want the child to continue to be spoon fed I hope we will be back in person soon too.

  4. Sleeping #1
    – My reaction is understandable.
    – It says about the family’s culture and beliefs that the family is very attached to the baby.
    – I can support the family by trying to get the baby to sleep in a crib at the daycare center.
    – I would handle this situation by trying to convince the family to get a crib and let their baby sleep in her crib during the night.
    Sleeping #4
    – My reaction is supportive
    – It says about the family’s culture and beliefs that they haven’t create a sleeping routine for their baby, specific times and periods.
    – I can support the family by showing them that I am aware of the situation and that I will do everything possible to help them.
    – I would handle this situation by creating a sleeping routine for the family to put in practice which would help.
    Feeding #2
    – My reaction is understandable.
    – It says about the family’s culture and beliefs that they are always aware of everything their baby learns during their development.
    – I would support the family, but as a caregiver it is best to feed the babies as it helps to create a bond, attachment and a strong relationship.
    – I would handle this situation by telling the family that it could be better if they feed their baby because it helps to create trust.
    Feeding #3
    – My reaction is worrying.
    – It says about the family’s culture and beliefs that they do not put in practice schedules.
    – I would support the family by creating a feeding routine and working as a team.
    – I would handle this situation by being there for the family and help them establish a feeding schedule.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Give evidence to support your response.
    -They establish a schedule to determine the time for feeding and sleeping, they have a daily routine, the baby wakes up at the same time (9 am), she has breakfast, then she takes a 2 hours nap, she has lunch, she plays, then she takes 1 hour nap, and finally her mother bottle feed her to sleep at 9:30 pm

    How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working? What is going well? What may need to be changed? What have you learned about yourself as a student in an online class?
    -The strategies are working well, however, online classes are difficult, especially when you have to work or you want to spend time with your family/friends so you have to manage your time to be able to do everything.

    1. Daniela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The family is Sleeping Scenario #1 is a collectivists family; I wonder, why should they begin to use a crib at home? For feeding scenario #2, the relationship between the baby and adult is critical — and supporting the attachment relationship to develop is the most important element. Do you eat breakfast, lunch or dinner at the same time each day? I wonder, do babies have to eat at the same time each day too? Time management is essential when taking online classes and working; I wonder, what time management strategies have you found effective so far?

  5. The 2 sleeping scenarios that I picked were 1 and 3. The two feeding scenarios that I picked were 1 and 3. For the first sleeping scenario, my reaction was understandable but a little concerned as the parents because she hasn’t learned how to sleep by herself. This doesn’t really say anything about their culture and beliefs. It just shows how close their family is. The program can support the family by giving them tips on how to transition her into sleeping by herself and in a crib. I can support this child and handle this situation by putting her in a crib and see how she reacts and sleeping next to her until she’s asleep and then leaves her and see how reacts to that also. For the third sleeping scenario, I was concerned because that the parents and the child are not getting the right amount of sleep. This scenario doesn’t say anything about the family’s culture and beliefs. The program can help the family by giving them ideas on what they can do to stop Angel from crying, to calm him down. I can support the child and handle this situation by putting him in the crib to help him learn how to sleep by himself and if he starts to cry, give them a toy to possibly calm him down. For the first feeding scenario, I was a little confused because this would have been something I have never seen before. This scenario says that the family believes that he should be eating things like cereal at his age. I can support the child and the family by giving him the bottle and making he doesn’t cut his mouth on the bottle and make sure he doesn’t choke on the cereal. For the third feeding scenario, my reaction was understandable because with children even though parents set a schedule, the child might be hungry at times that differ from the schedule. I can support the family and the child by having different kinds of food available for her and see what she likes and doesn’t like so I will know what and what not to buy. My case study family has a set schedule. For example, the infant would eat every 3 hours, burp, get changed, and sleep.

    The strategies that I identified in Module 1 have been working well. I’ve gotten a little stressed out but overall, it has been good. What is going well for me is that I have been able to manage my time pretty good, but that is something I could also improve. One thing that I have learned about myself as a student is that I prefer to be in a classroom than an online class.

    1. Diamunique – Thanks for your comment in this activity. For sleeping scenario #!, are collectivists or individualists more likely to sleep in a family bed or have babies sleep in cribs individually? If the family uses a family bed at home, why should they transition to a crib? We are often hungry at unique times — and those times may be different from the times listed on a schedule. I look forward to learning about the routines that your Infant/ Family Case Study family engages in! I wonder, what strategies for time management are you using that are supporting your success?

  6. Sleeping Scenario #1-
    – my reaction will be understandable.
    – what this scenario says about the family is that they are attached to their baby due to their culture and
    – I would try to make the baby sleep in the crib at the daycare they are in.
    – I would try to give them my opinion about them trying to get a crib so that the baby can sleep during the night in the crib.

    Sleeping Scenario #4-
    – my reaction would be understanding.
    -what this scenario says about the family’s culture and beliefs is that they haven’t give Rayvon a sleeping schedule for them to follow.
    – To support the family I would also give them my opinion and even try to help with this situation.
    – I would try to create a sleeping schedule that they can try at home for their baby.

    Feeding Scenario #3-
    – my reaction would be surprising
    – What this scenario says about their family’s beliefs and culture is that they do not have any type of schedule that they follow for their baby.
    – I would give them my opinion about creating a schedule for their baby.
    – I would suggest them to create an eating schedule because every baby needs to be able to have trust with their family.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Give evidence to support your response.
    Yes they do establish a feeding and sleeping schedule. They wake their baby up at 8:30am, he drinks his milk at 9am and then has breakfast at 10am. He has lunch at 12pm, his first nap is at 1 or 2pm, he eats dinner at 6pm, second nap is at 7:30pm and he sleeps at 10pm latest he would go to sleep at 11:30

    How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working? What is going well? What may need to be changed? What have you learned about yourself as a student in an online class?
    I do not think I have changed much. Im a little stressed out right not. I still need to stop procrastinate. I need to do homework two days before they are due. As a student I learned that I would rather be in a classroom than being online.

    1. Madelin — Thanks for your comment in this activity. For Sleeping Scenario #1, collectivist families often sleep in family beds. I wonder, how will having the baby sleep in a crib help the family to grow & develop in their cultural identity? Do you go to sleep & wake up the same time every day? Should we force Rayvon to adhere to a schedule that he is not used to? Do you eat at the same time each day? I wonder, should babies/ families be forced to adhere to a schedule if that is not what they are used to doing? Many people are looking forward to the return of in-person learning.

  7. Sleeping Scenario#2

    1.- I would be shocked that this situation isn’t normal

    2.- The family’s way of life and convictions, I believe is a major family who likes to live respectively, or in view of the financial circumstance they remain together to help one another.

    3.- I want to show my help to the family by identifying with their circumstance and being understanding. I will uphold the infant by treating him with affection

    4.- For this situation I would deal with the circumstance by playing some drowsy music while the infant rest, so the child doesn’t feel forlorn.

    5.- For this situation, in light of the Natural Rhythms versus Set-Schedules, the family utilizes the youngster’s common rhythms, since this family probably won’t have the assets or the space to take care of the infant in a room without help from anyone else, for the child became acclimated to a boisterous climate.


    1)In certain families they usually pick up a child every time they cry instead of letting them cry themselves to sleep or learning to adapt that every cry is different and there are ways for you to self soothe a child without picking them up every single time they cry.I think in this situation I would likely illuminate the family that we cannot let the kid lay there and cry, me reacting a lot to his cries will help him fabricate a confiding in relationship with me. I would inquire as to whether there is another answer to assist angel with learning to sleep alone as he gets into the routine.

    Feeding #2

    – My response is justifiable.

    – It says about the family’s way of life and convictions that they are consistently mindful of everything their infant picks up during their turn of events.

    – I would uphold the family, however as a guardian it is ideal to take care of the children as it assists with making a bond, connection and a solid relationship.

    – I would deal with the present circumstance by telling the family that it very well may be better on the off chance that they feed their infant since it assists with making trust.


    1) I picked this situation since I thought it was fascinating that a parent wouldn’t need their kid to try different things with their youngster taking care of themselves.

    2)I was a little stunned that the guardians don’t need their kid to explore different avenues regarding taking care of herself however on the other hand perhaps they have a set timetable on how they need their youngster to figure out how to take care of themselves and different things.

    3) I think this discloses to us that this family truly thinks often about plans and the circumstance of everything being done at a set time.

    4) I think id have the option to help the family in doing what they ask and me coddling the youngster. I likewise believe that I could disclose to the kid before dinner times that they will be taken care of with a spoon and that I will take care of them.

    5) I figure I would deal with this by attempting to perceive what the guardians plan for the youngster is for taking care of themself. In the event that I could work with the guardians and think of a route for the youngster to get comfortable with a spoon all alone, at that point perhaps they would have the option to concoct a trade off about allowing their kid to take care of several times each week rather than me simply coddling.

    How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working? What is going well? What may need to be changed? What have you learned about yourself as a student in an online class?
    I think that overall this semester has been hard on me due to a recent car accident, it is very hard for me to stay on top of all my assignments, quizzes and soon to be midterms because of the condition I am in but I am learning to cope and get through it all. I also have been a bit overwhelmed because We not only have 1 ECE classes but two and they both have quiet a load of work but I am managing. I also have next semester on my mind and the summer class I will be taking after this semester ends in order to Graduate within two years. I hope we all get to be in person someday, Maybe the load of homework would be lighter and much more clarified.

    1. Selanie — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Being responsive to a baby, and picking up a baby each time the baby cries is important for infant teachers. For feeding scenario #5, why might a family want a child to be fed? What are the cultural messages/ implications of the action? Many people look forward to the return of in-person learning.

    2. Hi Selanie, I agree with you that a child sleeping schedule is important because they’re suppose to get a certain amount hours of sleep daily, a sleeping schedule a must so the child gets into the habit.

    1)I picked sleeping scenario #1 because it seems like a situation that is most likely to happen often.My reaction to sleeping scenario #1 which is about the 15-month-old I feel like it common for children around that age to sleep with their parents, its not safe but some parents may not be able to offer a crib/bed.
    2)This scenario says about the family’s culture and beliefs that like I said previous maybe the parents can’t offer a personal crib/bed or could be they feel uncomfortable letting their kids alone, or accidents could of had happen before which why they have a fear for their child to sleep alone.
    3)The program can support the child by once the child enter the program will be offered an own space which can be a separate sleeping mattress so the child will be able to accommodate themselves.
    4)What I can do to support the child would be in this case the child is already use to sleeping with people surrounding her I can give her a stuff animal so she can hug it to feel as she was at home sleeping with her family.
    5)What I would do to handle this situation would be just to remain patient and make sure the child feel comfortable.
    6)Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedule handout my Infant/Family Case the child I am using has set scheduled wakes up 8:30am to eat breakfast, lunch around 12:00pm if she is willing to , would eat snacks here and there, finally with dinner at 6/7 .
    7)I think at the beginning it felt like work was going at a good pace but recently it just seems like work is overload, which can be stressful which has me thinking everyday I finish one work and next thing you know there’s a lot more to do but I’m trying my best to catch up.
    1) My reaction to this was that I was shook and surprised, worried because the children can choke while not being supervised and at 2 month a infant shouldn’t be eating solid foods like cereal to hard which would be difficult to munch regardless.
    2)What this scenario says about family’s culture and beliefs is that they probably think they are doing two things at once meaning feeding them milk and cereal.
    3)What I can do to support would be let the parents know this is dangerous especially for the 2 month old baby Luis and give them reasons why they shouldn’t do that ever again.
    4)What I can do to support the child would be to feed him milk pre-usual because he is very young still for cereal.
    5)The way I would handle this situation would be to explain to the parents why this is not safety for the baby.

    1)My reaction is surprised, but can be common I seen some parents try this method.
    2)What this scenario says about the family’s culture and beliefs that they probably seen their family try this method and it was successful and easy but it’s kind of a harsh.
    3)The way the program help this family by helping them set times for naps, feeding and etc. Time managing having a schedule so they could flow easily.
    4)Try putting some sleeping sounds that will distract the child but calm him at the same time.
    5)The way I would handle this situation would be to at 1st would be to hold the baby a little longer until he is half asleep then practices new ones like putting relaxing sounds.
    1)My reaction is normal because obviously you can’t force your child to eat.
    2)This scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs that they won’t feed their child if she isn’t hunger but the rather have snacks available for the child when she is hungry, easy for her to grab it herself.
    3)What I can to support this family would be to start making their child get into a habit of eating at a certain time and also keep any eye on the portion given to the child.
    4)What I can do to support the child would be to start setting time schedule for each meals and learn what type of food she is into so then she will have an appetite to eat.
    5)The way I can handle this situation would be that its often common parents just feeding the child when they cry for food and do anything to grab their attention. Also let the parents know what I’m planning to do which is setting a time and the portions I will be trying on the child feeding part.

  10. Sleeping Scenario#3

    1. My reaction is to learn more about Angel’s family and ask more questions about why they are trying to train him to sleep by himself.

    2. I am unsure what this scenario says about the family’s culture and beliefs, therefore I will ask more questions and not pass judgement.

    3.The program can respect the reasoning behind the scenario and try to adapt the environment accordingly.

    4. I can support the child by being responsive to his needs and also respecting his family’s request.

    Sleeping Scenario#6

    1. My reaction is to think if a compromise can be made.

    2. I’m unsure if it says anything about the family’s culture and belief, so I must ask questions to get further clarification.

    3. I can ask the family if it is possible to adjust his nap time.

    4. I can support the child by being responsive to him.

    5. I can handle this situation by talking to the family and seeing if adjustments can be made

    To the routine, either by the family or at the caretaking environment.

    Feeding Scenario#2

    1. I am also excited for Elijah as he has gone through a developmental milestone! He us using his fine motor skills.

    2. The scenario demonstrates that his family culture and beliefs encourage his developmental growth.

    3. I can support the family with this situation by engaging in the same practice.

    4. I can support the child by propping him on a

    pillow and allowing him to drink from his bottle by himself.

    5. I can encourage this milestone every time Elijah is ready.

    Feeding Scenario#6

    1. I understand that not all children have a feeding schedule so this will not be an issue.

    2. I would need to know more information about the family’s culture and beliefs to understand the feeding practices.

    3. I ask the family when Shakira arrives what time she ate last and be prepared with more food available in a specific time frame to ask the child if she is hungry again.

    4. I would periodically offer the child food and wait on signs of hunger.

    5. I would be supportive of Shakira and allow her to eat when she is hungry.

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