23 thoughts on “Module 9 Communicating with Families Activity #2: Touchpoints in Action”

  1. 1.- How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?
    Lilly should have use touchpoints to help the mother to solve the problem. She caused Mrs. Mohar to feel attack, she should have described what you saw in class with Emmal, rather than drawing a conclusion or passing judgment the mother. In addition, she could have emailed Mrs. Mohar to discuss about different concerns about Emmal before she criticized about her promises of be early when she was always late. Gudrais states, “Touchpoints approach makes parents feel valued, that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account” (30).

    2.- What should Lilly have said to Mrs. Mohar?
    Lilly should have said the true to Mrs. Mohar since the beginning, it was her obligation to tell the mother that Emmal cries all day, instead of lying and said that he was always fine. She should have had a compassionate communication with the mother in order to connect with her. Gudrais states, “If parents could be warned in advance about periods of transitions, then they could understand their children’s behavior, leading them to feel competent rather than concern” (29).

    1. Hi Marcela, I agree with you on that it’s important to not lie to the parents on how their child emotions it’s better on both ends to communicate with each other and they could even end up working together to solve the problem.

    2. Hi Marcela, I agree that Lilly should have been honest from the beginning and discussed with Mrs. Mohar that Emma cries all day instead of saying that he is fine when he clearly is not. I understand no one wants to bother the parents because the work or have other person things to take care of but you are caring for the parents child and I think it is important to keep the parents in the loop about what is going on with their child. You don’t have to call them every time something happens but you can discuss everything with them once they come to pick up their child.

    3. Marcela — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Using behavior as language, or describing Emmal’s behavior, would have been a powerful tool in this scenario. You wove key components from the Gudrais (2012) into your comment.

  2. 1. How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?
    Lilly should have handled the situation with Ms. Mohay by supporting her, trying to find out what is happening and why she is picking up her son so late. As Gudrais (2012) states “Deliver that information so parents would be like to absorb, remember and act on it”. Lilly should have built a bond with Mrs. Mohar to solve the problem.
    2. What should Lilly have said to Mrs Mohar?
    Lilly should have told Mrs. Mohar the truth that Emma stays crying after she leaves, instead of telling her that he is always fine after she leaves. Teachers should never lie to parents but rather make them feel like a team member. Gudrais (2012) argue “If parents are treated as partners rather than adversaries by a preschool teacher, he says, they may come to expect the same kind of relationship with teachers later”.

    1. Daniela — Thanks for your comment. Building a bond with Mrs. Mohar would have laid the foundation for an open & honest relationship. Being open & honest with families is critical when developing relationships

  3. 1)The way Lilly should of handle the situation with Mrs.Mohar, Should of been patient and asked the mother if things are alright? that can lead to her coming late to the pick up. Be understanding instead of catching an attitude like rolling her eyes, like when in the reading Gudrais “Touch points approach makes parents feel valued that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account”, parents can be dealing with tough situations and we shouldn’t assume.
    2)Lilly Should have told Mrs. Mohar that Emma was having a difficult time after she would leave her and not go around the bush.

    1. Lesly — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Asking Mrs Mohar if everything is ok would have opened the door to the conversation. Making families feel valued & involved fosters trust. We never know the situations families are experiencing, so we should not assume.

  4. 1-How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?
    Lilly should have created a bond with Mrs. Mohar to be able to solve the problem. They could have found a way to find out why she picked up her son late, as Gudrais (2012) “deliver that information so parents would be like to absorb…”

    2-What should Lilly have said to Mrs Mohar
    Lilly should have told the truth that Mrs. Mohar’s son cries when she leaves him instead of saying a lie. As a teacher we need to inform the parents what happens when they leave their kids with us, Gudrais (2012) “Touch points approach makes parents feel valued that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account”. We need to make the parents feel like they are apart of our team.

    1. Madelin — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Working collaboratively with Mrs. Mohar would have fostered a bond between the two wimmin. I wonder, how could Lilly have found out why Mrs. Mohar was dropping Emmal off late or picking Emmal up late? Lying to a family breeds mistrust.

  5. 1)Lily should have waited until the mom came to pick up the child to discuss this with her. Now the mom is at work worried and confused. Speaking from experience, not knowing what is going on with your child and not being able to get to them is very scary.

    2) Lily should have been more sensitive she has now mad Ms Mohar worry. Instead of passing judgement and assuming she should have asked what can she do to support the baby, how can she help him feel more comfortable while he was in her care. She could have used the touch points method asking the parents questions makes them feel more valued it lets them know that the people who are watching their children are listening and in return this will build a solid trusting foundation.

    1. Hi Brittney, I agree that touchpoint should have been used to avoid any issues especially moving forward in the future. It is best for parents and teachers to build a bond through trust so they child and parent can feel comfortable. If the parent is happy and you continue to build communications it would be great for everyone.

    2. Brittney — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Speaking to Mrs Mohar in person may have been a better solution; I wonder, what should Lilly have said to Mrs. Mohar when Mrs. Mohar came to pick up Emmal? I wonder, what specifically from the TouchPoints method could Lilly have used with Mrs. Mohar? How?

  6. 1.How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?
    Lilly should have been honest from the beginning and told Mrs. Mohar that her child tends to cry all day and he is in fact not fine. I don’t have any children but I think it is important to keep parents in the loop because they do worry when they leave there child with a caretaker for 8 hours.

    2.What should Lilly have said to Mrs Mohar?
    Lilly should have used the touchpoint method so that parents can feel comfortable and to be able to build that trust with the caretaker is very important because you want the parent and child to build a bond with you and to have that safety net is amazing.

    1. Selanie — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Being honest with Mrs. Mohar would have fostered trust between them. I wonder, how should Lilly have used the TouchPoints approach with Mrs. Mohar; what specifically should she have said &/or done?

  7. 1) I think Lily should have waited until Ms. Morhar came to pick up her son to tell her everything that was going on. So that way they could have clearer conservation. She also should’ve been honest with Ms Morhar and told her everything that was going on with her son so that Ms. Morhar would know everything that was going on with her son so she could have an opportunity to strategize how to handle some of her son’s challenges.
    2) Lily should have used the touchpoint methods with the parents in order to build a positive relationship with them and have consistent communication.

  8. How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?
    Lilly should have talked to Emmal’s mom once she got to the daycare because she did not let the mom talk. There was no communication just one sided and I believe Lilly reacted out of anger, which is not professional. Lilly should have held a one on one meeting whether it be early in the morning or once everyone has gone home.
    What should Lilly have said to Mrs Mohar?
    Lilly should have said to Mrs.Mohar that her child cries when she leaves and it takes Emmal a while to calm down, and to be punctual. Mrs.Mohar could have decided to share what is going on in their personal lives and how it has been difficult for her as a single parent now.

    1. Thanks for your comment in this activity. Develop a relationship with Ms. Mohar would have helped Lilly’s communication with Ms. Mohar. I wonder, how could the Touchpoints approach been used to support Ms. Mohar?

  9. 1. How should Lilly have handled the situation with Mrs. Mohar? Why?

    2.What should Lilly have said to Mrs Mohar?

    1. Lily should have asked Mrs. Mohar what was going on with her at home and at work in a sensitive manner to gauge the situation and offer some solutions.

    2. Lily should have asked questions without judging Mrs. Mohar.

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