In this module you will:
- Explore the benefits of using relationship-based practices when working with infants
- Brainstorm relationship-based practices infant teachers should use
- Review the guidelines for the Infant/Family Case Study
In this module you will:
At the end of the semester you will help determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
Read Cheshire (2007)
Cheshire (2007)Think about a healthy relationship you have with someone in your life. Answer the questions below.
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This assignment has 4 steps:
A five-month-old is lying on the floor with several toys scattered within reach. She is contentedly surveying the six other infants and toddlers who are in the room with her. Reaching now and then, she caresses a toy first with her eyes, then with her hands. As we look more closely, we can see that some suspicious moisture has crept onto the infant’s outer clothes in the area of her bottom. We are seeing a very contented but a very wet, young person. A step is heard, and the infant’s eyes travel in the direction of the sound. Then we see a pair of legs and feet traveling along in the direction of the infant. A voice says, “Deja, I’m wondering how you’re getting along.”
The legs move over close to the blanket, and the rest of the person appears. A kindly face comes close. Deja smiles and makes a cooing noise. The teacher responds, then notices the dampness of the clothing. “Oh, Deja, you need a change,” she says. Deja responds by smiling and cooing.
Reaching out her hands, the teacher says, “I’m going to pick you up now.” Deja responds to the gesture and words with an ever-so-slight body movement. She continues to smile and coo. The teacher picks her up. As they walk across the room, Deja reaches for a toy lying just out of reach on a shelf.
“I know you want that toy, but you have to wait a few minutes,” says the teacher with understanding. “First I am going to change your diaper,” she adds with gentle firmness. She lays Deja on the changing table.
Deja’s attention wanders around the room. The teacher talks to her, bringing her gaze back to her own face.
“Look, Deja, I’m taking off the wet diaper.” She shows her the diaper. Deja watches, but then starts to squirm, fussing a little.
“See where the diaper goes?” The teacher once again retrieves her attention by making a production of disposing of the wet diaper.
“Now the dry diaper, Deja … ” The caregiver shows her the fresh diaper. Deja reaches for it. “Yes, you can touch it,” responds the teacher.
“Lift up,” says the teacher, patting her bottom. Deja is distracted by a noise in another part of the room. The teacher waits. Then when she has her attention again, she repeats, “Lift up, please.” She raises Deja’s bottom as she says this and slips the dry diaper under.
“Suki, look–! fixed it!” says a young voice.
The teacher keeps her attention focused on Deja. “I can’t come right now, Jorge. I’m changing Deja. I’ll be with you when I’m finished.”
Deja has begun to squirm. She tries to roll over. “We’re almost finished now.” The teacher pats her, bringing her back to the task. “Look, I’m fastening it now.”
Deja squirms to look. “I like the way you’re paying attention.” The caregiver smiles.
Okay, that’s it; we’re finished. Want to come up now?” She reaches out for Deja.
Deja stretches out her arms, making bubbling noises at the same time. The teacher imitates her sounds. Both laugh. Then the teacher picks Deja up in her arms and gives her a hug.
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There are 2 parts to this assignment:
Part 1: Use Hypothesis (I explain how to use Hypothesis in this video) to review the Infant/ Family Case Study Guidelines. Make at least 1 comment or post at least 1 question about the document.
Case Study Guidelines Fall 2020Part 2: After reviewing the Infant/ Family Case Study guidelines and PowerPoint (I review the Power Point in this video), answer the questions below: