Module 13 Environments Assignment 4: Self-Reflection

At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this module?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?

7 thoughts on “Module 13 Environments Assignment 4: Self-Reflection”

  1. in this module i learn about creating an infant classroom and how it should be set up. also there should be different dimensions in the class such as open/close, the simple/complex, and the highly mobility/ low mobility. I also learn in order to simulate motor and cognitive development in a classroom you must have a space where motor learning is encouraged, have toys that are appropriate for infant development, etc.

  2. At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

    What did you learn in this module?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?

    Answer: In this module I learned how to create a classroom. How items and certain objects are needed in order to have a successful classroom and making your students feel comfortable.

  3. What did you learn in this module?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?
    In this week module I learned how to create my environment for my students. I learned that having different setups are important for each infant to make them feel comfortable and safe.

  4. 1)What did you learn in this module?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)

    In this module I learned how the environment of an infant classroom effects learning and growth. Before this week I thought that Early Childhood Classrooms had a book where they made sure that all classrooms need to be the same no matter the age. Although I am going to say that obviously for an Infant classroom the chairs and tables need to be appropriate but everything else the same. I also had a flashback moment where I was thinking all the times my mix age classroom students were misbehaving and thinking back on how I did not stop and think that maybe is the way my classroom was arrange.

    2)How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?

    This material will help me become better prepared when working with infants because I will make sure my classroom is a space for growth and make it as safe and inviting as possible to reduce the conflicts between each other.

  5. In this module I learned how crucial it is that we create an environment that helps with babies to feel welcome and comfortable. Educators need to learn how to set up classrooms that helps with child development and create spaces for children to coop with temperment, play area to explore and use imagination, a sleeping area for comfort, diaper area to change, a sink area to children the importance of hand washing and keeping germs away, an art station to help with creation. These are some of the important things that need to be considered when working with young infants because it is what will shape them for a life time.

  6. In this module I learned what is most important when it comes to creating a classroom environment for your children. It is important for us as caregivers to make our classrooms fit enough for the children’s comfort. In a classroom there should be different areas where they can explore different activities and develop in each area possible. This will better help me in the future because I acknowledge that a child’s comfort is key for rapid growth.

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