Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #4 Self-Reflection (9/14-9/20)

At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?

10 thoughts on “Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #4 Self-Reflection (9/14-9/20)”

  1. At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

    What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?

    Answer: I learned in this module that routines help babies and toddlers earn self-control. And is they are Consistent routines activities that happen at about the same time and in about the same way each day, it can provide comfort and a sense of safety to young children. It helps them learn to trust that caring adults will provide what they need. Helps there development stages as well.

    SB: I also learned I need a group lol , so please if anyone does want to work with me just inbox me on openlab and we can figure out what do to .. thanks classmates lol

  2. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the materials
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?

    Answer: i learn that infants need routines in order to help them have a concept of self-control. I also learn that having a partnership between parents and teachers is very important because when it comes to the children you must have open communication, trust, and respect with one another and work together to make the child grow and develop. Learn that we have a project coming up that sounds interesting however, i’m kind of nervous about it if i’m being honest.

  3. 1:What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    This week I learned that being a infant teacher will be a lot of patience and can create stress. But all teacher have that but as an infant teacher your number one priority is making sure I am creating that bond and relationship with the families and the child so we can have a great development and I can have a great satisfaction that I am making a difference in someone who needs all the help to be great in every aspect.
    I am excited in the group activity. Although at times I get anxious in working in groups because at times I feel like I am lost but I know that my group members will help me and we will help each other with understanding what is asked of us.
    2:How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    The materials presented to us this week will help me prepare with working with infants because I am reading and understanding that working with small infants will be a little bit stressful especially since I do not have experience. But, at the same time I know that the readings will guide me and give the suggestions/examples I need to be successful.

  4. What I’ve learned in this weeks modules is that the work of an Infant teacher is more important than what people believe. Being able to communicate with the parents help with insight on the infant and how you can support and help them adopt to a new environment where they will be learning different developments. Being able to put ourself in an infants position helps with understanding the needs and how we can support infants the way we would want to supported (of course don’t base your needs on infants).

  5. 1) In this week’s module I learned the insight of how to become supportive when working as a teacher with infants and their families. Communicating and creating relationships with families and infants is really important because this is what helps with babies development.

    2) My “haha” moment was reviewing the assignment 3 for module 4. Role playing sounds exciting and fun to me. I did practice this role play already with my boyfriend and we had our funny moments.

    3) Learning this material from this week’s module will help me better to prepare to work with infant because I learned the ways of how to become successful in providing resource and support families to help the babies develop cognitively. To comprise with parent engagement great ways are involving parents in children activities and also providing information and resources in their primary language. As teachers we must also collaborate with parents on their babies development and ways they can continue learning at home.

  6. In these modules we learned about each other’s school experience through Pre-k and high school. We talked about what it means to be a teacher and infant teacher. We learned about what we would each do to create a babies routine for their feeding, changing and sleep routine. We were able to reflect on what we can help families with if there are any barriers. These materials will help us learn how to involve and engage parents in their child’s school journey.

  7. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    -I learned how routines help a infant self control. It gives them security, and emotional stability.
    – I am a little nervous about the group assignment because I can be very timid.
    – These materials in the modules help me prepare better to work with infants by helping me be knowledgeable about strategies that can help a infant development.

  8. I learned that being an infant teacher is like being that child’s parent outside of their home. Putting their needs before your own, helps infants with routines that helps with their growth. These modules will help me be prepared to expect infants with different routines and organize things accordingly so all children get what they need and want from the caregiver.

  9. In this week’s module for ECE 209 lecture and Seminar I’ve learned about the importance of individualization for routines in the classroom. As well as how to be a responsive caregiver and how that plays an important role in connecting with the child, their development, and their overall well-being. Not to mention, the need of involvement from families in the child’s education but also understanding the families circumstances and supporting them however way we can.

    I’m also really excited for this upcoming project to work with my classmates and be able to exchange valuable information amongst each other in this shared career path.

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