Module 1 Introductions Assignment #2: Scavenger Hunt

This assignment has 2 parts.

Part 1: Use Hypothesis (I explain how to use Hypothesis in this video) to Review the Syllabus, Papers & Projects  Guidelines, Course Policies, and Course Guide.  You should make at least 1 comment or post or at least 1 question on each of the 4 documents.

Fall 2020 ECE 209L Syllabus


Fall 2020 Assignmnet Guidelines


Fall 2020 Course Guide


Open Lab Poilicies 209


Part 2: After exploring the Open Lab site and reading the Syllabus, Assignment Guidelines, Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 110-Lecture, answer the following questions:

  1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
  2. What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
  3. What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    1. When are the papers and projects due?
    2. How many points is each paper or project worth?
  4. How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
  5. Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
  6. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
  7. What are my office hours?
  8. What are the ways you can reach me?
  9. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
  10. What should you do if you have a question for me?
  11. When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
  12. When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    1. Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    2. Attachment?
    3. Cognitive development?

19 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Assignment #2: Scavenger Hunt”

  1. 1: Our grades will be determined by the overall completion of the class, the points that you have accumulated throughout the assignments and the points on our Self-Assessments.
    2: All papers and projects must meet a least the “Learner” which is 1 point.
    3: The assignments that are due for ECE 209 Lecture are the following:
    A: Self-Assessments which will be throughout the semester and 12/20 and will be 1 point.
    B: The completion of all modules which will be throughout the semester and will be 1 point.
    C: Play Material Zine will also be throughout the semester and also on 12/13/2020 and will also be 1 point.
    D: Infant/Family Case Study which will have 5 parts:
    1: Initial Contact with Family due on 9/27.
    2: Interview will be 1 point and is due on 10/11.
    3:Observation of Infant done virtually using a youtube video given to us will be due on 10/26 and is 1 point.
    4: Commentary Paper draft will be due on 11/16.
    5: Final Commentary Paper will be 1 point and due on 12/6.

    4: When submitting a paper it will be done using BLACKBOARD under the assignments. Blackboard can not accept Google Docs. All the documents need to a Microsoft Document or a PDF.
    5: For this course the assignments can be found directly on the syllabus or on OPENLAB.
    6: If you reach a technical issue you must contacted the professor before your assignment is due.
    7: Professor Longley office hours are on Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) and Thursdays (9:30am-11am).
    8: Professor Jen can be reached via email, facetime ,zoom, whatsapp and phone call.
    9: When replying to a classmates the word you must include is “because”.
    10: If a question arise Professor Jen can be contacted via email, call or zoom.
    11: All modules are due at the end of each week at 11:59pm.
    12: ECE 209 will focus on the following tasks on
    a: Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play (Module 11 @ 11/9-11/15)
    b: Attachment (Module 3 @ 9/14-9/20)
    c: Cognitive Development (Module 9 @ 10/26-11/1)

  2. Part 2: After exploring the Open Lab site and reading the Syllabus, Assignment Guidelines, Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 110-Lecture, answer the following questions:

    How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    When are the papers and projects due?
    How many points is each paper or project worth?
    How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    What are my office hours?
    What are the ways you can reach me?
    What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    What should you do if you have a question for me?
    When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    Cognitive development?

    Answer:completion of ECE209, the points that you have accumulated throughout the assignments in ECE209, the points Self-Assessments in ECE209.
    Answer: atleast “Learner”

    A:Self-Assessments which will be throughout the semester and 12/20
    B: The completion of all modules which will be throughout the semester
    C: Play Material Zine will also be throughout the semester due: 12/13/2020
    D: Infant/Family Case Study which will have 5 parts:
    1: Initial Contact with Family due on 9/27.
    2: Interview due on 10/11.
    3: Observation of Infant due on 10/26
    4: Commentary Paper draft due on 11/16.
    5: Final Commentary Paper due on 12/6.
    ( 1 POINT )

    Answer:Blackaord under the assignments.

    Answer:on the syllabus or openlab.

    Answer: contact the professor before your assignment is due.

    Answer: Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) and Thursdays (9:30am-11am).

    Answer: remind, email, facetime ,zoom, whatsapp and phone call.

    Answer: “because”.

    Answer: If a question arise Professor Jen can be contacted remind app, email, call or zoom.

    Answer: at the end of each week at 11:59pm.

    a: Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play (Module 11 11/9-11/15)
    b: Attachment (Module 3 9/14-9/20)
    c: Cognitive Development (Module 9 10/26-11/1)

  3. PART 1
    1. will the lecture part of this course assignments be due the same as for the seminar?

    2. how much percentage is the self-assessment on my grade?

    3. great information on students resources.

    How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture? by my success of completion, points earned and self-assessment.
    What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture? interview with family,observation paper, and commentary papers.
    When are the papers and projects due? every sunday by 11;59pm
    How many points is each paper or project worth? 1 point
    How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture? on open-lab
    Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date? contact technical issues at bmcc e-learning via email or phone.
    What are my office hours? tuesdays at 7:30-9pm and thursdays 9:30-11am
    What are the ways you can reach me? via email or phone
    What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    What should you do if you have a question for me?
    When are modules due each week for ECE 209-LectureWhen will ECE 110-L focus on: THIS IS ECE 209
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    Cognitive development?

    1. Jasmine — Thanks for your comment. To answer your questions — 1) the modules for ECE 209 Lecture and Seminar are due Dunday at 11:59 PM; if you want me to change the dates they are due, let me know; 2) your Self-Assessment is a large factor in determining your grade for ECE 209. However, it is factored in along with your scores on the your papers and projects and if you successfully complete ECE 209-Seminar.

  4. 1.How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Ans: Grades will be determined by your successful completion of ECE 209-lecture, the points you earn in ECE 209-lecture, and your Self-Assessment for ECE 209

    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    Ans: All projects and paper must meet at least “learner” which is 1 point.

    3.What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Ans:Self-Assessments which will be throughout the semester and 12/20
    B: The completion of all modules which will be throughout the semester
    C: Play Material Zine will also be throughout the semester due: 12/13/2020
    D: Infant/Family Case Study which will have 5 parts
    *When are the papers and projects due?
    1: Initial Contact with Family due on 9/27.
    2: Interview will be 1 point and is due on 10/11.
    3:Observation of Infant done virtually using a youtube video given to us will be due on 10/26 and is 1 point.
    4: Commentary Paper draft will be due on 11/16.
    5: Final Commentary Paper will be 1 point and due on 12/6.
    *How many points is each paper or project worth?
    Ans: each are worth 1 point
    4.How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Ans: submit your paper on Blackboard
    5.Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    Ans: you can find the work for ECE 209-lecture on the Syllabus and Openlab
    6.What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    Ans: contact the professor before the due date of the assignment
    7.What are my office hours?
    Ans: professor Jen office hours are on Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) and Thursdays (9:30am-11am).
    8.What are the ways you can reach me?
    Ans: email, facetime ,zoom, whatsapp and phone call.
    9.What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    Ans:you should respond using “Because”
    10.What should you do if you have a question for me?
    Ans. you can call, text, zoom, or email
    11.When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Ans: Sundays at 11:59pm
    12.When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    A.Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    Ans. (Module 11 @ 11/9-11/15)
    Ans.(Module 3 @ 9/14-9/20)
    C. Cognitive development?
    Ans. (Module 9 @ 10/26-11/1)

  5. 1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    successful completion of ECE Lecture 209, point earned and self assessment

    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    Must meet learner in all tasks

    3.What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    -Self assessment
    – Modules
    -Play Materials Zine
    -Infant family case study
    -initial contact with a family report
    -Interview with a family paper
    -Observation of an infant paper
    -Commentary paper draft
    -Commentary paper final

    4. When are the papers and projects due?
    -Self assessment- Throughout semester & 12/20
    – Modules – Throughout semester
    -Play Materials Zine- Throughout semester & 12/13
    1.Infant family case study
    -initial contact with a family report- 9/27
    -Interview with a family paper-10/11
    -Observation of an infant paper -10/26
    -Commentary paper draft-11/16
    -Commentary paper final-12/6

    5. How many points is each paper or project worth?
    Completing modules- 1 point
    Play Materials Zine- 1 point
    Interview with a Family Paper- 1 point
    Observation of an Infant Paper – 1 point
    Commentary paper- 1 point

    6. How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?

    7.Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    Blackboard or open lab

    8. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    Contact the professor before the assignment is due

    9. What are my office hours?
    Tuesday 7:30pm -9:00pm
    Thursday 9:30am-11am

    10. What are the ways you can reach me?
    Email, phone, google hangout, skype, zoom. remind app

    11. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    Use the word “because” to elaborate

    12. What should you do if you have a question for me?
    Participate in zoom meeting

    13. When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    end of every week Sundays at 11:59pm

    14. When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play? 11/9-11/15
    Attachment? 9/14-9/20
    Cognitive development? 10/26/11/1

  6. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    it will be determine by the completion of the class and the point we obtain by completing certain assignments.
    What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    papers and progects should at least meet the “learner” which is equal to 1 point
    What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    the self-assesments that are throutout the semester(1point) complete all modules (1point) play material zine (1 point) infant/family case study
    When are the papers and projects due?
    initial contact with family 9/27
    interview 10/11
    observation of an infant 10/26
    commentary draft 11/16
    final commentary 12/6
    How many points is each paper or project worth?
    one point each
    How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    using BlackBoard under assignments save documents as PDF
    Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    use syllabus or openlab
    What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    contact professor Jen ASAP
    What are my office hours?
    tuesday(7:30pm-9pm) and thursday (9:30am-11am)
    What are the ways you can reach me?
    email,facetime,zoom,whatsapp and by phone
    What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    when replying to our classmates we must include “because”
    What should you do if you have a question for me?
    contact Prof. Jen
    When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    sunday at 11;59pm
    When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?module 11 on 11/9-11/15
    Attachment?module3 on 9/14-9/20
    Cognitive development?module 9 on 10/26-11/1

  7. 1. Our grade will be determined on successfully completing the ECE 209- Lecture, the points we earn in this course and our self- assessment.
    2. The criteria that each paper and project must meet in order to earn points in ECE 209 is completing modules, play material zines, interview with a family paper, observation of an infant paper, and the final paper which is the commentary.
    3. There are 4 papers that are due.You have to earn a minimum of 1 point for each paper. Interview with a family, observation of an infant, draft of the commentary and the final commentary. The three projects are self-assessment, completing modules and the play materials zine. You have to earn 1 point for each project.
    4. We would use the blackboard to submit any paper that is due for ECE 209-Lecture
    5. Two places you can find when work is due for ECE 209- Lecture is in ECE 209- Lecture guidelines for papers and projects and in completing modules.
    6. If you are having technical issues with Open Lab or cannot complete assignments by the due date you should contact Professor Jen. Ways you can contact the Professor is by calling, texting or use the remind app.
    7. The Professor’s office hours are on Tuesday 7:30pm-9pm and Thursday 9:30am-11am. You can also schedule a meeting with the professor by appointment.
    8. We can always call/text/email the professor if we ever need to or we can also meet on the optional zoom meetings on monday that start at 10:30 for any open questions.
    9. The word we should include in our reply to a comment written by our colleague is “because”.
    10. If you have any questions you should contact Jen by email, phone, text, call/facetime or whatsapp. Other ways are google hangout, skype, zoom and the remind me app.
    11. Each module is due on Sundays by 11:59pm.
    12. When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    1. Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play? Module 11 on 11/9-11/15.
    2. Attachment? Module 3 on 9/14-9/20.
    3. Cognitive development? Module 9 on 10/26-11/1.

  8. 1. Through the completion of ECE 209, The points earned in ECE 209-Lecture, and Self-assessments in ECE 209.
    2. at least “learner”
    Self-Assessment throughout the semester and 12/20
    Modules throughout the semester
    Play Material Zine throughout the semester and 12/13
    Infant/Family case (5 parts)
    -Initial contact with family 9/27
    -Interview 10/11
    -Observation of infant due on 10/26
    -Commentary paper draft 11/16
    -Commentary paper final 12/6
    *Each are 1 point*
    4. Work will be submitted through blackboard
    5. Openlab or the syllabus
    6. Contact the professor before any due assignments
    7. Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) Thursdays (9:30pm-11:00pm)
    8. Through email, phone number, facetime, zoom, and whatsapp
    9. The word “because”
    10. Contact the professor on the available platforms
    11. Due at the end of each week at 11:59pm
    a: Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play (Module 11 11/9-11/15)
    b: Attachment (Module 3 9/14-9/20)
    c: Cognitive Development (Module 9 10/26-11/1)

  9. 1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Our grade will be determined on completing the ece 209 lecture, the points we earn in the course and our self assessment
    2.What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
    Have to meet learner in all tasks
    3.What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    When are the papers and projects due?
    How many points is each paper or project worth?
    Interview 10/11, observation of an infant 10/26, draft of the commentary 11/16and the final commentary 12/06. projects – self-assessment, completing modules and the play materials zine 12/13each have to earn 1 point
    4.How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
    Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
    syllabus or open lab
    What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
    contact the professor
    What are my office hours?
    Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) Thursdays (9:30pm-11:00pm)
    What are the ways you can reach me?
    google hangouts, phone, email, zoom, whatsapp, facetime
    What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
    Hey “their name”
    What should you do if you have a question for me?
    contact professor
    When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
    sundays at 11:59
    When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    Cognitive development?
    – Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play (Module 11 11/9-11/15)
    – Attachment (Module 3 9/14-9/20)
    – Cognitive Development (Module 9 10/26-11/1)
    AuthorJen Longley
    Posted onJuly 18, 2020
    CategoriesModule 1: Course Overview
    15 thoughts

  10. 1. Our grade will be determined by the overall completion of the class, the points that you have accumulated throughout the assignments and the points on our Self-Assessments.
    2. All papers and projects must meet a least the “Learner” which is 1 point.
    3. Projects due for ECE 209 Lecture:
    -Self-Assessments which will be throughout the semester and 12/20 -The completion of all modules which will be throughout the semester.
    -Play Material Zine will also be throughout the semester and also on 12/13 -Infant/Family Case Study ( five parts):
    Initial Contact with Family due on 9/27
    Interview will be 1 point and is due on 10/11
    Observation of Infant due on 10/26 Commentary Paper draft will be due on 11/16
    Final Commentary Paper will be 1 point and due on 12/6
    4. When submitting a paper, it will be done using Blackboard under the assignments. (All the documents need to a Microsoft Document or a PDF)
    5. For ECE209-Lecture, assignments can be found directly on the Syllabus or on OpenLab.
    6. If you experience a technical issue you must contact either the professor or BMCC’s e-Learning Center.
    7. Professor Longley office hours: Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) and Thursdays (9:30am-11am)
    8. Professor Jen can be reached via email, facetime , zoom, whatsapp and phone call.
    9. When replying to a classmates you should use the word “because”
    10. For any Questions, you can reach Professor Jen through email, call or zoom.
    11. All modules are due at the end of each week at 11:59pm.
    12. ECE 209 will focus on:
    – Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play Module 11 ( 11/9-11/15)
    – Attachment Module 3 (9/14-9/20)
    -Cognitive Development Module 9 (10/26-11/1)

  11. 1. Your grade for ECE 209 lecture will be determined by the your successful completion of ECE 209 seminar , the points you earn in ECE 209 lecture and your self assessment for ECE 209.
    2. Each paper and project must meet at least the “learner” criteria to earn points in ECE 209
    3. The papers do for ECE 209 lecture are the interview with the family paper, observation of an infant paper and commentary paper and project due for ECE 209 is play materials zine.
    Observation of an infant paper is due 10/26/20, interview with the family paper is due 10/11/20 and the commentary paper is due 12/6/20. For projects play materials Zine due throughout semester and 12/13/20
    Each paper and project is worth 1 point each.
    4. To submit a paper for ECE 209 lecture is on blackboard under assignments
    5. Two places you can find work for ECE 209 lecture is on open lab and the syllabus
    6. If you have technical issues with open lab and/ or cannot complete assignments by due date, contact Jen and or the E-learning center depending on the issue
    7. Jen office hours are Tuesdays (7:30pm-9pm) and Thursdays (9:30 pm -11:00pm)
    8. The best ways the reach Jen are by phone, text, email, facetime, whatsapps.
    9. You should include the word “because” when replying to a comment written by a colleague on open lab
    10. If I have a question for you will reach out to you Via contact information given.
    11. The modules are due Sundays 11:59 each week
    12. ECE 209 will focus on:
    Curriculum in infants Classrooms and Play 11/9-11/15
    Attachment 9/14-9/20
    Cognitive development 10/26-11/1

  12. sandy
    1)Grades are determined based upon completion of ECE 209L, points earned and self assessment
    2)Papers and projects should meet at least “learner” which is 1 point
    3)Self assessment throughout the semester,12/20, 1 point
    .completion of all modules throughout the semester,12/20, 1 point
    .play material Zine throughout semester,12/13, 1 point
    .infant/family case study which is five parts
    1-initial contact with family due 9/21
    2-interview due 10/11,1point
    3-observation of infant done virtually/ YouTube video given, due 10/26, 1point
    4- commentary paper draft 11/16
    5- final commentary paper due 12/6, 1point
    4)submit through blackboard under assignments bb does not accept google docs need to be Microsoft or PDF
    5)syllabus and open lab
    6)contact your professor
    7)Tuesday 7:30 pm-9pm, Thursday 9:30am,11:30am
    8)email, facetime, zoom, WhatsApp and phone call
    10)email, call or zoom
    11)all modules due at the end of each n week at 11:59
    12)ECE 209 focuses on
    1-curriculum in infants classrooms and play (module 11, 11/9-11/15)
    2-attachments (module 3, 9/14-9/20)
    3-cognitive development (module9,10/26-11/1

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