Module 1 Introductions Assignment #3: Prenatal Development

Read Davis & Thompson (2014)

Davis & Thompson (2014)

Watch the video What Babies Learn Before They are Born, I suggest completing this handout  while watching the video.

Watch the video Prenatal to Birth (the video is available from BMCC’s Library video data base Films on Demand, follow the steps on this handout or in this video to locate the video; I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video)

Include specific references to the videos and readings from the to answer the questions below:

Your best friend is pregnant. She asks you for advice because she knows you are taking ECE 209.  Your friend wants to know:

    1. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
      1. Her baby?
      2. Her and her partner/ family?
    2. What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    3. Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?

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34 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Assignment #3: Prenatal Development”

  1. ent
    Read Davis & Thompson (2014)

    Watch the video What Babies Learn Before They are Born, I suggest completing this handout while watching the video.

    Watch the video Prenatal to Birth (the video is available from BMCC’s Library video data base Films on Demand, follow the steps on this handout or in this video to locate the video; I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video)

    Include specific references to the videos and readings from the to answer the questions below:

    Your best friend is pregnant. She asks you for advice because she knows you are taking ECE 209. Your friend wants to know:

    After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby?
    Her and her partner/ family?
    What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?

    Answer: Anything and everything a mother does while pregnant will have an impact on the unborn, this can either be a great benefit to the unborn or have more of a negative benefit. For example while pregnant if the mother has a very jolly life and happy experience her baby will adapt to atmosphere and most likely be the same way once out the womb. Now if a mother has a very difficult time with her personal life, and is emotionally unstable we can assume the unborn will adapt to that type of behavior.

    Answer: To try to be as positive, easy going, loving, caring as possible, and to assure her baby that when she is born she will be there to protect her/him. I would also advise to try to keep her stress level as low as possible, and have a well balanced diet, not to watch the news as often as the baby can make out tones being used by individual when speaking.
    Use words of encouragement, take walks. Just give her baby an infinite amount of love, and that the world will be a in much better shape once she/he gets here.

    Answer: My advise to if any of my friends were pregnant during this COVID19 crisis is keep her hands washed and keep wearing a mask, think positive thoughts no matter how things may seem at the moment and speak positively manifestation is real, if it is vital to speak to a doctor, midwife, or counselor if you’re feeling depress or worried, eat healthy, get rest, speak to me if you need any help ill try to help.

  2. 1. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby? the sound of a mothers voice, sounds of sounds and words spoke on shows or books. their affected by their mothers and being taught what is safe and good to eat and the culture they’ll be joining through food. Also, the air she breaths, emotions, chemicals ect are all shared with the fetus.
    Her and her partner/ family? they way they use their time will change and alot of sacrifcs will take play.

    What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why? take every precaution to stay safe and secure such as wearing mask,gloves and practicing social distancing at all times. also advise to only go to public places with many people only its really needed and make sure to get check ups often and attend every appointment.

    Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    i would explain to my friend the affects she has on her fetus as the mother and carrier of life. Tell her how her everyday actions and decisions can impact her baby and not just while in the womb but beyond it. i would recommend research articles for her to read and go over to be the best she can be for her baby.

  3. Include specific references to the videos and readings from the to answer the questions below:

    Your best friend is pregnant. She asks you for advice because she knows you are taking ECE 209. Your friend wants to know:

    1.After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby?
    Her and her partner/ family?
    Ans: I would tell my best friend that from the tell her baby is in the womb he/she is learning. Any impact that affects her positively or negatively the baby will also be impacted. For example, lets says she being stressed out by her family or partner this can cause an impact on the baby which leads to a miscarriage (negative impact). Also if she has family members or a partner who brings joy, laughter and happiness around her while pregnant the baby will be a happy baby (positive impact).
    2.What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    Ans: I would tell her being pregnant in the Covid-19 Crisis is not going to be easy however, she needs to stay positive, remain cheerful, and only focus on the positives that life has to offer. I would tell her to eat a healthy balance diet that will build her and the baby immune system. Do things that she enjoys dancing, singing, drawing whatever to keep her mind from worrying about Covid. I will also tell her to limit the amount of people going and coming from her home and to always wash and hand sanitized her hands and anything that she touches or eat etc. The reason why i would say these things to her is because her safety and the babies safety are very important.
    3.Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    Ans: my advice would be to stay positive and focus on the well-being of her baby and herself. Try not to worry or stress if your put in a situation remove herself, stay positive , eat healthy and if she needs me i’m a phone call away any hour of the day. Remind her that everything and anything she does the baby will learning even if he/she is inside the womb. If she needs professional help don’t be scared to call to get answers to questions i might not be able to answer and for her to know ill be there with her if/when she needs me.

    1. Lacoya I totally agree with your second answer for question 2. I agree with you because this pandemic has made people all the world be more cautious about germs and how proper cleaning , disinfecting and sanitizing makes a difference. Especially when there is a newborn present mother’s need to always put their babies safety first.

  4. 1. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby?
    Her and her partner/ family?
    I would advise my bestfriend that your lifestyle has an affect on your newborn. For example, if you eat healthy your child most likely will have good eating habits. If your surroundings are positive or negative your child will recognize that environment outside the womb. It’s important to be around good energy so your child can have a joyful upbringing. As far as my bestfriends partner and family I would inform her about Postpartum depression and what it means and looks like. Its important for her also to let her partner and family what it is so that they are aware of the signs and know how to support her during this time.

    2. What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    During COVID-19 I would advise a pregnant womyn to try and stay home if possible. Wash hands more often, minimize social gatherings and stay informed about the virus because her and the babies health is important.

    3. Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    I would let inform my friend that everything that she does during pregnancy can affect the baby long-term. I would advise her to talk to doctors about this theory.

    1. Good Morning Cindy, I agree with your answer for question 1. Postpartum depression is no joke and I believe that postpartum can be somewhat controlled if from the beginning the mother had a unconditional support system in place.

    2. Hi, Cindy. I agree with you on number 3 because the theory is true. I experienced giving birth to a stressed baby because I had a stressful pregnancy. I was 18 at the time and hardships got in the way of maintaining my happiness. During 12 hours in labor, I was rushed into getting a c-section because everytime I pushed my babies heart rate would drop with the reason being he was in stress. Thankfully, c section went well and now I have a healthy 9 year old boy..thank God. Giving this advice to your friend would be a great advice that could benefit her unborn baby.

  5. 1) when it comes to pregnancy a lot of women have a lot to consider when it comes to what they eat or drink. drinking and eating the wrong things including not taking the right vitamins can bring a negative effect to the unborn child and it will be hard to the mother to adapt to childs needs if the child is born with certain medical problems. Now if the mother is eating the right nutrients as well as vitamins and having the right support system when her child is born she would have a positive connection with her new born.
    2)be suportive with her that her new born is in good hands because there’s no wrong or right way on raising a child, give the mother and the baby a lot of love and be caring in moments of stress be there with her help her with the baby and always listen to her.
    3)My advise to a friend during this time would be to not over stress and watch the news because that will give her more stress, to remind her that everything is going to be okay and to always stay alert to get used to a new way of living and cleaning and to make sure to keep her hands clean as long as she is keeping a safe environment her baby is in safe hands.

    1. Hello Marilyn, I agree with taking the right vitamins. I was not a big fan of vitamins but now I see how important they are especially for pregnant women, you must take the right vitamins especially since covid , I do recommend people to be extra aware.

    2. Hey Marilyn, i completely agree with your 3rd answer stressing while pregnant isn’t good for her or the baby and to stay away from all media outlet will reduce her stress levels. Staying healthy is a big plus, and just being their as a friend and remind her that everything will be okay is also good.

    3. Hi, Marilyn. I completely agree with you on the vitamins because to give birth to a healthy baby would be to start off by what the mother feeds herself. Prenatal vitamins are very good for the fetus because this vitamins helps them grow and helps them develop their organs in a strong way.

  6. 1:After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby?
    Her and her partner/ family?
    I would advise my friend that the prenatal stage is where she has to consider making decision that will benefit not only her but her baby. Lisa has to make sure that throughout the 9 months of pregnancy she is fully supported by her family and most important her partner because the baby will be picking up everything the mother is feeling on a daily basis.

    2:What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    During this COVID-19 crisis womyn need to be a 1000% on top of their health. Womyn who are pregnant need a great support system because they need to prepare to deliver their babies without someone they trust inside the hospital room.

    3:Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    I would advise Lisa to talk to her baby expose your baby to new foods new sounds. This will beneficial for the baby once they are born. I would also advise my Lisa whenever in doubt talk to her doctors because they will ensure the safety of her and baby.

  7. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    The prenatal period is a very important stage for pregnant women. Fetus start learning the minute they start to develop in their mother’s womb. While pregnant, it is important that the mother creates a positive environment for her fetus because this is the environment her baby will adapt to form from the moment they’re in their moms womb to the moment they’re born. The fetus grows a strong connection with their moms from the instant they start to develop in their mother’s womb. They start to learn their culture from inside their mothers belly through language that is used from over their family. About language, they know who is mom the instant they are born into this world. It is not because of skin to skin, it is because it’s the voice they remember from being inside the womb. They’re even as smart as to remember the lullaby’s or books they’re mother played them from outside the womb when they were inside all the way until the moment their born. This was proved when they tested a baby who was sucking on a mom’s boob while a tune that was played while they were in the womb. When they realized the tune they stopped sucking their mom’s book.
    What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    It is important that pregnant women learn how to create a happy and stress-free environment for her and her baby during the COVID-19 crisis. Anything feeling that a mother experiences, her baby feels it as well. Stress can be harmful to the baby cause brain development later on during their childbearing years therefore, the mother needs to assure that she finds herself busy during the crisis such as, reading books, finding hobbies, even going for a nice walk.
    Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    I’d advised a pregnant women to keep in mind what she eats. Based on the fetal origins theory, women who weren’t didn’t nurture themselves experience the tragedy of loosing their babies to still birth. Therefore, it is very important that a pregnant women feeds herself and even invest in the right foods because some foods can cause organ damage later on in a child’s life. Following a well balanced diet is the key to giving birth to a healthy baby and setting up a great long life span for their children.

  8. 1. Everything a mother does can cause an impact on the unborn. From what the mother eat, the sound of their voice, music, and emotions. However there can also be a negative impact on the unborn, such as inhaling harsh chemicals, and any emotional or physical stress. With the partner/family it all revolves around the way they support her. Such as making sure they are eating healthy and away from any stressful factors that can impact the baby.

    2. What she should do as a pregnant womyn during a crisis is to block out social media and the news, anything that can report on whats going on in the world. Make sure to keep herself occupied by activities that can be done at home, like yoga, art, video games (without any violence because the baby can hear), and even learn new recipes to cook.

    3. My advise would be to never overthink nor let anyone tell you how to treat your body and your baby (unless you’ve asked). Fill your minds with positivity, if dealing with stress/depression or any other mental health problems reach out to your doctor or me. If she want’s to go outside for a little bit of air to make sure she is with someone (not to venture far from home) and making sure she is wearing a mask and gloves at all times due to the virus.

    1. Tamia — Thanks for your comment. You explain how the health & well-being of the mother is connected to the healthy and well-being of the baby. I wonder, what does fetal origins theory say about fetal development? How can you connect specific references from the reading and videos to your comment?

  9. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her baby? The food she eats, the energy she’s around, the music she plays , the language she speaks can all have an impact on her child.
    Her and her partner/ family? A lot of attention is required to her more than usual, changes will have to be made now to help with the development of the childs life.
    What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why? She should take every precaution possible for her safety and the childs safety. Keeping everything sanitize, wear a mask, eat foods that will boost her immune system, stay away from large crowds.
    Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?
    I would tell her to only keep positive energy around her to prevent stress. As a mother she has to change her priorities because now she has a little one to worry about now as well. Her actions impacts on her child development. She will need all the support she can get to raise her baby. Like my grandma say “it takes a village to raise a child”. Ask all the questions she haves because this a whole different type of lifestyle then what she is used to.

  10. 1. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
    Her Baby- Her baby will form an attachment to the mother. It will affect the food her baby eats, shapes the language the baby speaks
    Her and her partner/family- Makes it easier to shape their childrearing practices since they can start the learn process during the prenatal period. It makes it easier to form bond between mother and child.
    2. As a pregnant womyn during the COVID 19 crisis she should keep calm and not panic or worry about the crisis, don’t want to stress the baby in anyway. Keep a positive attitude. Remember to do the things that a benefitable to the baby. And most importantly take all measures to protect herself from covid
    3. Based on the fetal origins theory I would advise my friend to try to keep away from the things that would stress her and surround herself with positive energy. This time in her pregnancy is a time where experiences during this period can dramatically influence development.

  11. 1. After the baby is born, the prenatal period has great impact on not only the mother, but the baby/family/and the partner as well. For the baby, the prenatal period would dictate how the baby reacts to their new environment, such as they’re eating habits. The mother on the other hand is impacted on how she approaches things, such as her time and other relationships.

    2. As a pregnant womyn during COVID-19 crisis, I would advise her to find a way to not stress or worry too much about the circumstances but to look at the more positive things that may help ease her. Her reaction and emotions are passed to the baby and keeping a calm demeanor is in the best interest for herself and the baby too.

    3. Based on fetal origins theory, which is a scientific discipline that our health and well-being throughout our lives is crucially affected by the nine months we spend in the womb, I would advise my pregnant friend to prioritize her health, diet, and stress levels.

  12. 1- Everything and anything you do while pregnant have an affect on your baby. Whatever you eat and drink impacts your baby so if you are eating healthy and drinking water you will have a healthy baby. Being and staying positive throughout your pregnancy is very important because if you are stressing out or worrying you may be in danger of a miscarriage or stillborn. it really does takes a village to raise a kid so any help or support from family/partner will be great and helpful.
    2- During this pandemic I will advise you to wash hands more than regular, drink plenty water, wear a mask to avoid anyone sneezing or coughing near you and DO NOT watch the news, it is filled with negativity and as I said before your baby absorbs everything inside womb. Try not to worry about the pandemic and focus on bringing a healthy baby into this world.
    3- I would explain to her that babies are like a sponge in the womb. They hear and feel everything that you do . Whatever you eat they eat whatever you drink they are drinking so be mindful. A healthy pregnancy will bring a healthy happy baby.

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