Module 1 Introductions Assignment #4: Self-Reflection

At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?

15 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Assignment #4: Self-Reflection”

  1. At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

    What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants

    Answer: The ha-ha moment for me was the Seminar section coming to a discovery that I am a procrastinator. I need to snap out of being that way because i will be stuck with a ton of work at the end of the week. Also the video that really made a big impact for me what we learn when we are in the womb. How development starts when the fetus is developing and how important and beneficial our surroundings are while pregnant. also learned how prenatal is super important due to the child being affected in the long run if a mother is suffering from any type of depression. Also how gaining trust from a baby/toddler is very important, they need to able to trust you and have comfortably in order to grow and educate themselves for years down the line. This will help me with infants down the line when i work with them because i get a better understanding of how they are and the things they need and dont need.

  2. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    This week for ECE-209 Lecture and Seminar I learned about the projects and papers that are due. One connection or disconnection I made was that I don’t remember having essays in my last seminar class however maybe I didn’t notice since it was in person and felt like once class. I learned about time management during fully online courses. I learned how to navigate a new website (open lab )

    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    From what I have noticed, all the modules teach you about the full development of a newborn and that it imperative so that when you work at a daycare/ with families so that you are able to identify concerns if necessary. I also noticed it talks about how to professionally care for infants and how to interact with their families.

  3. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    Ans: This week i learn that unborn babies begin their learning from the womb of the mother and how unborn babies recognize their mother in the womb. I also learn that fetal learning is important because its aids the baby survival from the moment of birth and how the baby response to the person who is mostly to take care of her.
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    Ans: the materials from these modules will prepare me when working with infants to get a better understanding on how i can connect with them on many levels and to figure out the needs and wants of an infant.

  4. Answer: Leaving things last minute is something i need i need to work on a lot becuase It’s only going to be a negative impact on me. The video showed me that the environment we find oursleves in can have a lot to do with a pregnancy and all while also trusting those around us. This all helps me on leaning that with children we need to have patience when trying to have trust because we don’t know what’s going on in their home. As caregivers we can find a way to work around the child to make them feel comfortable.

  5. 1:What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    This week I learned the importance of making sure that during your baby’s development your emotional, health state in well taken care of. This means making sure that I am eating healthy, reading , talking and exposing my baby to their surroundings.
    In seminar, I was given the information for making sure that in order to have a successful semester I must be writing my important dates down.
    2:Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    I gained the knowledge that babies are learning everything about the outside world through their mother. I learned that development is even more crucial in babies.
    3:How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    This information will prepare me with working with infants because I will make sure that I am communicating with the new mother’s about the importance of being healthy in all aspects and exposing your children to new foods and foods that make up your culture.

  6. 1. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    While reviewing both courses for ECE 209- Lecture and Seminar is that in order to pass this course you have to pass both parts. If you fail one you would fail the entire course. It is important you follow the syllabus on both parts of this course in order to be successful in this class. Interesting topics I learned from Lecture is about babies and the connection between fetuses and pregnant women. Fetus start learning the instant they start to grow in the womb. They are able to adapt to the same environment outside from the same environment they can remember from inside the womb. That is why it is very important the mother creates a positive environment around her growing baby starting from inside the womb because is starts from here.
    2. Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    After viewing the insights of this course I really need to keep in mind how to master time management. I laugh about how well I work under pressure and how proficient I can be when it comes to leaving work for the last minute but it isn’t until now that I realized with a class like this one is impossible to procasinate. I didn’t realize how to use the open lab which is why i’m a little late with submitting for this week. Although I will definitely catch up, because I do want to be successful through my journey in college, it is important to ask questions the instant you are confused about to something.
    3. How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants? The modules will better prepare me to work with families by viewing the videos and resource that is avaliable for us to study. These modules will shape us to be educated in the topic of the course for this semester. We will become experts by focusing and studying the modules. The modules will also give us the opportunity to complete our self-assessments to be able to see how much we have learned over the time of the course.

  7. 1. What I’ve learned in ECE 209 is that there are so many different ways and options to contact the professor (normally it would be hard to have a professor that doesn’t have different platforms to contact them on) I have also learned a new website that is way easier than blackboard, it took some time for me to be able to sign up and work my way around how openlab works, but I got it faster than my discovery with blackboard.

    2. The materials in the modules better help me to work with infants because it serves to me as a kind reminder. It helps remind me that not only are we focused on the newborn, but to also focus on the parent/caregiver because they impact the infants/unborn more than anything else. These modules give me a time to reflect on how I should help myself and others.

  8. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
    1. In this week modules I learned the important of a child development in the womb. I also learned that the actions that you make while being pregnant can either have an positive impact or negative impact on the childs development. Therefore its very important to take well care of yourself while being pregnant. In module 3, I connected with the assignment about our bestfriends needing advice because one of my close friends are pregnant and now I have enough information to give her about her pregnancy and it will help her tremendously.

    2. The materials from these modules will prepare me when working with infants to have a clear understanding on how I can help with their development and connect with them.

  9. In this week’s modules for ECE 209- lecture and seminar I learnt how fundamental the fetal period is towards the development of the baby. Learning starts inside the womb. Attachments are form between baby and mother during this period, shaping also what the child eats, the languages they speak etc.
    I also learn different ways to contact Jen in case I’m having any problems and what is required to pass this course successfully .
    My ah-ha’s moments was the learning and connections actually start at an earlier developing stage.
    The material from these modules will prepare me to better work with infants because it improve my knoweledge

  10. What I learned in Module 1 for ECE 209 lecture and seminar is the preparation I need to take in order to become a more successful online student, as well as be able to interact with my other classmates through replying to each other’s comments and through flipgrid. During this week, I was also able to get better insight on the importance of the prenatal period and the impact it has on the baby and the individuals whom surrounds them. Which is something I was somewhat aware of but was able to get more informed about it through the reading and Ted talk.
    This material will definitely serve a great purpose when preparing to work with infants, as it offered me a guide on how crucial a baby’s learning foundation happens to be before they are even in our care. And informing oneself of that is something good to know about babies and how smart these little humans are. As well as passing this knowledge down to future expecting mothers.

  11. What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    Information/ knowledge
    Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
    How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?

    1-I learned that I wait to the last minute to complete assignments because I feel I can do it all the day before(procrastinator) and also if I pass seminar I have to pass lecture there is no one or the other.
    2- I think every parent should take a ECE class because it is very beneficial and some information you do not get taught when you are pregnant.
    3- My ah-ha moment would be the baby learning inside the womb, I kind of thought they start as soon as they are born.
    4- The material will help further my knowledge about infant and how to work with them even though I have two of my own I still feel I am learning something new all the time.

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