Category Archives: Global HR
Unit 13 Managing Global HR
Nadya Dunkley
12/6/20 20
BUS 311 [1900 ]
Prof. B. Buckler
Unit 13 Managing Global Human Resources
1. What are the advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy?
In a host-country strategy, workers are employed within that country to manage the operations of the business. Visas and language barriers are advantages of this type of hiring strategy. As far as the transitional process the host country strategy would provide for a variety of perspectives rather than only a domestic one. Part of understanding HRM nationally is to understand the culture. The natives of the host countries would be better experienced in the cultures because they are already are and have been apart of it. They will be able to make a genuine connection with locals as well as provide an authentic cultural experience to tourist and people who are not already familiar with the areas these restaurants are placed. The major benefit of a host-country strategy is not having the expense of sponsoring visas or even having to wait for through the time it would take for visa applications to process. Also, the restaurant would not have to provide training in language and communication. Managers from the host countries would be better equipped to communicate with customers as well as distributors and partners. They will also be more aware and experience with changes and adjusting to changes in Mexico and the UK versus having someone from the US manage and must adjust. They would be able to allocate the funds instead to other more beneficial parts of training such as training that would educate the host country managers on the brand and mission of Fish to Go while ensuring that their staff was able to communicate fluently in their new international market.
2. Develop a compensation plan for each of the two countries, revising the current compensation for managers in the United States, if necessary. The compensation plan should include salary, benefits, and any fringe benefits to attract the most qualified people. The plan should also address any legal compensation requirements for both countries.
• Mexican minimum wage is $102.68 Mexican Pesos per day for all states except for those at the northern border. Northern border states have a minimum wage of $176.72 pesos per day according to Mexican compensation laws.
• In the UK, the minimum wage depends on the employee’s age. The country also has a legally mandated 48-hour work week employees can opt out of this mandate if they would like to work more hours. The current minimum wage is £8.72 per hour.
Compensation Plan for Mexico in ( Pesos )
$67K-$115K Annually w/Bonus of $7-13K ( Annual 3% Increase )
Compensation Plan for UK in ( Pounds )
£54K Annually w/Bonus of £4-6K ( Annual 3% Increase )
Compensation Plan for US ( USD ) **revised
$78K Annually w/Bonus of $6-9K ( Annual 3% Increase )
**All employees will be provided free meals and nonalcoholic beverages, family discount, uniform and laundry allowance, 401K & Employer match retirement savings, paid sick days, paid holidays, health insurance, paid vacation, and tuition reimbursement for degrees within the industry.**
**UK managers must work a MINIMUM & MAXIMUM of 48 hours per week unless authorized by HR**
**All store managers MUST be 18 or older.**
3. Develop an outline for a training plan, making reasonable assumptions about the information a new manager would need to know at Fish to Go.
The training plan is developed to prepare managers and employees to effectively manage the ambiguity of the day-to-day operations of businesses. The training will be broken up into 4 weeks with the first week based on the culture of the brand and the cultural diffusion of those apart of the brand. In this week policies and procedures will be introduced. Policies and procedures will also continue throughout each week of the training. The second week will be based on the actual task at hand. Managers and employees will learn the routines and policies regarding business decision making routines and standards. Week 3 will be based on food safety and handling all managers need to know how to prepare and serve each meal according to food safety and recipe standards. Week 4 is all about customer service and experience employees will be trained on service and experience standards and will have the opportunity to demonstrate skills learned in a 2-day test run based on feedback given throughout the training. Infection Control will be introduced in Week 1 enforced throughout and revisited in Week 4 to ensure proper awareness. Each week training will include trainers, simulation courses, modules, and groups. The agenda of the training is to prepare management to independently manage the day-to-day operations of Fish to Go restaurants according to brand standards, proper food safety and protections, infection control and proper employee morale. Managers will be ready to run an ethical efficient business at the end of the training and will be fully equipped to provide the most optimal customer experience possible in each restaurant.
Fish to Go Training Plan
Week 1 ( Structured around Ethics & Employee Morale)
Day 1 Orientation and Onboarding (CULTURE DAY 1)
Day 2 Welcome and Introduction to Brand (CULTURE DAY 2)
Day 3 Benefits & Compensation
Day 4 Harassment, Employee Rights, Privacy , Safety & Protection
Day 5 Safety & Security & Infection Control
Week 2 ( Structured around Business Decision Making )
Day 6 Cash Handling & Financial Management
Day 7 Labor, Time Management, & Payroll
Day 8 Inventory Management , Ordering & Forecasting
Day 9 Behavioral Management, Ethics, Approach & Compliance
Day 10 Food Protections and Service Management
Week 3 (Structured around Food Safety, Presentation, Quality)
Day 11 Food Safety & Protections
Day 12 Recipe Tutorial, Food Prep & Storage
Day 13 Food Prep Cook & Tasting, Food Prep Cook & Tasting
Day 14 Food Prep Cook & Tasting
Day 15 Food Prep Cook & Tasting, Customer Service & Experience
Week 4 ( Structured around Feedback )
Day 16 Food Prep Cook & Tasting Customer Service & Experience
Day 17 Food Prep Cook & Tasting , Customer Service & Solution & Support
Day 18 Food Prep Cook & Tasting, Customer Service, Support & Infection Control
Day 19 Test Run AWARENESS
Day 20 Test Run Solution & Certification
Works Cited
Mexico Compensation & Benefits Outsourcing: Global PEO Benefits Services for Mexico. (2020, November 21). Retrieved December 07, 2020, from
Commission, Low Pay. The National Minimum Wage in 2020. 31 Mar. 2020,
Global HR Management
Christian Narine December 5th, 2020
BUS311 1900 Professor Brielle Buckler
Assignment: Unit 13: Managing Global Human Resources
Chapter 14, Case Chapter – Fish To Go Is Going Places
What are the advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy?
Employers face a variety of political, social, legal and cultural difference among countries and people abroad. From our lecture and online text, we can highlight the following advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy:
- Hiring costs such as visas are eliminated. Less costly in both moving expenses and training to hire a local person. Additionally, an assumption, the host-country national candidate’s friends and family are already in the host country and would not be an added expense to relocate.
- Language barrier is eliminated. This staffing strategy uses employees from the home country, as a result the employee has the additional advantage to communicate and transact business in the countries native tongue.
- Also important are the connections the host-country nationals may have, with their influence in helping shape policy and regulations in the host country. This is a factor that would make a global company consider hiring local talent as opposed to foreign talent.
- Possibly better understanding of local rules and laws. A host-country national may be more productive from the start, as he or she does not have many of the cultural challenges associated with an overseas assignment.
- Culture is a key component to managing HRM on a global scale. Understanding culture but also appreciating cultural differences can help the HRM strategy be successful in any country. Developing global cross-cultural skills and competencies are also advantages of hiring a host-country national staffing strategy, some of competencies include:
- cross cultural sensitivity – knowing that there are differences.
- cross cultural resourcefulness – knowing when to use those differences for business and personal advantages.
- cross cultural agility – ability to use them timely to reach corporate and business goals.
Develop a compensation plan for each of the two countries, revising the current compensation for managers in the United States, if necessary. The compensation plan should include salary, benefits, and any fringe benefits to attract the most qualified people. The plan should also address any legal compensation requirements for both countries.
Compensation is another important consideration to attract the most qualified people for organizations expanding the operations globally. Organizations may take several different approaches in order to take into consideration, cost of living expenses, Income taxes, housing, goods and services, all help to determine the Base salary in the new countries. Other considerations such as vacation days, health-care benefits, and profit-sharing programs are important as well in attracting the most qualified people.
Laws of each country should be carefully evaluated from an HRM strategic perspective. Laws relating to disabilities, pregnancy, and safety, for example, should be understood before doing business overseas. Additionally, another important factor, recalling from Chapter 12 “Working with Labor Unions”, it’s important to understand the new countries Labor Unions. Although labor unions, reviewed from Chapter 12 “Working with Labor Unions”, have declined in membership in the United States. They have steadily increased internationally.
Using the current Fish to Go managers earnings per year of $45,000, plus 2 percent profit sharing. We can compare the following similar compensation strategies across UK & Mexico:
- UK
Using the current £ exchange rate we can assume the Restaurant Manager Salary to be – £ 33,513
Plus, the 2 % profit sharing.
- Mexico
Using the current MXN exchange we can assume the Restaurant Manager Salary to be– MXN $890,709.
Plus, the 2 % profit sharing.
Following are some examples of benefits, including legal compensation requirements and fringe benefits to attract the most qualified people:
- Benefits companies are required to provide by law:
These may include
Health insurance –
Healthcare in UK is mainly provided by the National Health Service, a public body that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom that is free at the point of use and paid for from general taxation.
Healthcare in Mexico, which consists of public and private healthcare schemes. Employees, in Mexico will need to contribute towards a mandatory public health insurance, where contributions are derived from their salary, their employer and the state.
Disability and workers’ compensation –
serves to make sure the sick and injured employees get paid at least part of their usual pay while unable to attend work.
Family and medical leave –
Includes maternal, paternal, and adoption leave (not required to be paid leave, by law).
Minimum wage –
In accordance with the local laws.
Severance pay –
Employees laid-off because of a layoff (may be entitled to severance pay during a certain period of time.)
- Benefits provided by most companies, despite not being mandated by law some:
Health insurance –
Employees get paid at least a portion of their health costs, for specific treatments and procedures.
A Dental Care plan –
Employees get paid at least a portion of their dental costs, for specific dental treatments and procedures.
Employees get paid time off, which is often used as an umbrella term for vacations and sick leave.
Paid holidays –
In order to stay competitive, employers usually provide employees with paid holidays and offer overtime pay for people willing to work during the holidays.
Pay Rises –
Usually based on inflation or merit.
Flexible schedules –
Company hours may not be fixed, but more accommodating to employees looking to strike a better work/life balance.
College debt assistance –
Sometimes provided to employees just starting their professional careers.
Work breaks –
Times off during work time provided for lunch breaks and short breaks.
Hazard pay –
If applicable, provided to employees whose job duties require them to work in unsafe conditions
Develop an outline for a training plan, making reasonable assumptions about the information a new manager would need to know at Fish to Go.
Once the ideal host-country national candidate is selected, training on the organization’s goals and having clear expectations and understanding of what they are expected to accomplish, needs to be communicated clearly during Fish To Go’s orientation & training. The training can take several forms, some of the training formats include –
- The host country national spend some time at the organizations domestic corporate headquarters to learn the business, then apply what they learned when they return to their home country operations.
- The organization sends a domestic manager overseas to train the host-country manager and staff.
Some of the training elements specific to Fish To Go operations can include –
- Local employees should be fully versed in the company’s culture. Learning about the organizations culture on promotions and advancement. An example from our lecture, “Starbucks brings international management trainees to it’s headquarters in Seattle to learn about the west coast lifestyle, so they can incorporate elements into their stores.
- An Understanding of the employee performance review process and how this can be adapted to the new countries, UK & Mexico.
- Compensation and bonuses for new host country managers and the new employees located in UK & Mexico.
- Understanding the organization’s approach to food safety and how this can be adapted to the host countries, in this example, to UK & Mexico.
- Develop new menu items that reflects the values and norms of the host countries culture. Recalling the examples provided in the online text, for example, “when McDonald’s decided to enter the Indian market in 2009, it knew it needed a vegetarian product. After several hundred versions, local McDonald’s executives finally decided on the McSpicy Paneer as the main menu item and it reflects the values and norms of the culture (Lubin, 2011). “In Japan, McDonald’s developed the Teriyaki Burger and started selling green tea ice cream”.
As the vice president for human resources and for the organization’s benefit, it may also make sense to gain input from host-country managers to develop specific training applicable to the host country, some of these elements include –
- Worker safety laws
- Worker compensation laws
- Safety requirements
- Working age restrictions
- Maternity/paternity leaves
- Unionization laws
- Vacation time requirements
- Average work week hours
- Privacy laws
- Disability laws
- Multiculturalism and diverse workplace, antidiscrimination law
- Taxation
Training is a key component in the HRM global plan, especially when developing a comprehensive training program for employees The HR Managers with input from the host-country managers will typically be usefully in developing the strategic global training plan.
Work Cited
University of Minnesota, M Libraries. Human Resource Management, Chapters, 12, & 14 Accessed Dec 5, 2020
OpenStax is part of Rice University. Threats and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace, Chapter 3 Accessed Dec 5, 2020
InterNations , Go. Health Insurance and the Healthcare System of the UK Explained Accessed Dec 5, 2020
ERI Economic Research Institute. Salary Expert Accessed Dec 5, 2020
ERI Economic Research Institute. Salary Expert Accessed Dec 5, 2020
Global HR
When dealing with a business there are some things that need to be taken into consideration. Culture is socially accepted in way of life within a society. There are components that include language, norms, values, rituals, etc. Language barriers are what defines a culture and necessity of a business. As well as, the local rules and laws and the expenses of hiring cost such as visa can be eliminated. But, the KEY component is the language barrier when you are managing HRM (Human Resource Management) on a global scale. Getting a better understanding of the culture and appreciating their differences can be beneficial to any country.
In the US, employees are compensated differently than in East Asia, China employees. US, employers compensate their employees with benefits such as salary, vacation, paid holidays, social security, and more. However, in China, there is a requirement that needs to be met for an employee to receive any kind of benefit. For example, China’s vacation is mandated by the government. While in the US there is no governmental requirement. These differences can because of the cultural differences that we each have.
When training a new employee such as a manager in my training module I would include:
Dress Code (clothing, footwear, etc.)
Health and Safety Procedures
Management and Leadership responsibilities
Closing duties (cleaning procedures)
4 Core Values (integrity and ethics, respect, innovation, and drive)
Global HR
Question #1
The advantages of choosing a host country can help with Language and social issues can be wiped out. The chance of comprehension of nearby principles and law is high and it will limit the danger of new activities. Recruiting cost and visa handling cost can be eliminated.
Question #2
Managers | USA | UK | Mexico |
Salary | $48,000 | 38,000 pounds | 90,000 peso |
Benefits | 2% profit sharing bonus | 2% profit sharing bonus | 2% profit sharing bonus |
Fringe benefits | Medical insurance
401k plan Vacation time Stock options |
Medical insurance
401k plan Vacation time Stock options |
Medical insurance
401k plan Vacation time Stock options |
Question #3
- Floor management course
- Base shift management course
- Restaurant leadership program
- Training consultant course
- System management course
- Customer relationship management course
- Finance management
- Facility management
Unit 13 Global HR
Husna Sadiqa
BUS 311
Unit 13
There are many advantages to choosing a host-country national. By choosing host-country nationals, the staff will have no problem with understanding language and culture. It will also benefit the company since there will be fewer costs for hiring. Moreover, country host nationals will be familiar with economic, political, and legal environment and also business practices in the host country. Also, HCN provides opportunities for advancement and promotion to local nationals and increases their commitment and motivation to work.
In the U.S the average salary of a restaurant manager with 3-4 years of experience is somewhere between $40k-50k. In the U.K, the compensation plan for a restaurant manager includes an average salary which is between 25-30k in pounds, which is around $40,000. In addition, the benefits include bonus payments if they reach teh target set by their head office. Other benefits may include free meals on shift, staff discounts, and private medical insurance. Some of the fringe benefits for full-time managers include paid vacations. The amount of time for vacation is determined by one’s amount of time with the company. There are also compensation laws in the U.K. One is the NMW. This means that the minimum wage depends on the employee’s age. The country also has a mandatory requirement for employees to work 48 hours a week.
On the other hand, the other country that the restaurant Fish to go will be entered is Mexico. The minimum wage in the country is 102-176 pesos, which is 5-9 in USD. The average restaurant manager’s compensation is 49,500 pesos which are equivalent to $24,000. As can be seen, there’s a huge difference in currencies of the two countries. The USD rate is much higher than the Mexican currency. So in that case, it’s better to hire someone from that same country. The restaurant manager’s salary varies according to location, experience, skills, and gender. Same as the U.K, Mexico too has similar benefits for the employees including vacation, medical insurance, and free meals. To hire a host-country national, they need to have training. This includes having management training, leadership behavior, team building and being a motivational coach etc.
Global HR
Itza Garzon
Professor Buckler
Bus 311-1900
Dec 6th 2020
Fish To Go is Going Places
What are the advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy?
There are a few advantages with choosing a host-country national staffing strategy, one of them being cost efficiency. You will save on salary and compensation if the employee is already e host is already located in the country. It would also save hiring cost like visa fee, and travel reimbursement.
If the host country employee is familiar with the language it eliminates language barrier , also they have a better understanding of local regulations, laws and policies.
Develop a compensation plan for each of the 2 countries: I would like to follow the balance sheet approach so that base pay is similar. Its also fair because it’ll allow the managers to have the same standards of living, as they did back in the U.S.
Below I have created a compensation plan for the US and each of the other two countries.
United States | Mexico | UK | |
Salary | $45,000 + 2% = 45,900
Profit Sharing |
$21,001/ year | 31,409 EU/ yr
Additional Cash Compensation AV 4610 EU |
Benefits | Bonuses
PTO Health Insurance 401K |
PTO Paid Family Leave 401K |
PTO Paid Family Leave 401 K |
Fringe Benefits | Employee discount
Free Meals |
Free Meals
Medical Insurance |
Free Meals
Dental insurance
Resources :,6_IM1035_KO7,25.htm
Develop an outline for a training plan, making reasonable assumptions about the information a new manager would need to know at Fish to Go.
The following training plan will need to be followed and performed by the new Manager.
Health and Safety
Customer escalated Process training
Company policies and regulation
Equal Employment opportunity training
Food and safety training
Management and leadership training
Training plans are important because they help establish company policies from the start as well as help create a pathway for each employee.
Global HR unit 13
Global HR
May Cortez-Beatty
Professor Buckler
Advantages of Choosing a Host-Country National Staffing Strategy
Choosing a host-country national staffing strategy means employing individuals who were born and reside in the country in which the business is operating. In the case of Fish to Go, it would mean employing UK nationals to operate in the UK and Mexicans to work in Mexico. Undoubtedly, this strategy comes with various advantages. One of the advantages is that language barrier is eliminated as well as hiring costs such as visas (Sokro & Pillay, 2019). From the financial point of view, this means that lower cost will be incurred in comparison to other strategies such as expatriates staffing and/or third-country staffing option. It is also worth noting that host country national staffing strategy would mean that no work permits required. Additionally, continuity of management improves since host country nationals stay longer in positions according to research (Varma et al., 2016). Some government policies may be designed to force or encourage hiring of host country nationals, in such cases, hiring them would mean the business is adhering to the rules and laws of the host country.
Furthermore, this strategy ensures that employees are familiar with the socioeconomic, political and legal environment as well as business practices of the host country (Sokro & Pillay, 2019). In other words, the staffs and managers would possess extensive knowledge and already established local connections of the local business scene (Varma et al., 2016). This ensures that the business effectively responds to local demands of the host country which is essential for success. Moreover, there is better understanding of the local rules and regulations of the host country unlike any other staffing strategy. The morale of the local staffs increases when a host country national is selected to lead the staffs as a manager (Varma et al., 2016). In essence, the perceived increase is moral is due to the view of better opportunities to get promoted to higher positions in the business or company.
Compensation Plan
A compensation plan should always be designed to attract the most qualified individuals for the position. The compensation plans for both UK and Mexico are different but they all target to attract the best and talented people to work for Fish To Go. After conducting research on the average salary for restaurant managers in the UK, it was noted the salary ranges from 24,000-27,000/year (PayScale, n.d.). For Mexico, the average monthly salary is 41,200 MXN with a low of 22,300 MXN and the highest at 62,300 MXN/month (Salary Explorer, n.d.). It is also worth noting that these monthly salaries would include housing, transport, and other benefits. In addition, the salary is based on experience, skills, gender, and location. In order to attract the best, there will be an additional $1000 into the average amount for both countries and attractive benefits.
Country |
Salary |
Benefits |
Fringe Benefits |
UK |
$28,000/year |
• Free meal allowance per shift
• Medical, dental, and vision insurance
• Manager programs
• 2% monthly profit sharing
• Employee discounts
• Life, accident. Long-term care insurance
Mexico |
42,200 MXN/month |
• Free meal allowance per shift
• Medical, dental, and vision insurance
• Manager programs
• 2% monthly profit sharing
• Employee discounts
• Life, accident. Long-term care insurance
Outline for a Training Plan
The training plan for both managers, mid-level, and lower level employees shall be completed before shifts. The training will include but not limited to the following areas
PayScale. (n.d.). Restaurant manager salary in United Kingdom. PayScale – Salary Comparison, Salary Survey, Search Wages.
Salary Explorer. (n.d.). Restaurant manager average salary in Mexico 2020. Salary Explorer | Salary and Cost of Living Comparison.
Sokro, E., & Pillay, S. (2019). Host country nationals’ attitudes, social support and willingness to work with expatriates. Global Business Review, 21(5), 1184-1199.
Varma, A., Aycan, Z., Budhwar, P., Pichler, S., Uygur, U., & Paluch, R. (2016). Host country nationals’ support to expatriates: An investigation in Turkey. European J. of International Management, 10(6), 605.
Global RH
ng a strategy in hiring a host-country staff is that as mentioned in the case is the visa bureaucracy that implies a higher cost, it is vulnerable in terms of commitment from the immigration part as well as the employee in case you bring someone from the company’s origin location. Also, the advantages of having someone local from the UK and Mexico gives a local touch to business, creating proximity to the customers, they have a better understanding about its community, and lastly, it can cost less for the business in case the company is American operating in Mexico for instance, the American currency is stronger than Mexican pesos.
In the case is presented the compensation plan in the company Fish to Go is $45,000 plus 2% of sharing. For the new branches that will be located, the compensation plan can be adapted to the host country scenario. In Mexico, the average yearly salary in dollars for a restaurant manager is around $20,000. It is less than half of the company pays in the US. The plan for hiring someone in Mexico would include a salary above the average to be competitive, $25k/year to attract the best candidates, also as it is mandatory in Mexico, will offer benefits such as Christmas bonus, Vacation – 6 paid days, weekly rest day, Sunday bonus, maternity leave, breastfeeding period, Benefits for voluntary resignation, Severance Pay, Profit Sharing / PTU.
In the UK the compensation laws are more specific and detailed. The minimum wage is based on the age, and the work hours are mandatory to be 48/week and they must be paid in the UK currency, Pounds. On average a restaurant manager in the UK earns 30K pounds per year that are 40k USD, also under the amount offered in the US. The work benefits include help with the employee retirement fund, income protection, and holiday allowance. Given that the benefits in the UK are reduced Fish and Go can offer some benefits like maternity leave and paid vacation to attract the best candidates.
For the new restaurants follow the same organizational culture in these two different countries, Fish and Go should send a training person from the US to train the new manager in Mexico and the UK to make sure the all restaurants follow the same standards and also supervise and manage that initial phase of the business.
Global HR
Gilbert Ramos
Bus 311-1900
- The advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy:
- Language barrier is eliminated
- Better understanding of local rules/laws
- Hiring cost such as visas are eliminated
- Develop a compensation plan for each of the 2 countries: I would like to follow the balance sheet approach so that base pay is similar. Its also fair because it’ll allow the managers to have the same standards of living, as they did back in the U.S.
United States | Mexico | UK | |
Salary | $47,154 + 2%= $47,940 | $19,697 + oversea premium | $42,212 + oversea premium |
Benefits/Fringe Benefits | Medical Insurance
Stock options 401k plan Vacation time
Medical Insurance
Stock options 401k plan Vacation time |
Medical Insurance
Stock options 401k plan Vacation time |
Fringe Benefits | Employee discount
Bonus programs |
Employee discount
Oversea premium Bonus Programs |
Employee discount
Oversea premium Bonus programs |
- Mexico federal labor law requires a minimum of 25%
- For the UK, Remuneration. Workers in the UK must earn at least the national minimum wage per hour
- Next, its time to develop a training plan. Training plans are important because
- Lowers turnover- proven to reduce employee turnover by 9%
- Less effective Managers- if managers are not exposed to training, they will pass that same energy and vibe to newer staff which will affect daily operations
- Lower sales- if there are higher turn overs and inconsistent management, then it’ll produce lower sales
Management training plan will look as follows
- Food safety
- Training on key equipment
- Marketing
- Workplace safety
- Inventory management
- Employee conflict management
- Procurement