The biggest risk that companies are facing in 2020 is the Coronavirus. It has affected many businesses and the economy to go down. This is important to focus on because it has risks for the employees and the customers and the companies have to think about their reputation, and profits. Also with the pandemic continuing to peak in markets and overall, it’s now more important to focus on the ways to prevent it and take precautions for the safety of employees and the customers. Moreover, in the midst of this uncertainty, the steps for reopening and reinvention of organization or companies remain unchanged, but they now must consider how the pandemic’s recurrence is impacting their recovery strategies. Organizations can prevent these risks by creating some guidelines for the employees and customers to follow. This can include not being in close contact with someone and keeping your distance from others. If companies don’t do anything beneficial for their employees in this kind of situation, then it can affect the reputation in employees’ view. These threats affect my comfort because since this pandemic, we are advised to work remotely. I wasn’t very comfortable at first but with time, I got used to it. Sometimes it doesn’t feel right to be working from home because there’s so much distraction. But also, we can’t go to the workplace or schools since it’s a big risk to take as the Covid cases keep increasing.
I totally agree with your statement husna and yes the coronavirus had a vast effect on many companies and people. Companies had to do some budget cuts due to the coronavirus not bringing in any customers.
I agree that it is important for companies to handle this pandemic for their reputation moving forward. With numbers now increasing it is important to implement these policies to decrease the damage
I agree with you Husna corporations can enforce rules and regulations to their employers but what about the roles that need the customer to clientele experience such as a bra expert. Job roles that need interactions with their clientele to provide a service should be evaluated to the credential needs of the company. Yes, you can terminate that role, but lingerie companies are known for the excellent service they provide.