Personality test assingment

Husna Sadiqa

BUS 311-1900

Unit 5 Assignment


According to a 16personalities assessment, my personality is an adventurer person (ISFP) whose traits are Introverted, observant, feeling and prospecting. These are somewhat true but not entirely. Yes it’s true that I am an introvert. I am a quiet and shy kind of person but not observant and prospecting. As can be seen, the result wasn’t very accurate so I don’t agree with what it suggested about my personality. Moreover, there’s also some of the strengths and weaknesses determined by the test. 

The strengths of this personality type are passionate, sensitive to others, and imaginative. I agree with these because as of being sensitive to others, I can easily relate to others emotions, helping them and minimize conflict. It’s also true that I am very passionate about things whether it’s my work or something else. I don’t stick to one passion, if I pursue something for a period of time and then find something more interesting and exciting; my focus will eventually shift to that. All these traits are my strengths which I use in my personal and professional life. No matter what career or job we choose, being passionate about your goals and connecting to other people is very important. It helps with creativity and builds focus. On the other hand, the weaknesses include easily stressed. This is quite true but not a 100 percent. I get stressed out in situations like when I have to talk in front of a group of people; that’s why I am not really good at public speaking. Other weaknesses are being unpredictable and being fiercely independent. I don’t believe that I face these weaknesses in my work or personal life.  

I believe that personality tests are not effective to determine whether a candidate is right for a role or not. These tests can give an overview of how a person’s personality could be, but it is not entirely true. Just like mine some of the things were accurate but at the same time, other things weren’t. It’s just so that a person (employer) can get an idea of what he’s expecting a candidate to be. Employers who use personality tests to select candidates, can result in not choosing qualified candidates. It may exclude talented candidates who think outside of the box. In addition, it can’t be reliable. Candidates can answer questions by choosing answers they believe employers want to hear.  This can make tests results difficult to intrepet or invalid, since the candidate is not being truthful.   

1 thought on “Personality test assingment

  1. heaven jarrett

    hello husna ,

    I am also an introverted person that tends to be very much to myself and quiet from time to time . in addition to what you mention about the assessment being effective for jobs. I would agree that it isn’t the best way for a job to use this test to determine if a person should get the role.

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