Christian Narine September 24th, 2020
BUS311 1900 Professor Brielle Buckler
Unit 4 – Planning, Recruiting & Selection
Expert Session: LinkedIn & Spotify
The expert session with Anne & Tiffany was much appreciated. It provided real-world feedback & advice. Following are some of my key takeaways from each speaker:
Anne S.-
Annie’s experience at LinkedIn and her slides were very informative and provided quick data snapshots about LinkedIn. First, LinkedIn is a Professional Social Media site consisting of 700m members, 30m companies, 20m Jobs, 36k skills, 90k schools 280b knowledge. Including a new 2020 stat, that LinkedIn is the largest professional News Hub online – there’s more traffic & news stories being posted on LinkedIn than anywhere on the web -wow!
Annie helped to differentiate your LinkedIn profile versus your resume. Your LinkedIn profile is typically written to just about everybody, speaks to all potential employees & can include skills, projects to show your experience & can even contain your recommendations & endorsements. Where as your resume is written for the job you’re applying to.
Annie shared some other interesting stats from LinkedIn, on the other number one place that users look to on your profile, after your picture, is your headline-the little bit of text under your name.
Annie shared her profile & the five-sentence rule technique on writing a concise profile.
Tiffany S.-
Tiffany’s experience as a technical recruiter at Spotify was very helpful in her advice on how to prepare, plan, approach applying for a position and the interview process.
Tiffany’s advice on asking yourself the right questions was useful, for example:
What opportunities compliment your strengths – market yourself, Advocating for yourself.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced when interviewing.
Look at the company culture & ask yourself – is this company going to match me.
Understanding the importance of using the right buzz-words & having the right skillset.
Being prepared to indicate your Initiative- your ability to self manage and being Coachable – ready to learn & grow.
The session helped me in this unit to revisit my LinkedIn profile. Understand techniques on how to better plan & prepare when applying for a position and some insights on the recruitment process organization’s hiring managers look for, in attracting qualified people to form an applicant pool.
Following is my LinkedIn URL , looking forward to connecting –
Wow! What an amazing break down Chrisitian, I agree with you as it served as a reminder for me to revisit my LinkedIn and correct some things I had wrong or incomplete. I will send you a connect request via LinkedIn great summary.
Just a follow up tried to request you brother, you have it set to require the person to enter your personal email address in order to add you. Please feel free to add me if you like brother.
Hello Jamel,
appreciate the feedback
thanks for the heads-up on the LinkedIn setting , I think i modified the setting