5 thoughts on “Unit 13 Managing Global Human Resources

  1. May Cortez

    Hi Jamel,
    Nice PowerPoint presentation. I loved how your presentation focused on skills/experience and responsibilities.
    The compensation plan and training plan is really good. The training module for managers includes essential things such as company policy and standards, covid-19 mandatory guidelines, ethical and social responsibilities, and human resource and support among others. These areas of training are necessary especially relating to covid-19 guidelines which seem to have been overlooked by many including myself.

  2. Dimitri Jones

    Hey Jamel, I like how you placed a lot of compensation based on skills . I also like the visuals you provided, different from the rest it caught my eye with how you did your presentation. I didn’t even think about covid-19 and the new qualifications they might present. I enjoyed reading your presentation.

  3. heaven jarrett

    hello ,
    I love how creative you got with adding a theme and pictures to your slides , In addition to that you mention about covid 19 . Which was a key point to add in especially during this time , I wish I would have talked about the present things managers might be facing now .

  4. Richard Kearse

    First and foremost, I would like to say what a great idea to do a PP presentation instead of the usual paragraph format we usually do! However, I love how you implemented ‘COVID 19 mandatory guidelines’ into your training modules for the management at Fish to Go. It shows the evolution of what we encountered as a nation and how we have to consider these safety precautions now that COVID is a natural disaster.

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