Husna Sadiqa
BUS 311
Unit 9
Almost every company and organization offers employee benefits,but some go beyond the expectations. Google is one of those companies that provide its employees with incredible benefits. The company offers free lunch and dinner for its employees with a variety of different options. Google also offers onsite physicians, nurses, medical services and health care coverage to keep its employees healthy and happy. Moreover, google employees can travel without any worries. They are “covered with travel insurance and emergency assistance on both personal and work related vacations” (Investopedia). In addition, according to cnbc, “google encourages employees to spend 20% of their time pursuing innovative ideas about which they are passionate about.” To attract and retain employees, google have added some non traditional benefits which includes fitness centers, massages and paid leave for new fathers. Some of these benefits are very appealing to me because I don’t think I have ever heard of these that other companies offer. Benefits such as receiving travel insurance and encouraging employees to think what they are passionate about in their work time are very useful and rare that this company has to offer. I would consider taking a lower rate of pay to gain the benefits, because If I am working somewhere I want to feel happy and motivated to keep doing my job; and not just getting paid but not liking the job I am doing. All these benefits are paying off in the long run for companies because of all the benefits, less employees quit and they are more motivated to do their best.
I enjoyed reading your summary Husna, although I disagree with taking less pay for more benefits. I can see why that would make all the sense in the world for an individual pursuing a career. I believe that great companies can and should offer both. Google does a great job of balancing actual work and benefits that both make working for such a company an amazing experience while allowing and encouraging employees to spend 20 percent of their time doing what they love to do. That is truly commendable and valuable, as it sends the message to all that work should not be a slave shift and it shouldn’t cause you to not pursue your dream. great read, thank you.
I agree with Jamal @husna I wouldn’t take an incentive for more benefits unless the incentive increases every 6 months. The living standards increase in New York every year, imagine still getting paid 10$ an hour in 2020. You would barely get by.