Segment G Assignment

  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

Since Jose is no longer her supervisor, she is largely unmotivated. She hasn’t had many conversations with David, her new boss. However, he has increased her workload, making her feel overworked and leaving her with little time to balance work and her personal life. Jones is considering leaving the group because he feels overworked, undervalued, and disconnected from its activities.

  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help David re-engage Harper?

As manager, I would counsel David, Harper’s direct boss, to establish an environment that values open and transparent communication. To help Jones organize her work schedules and feel a part of the team, David should set out some time each week to talk with her. In order to assist Harper achieve a balance between her job and personal life, David should also assess Harper’s workload and assign some of her present responsibilities to other employees (Scalco). Harper should receive greater compensation.

  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

The cost of losing Harper as an employee will be borne by the company. The expense of hiring a qualified successor is more than the cost of keeping current, productive employees. The new employee will also require training on the company’s culture and principles. This task is expensive since it takes a tremendous amount of time and resources. However, Jones has assimilated the company’s core values and developed with business, therefore it would take time for the potential replacement to become as competent as Jones.

Final Reflection:

Harper is unmotivated because Jose is no longer her supervisor. She isn’t connecting with her new boss David. Harper’s workload has also increased, affecting her work and personal life balance. She feels overworked and unappreciated and considers leaving the job she loves.The encouragement of career advancement through educational compensation and benefit plans are potential additional variables. Having said that, the MOST crucial thing would be to recognize employees’ efforts, encourage a culture that supports their objectives, and value their values, as these things could have a beneficial impact on the firm. On the one hand, it will lower the cost of hiring new employees and replacing existing ones, and on the other, it will help the business develop a positive reputation that will benefit its brand and public image.

If I were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor David, I would advise that he award Harper with bonuses for her loyalties. In addition, I would inform David to get to know his employees outside of work and reassure them that they are a team and that he values them. I would also advise David to distribute the workload evenly amongst the employees and allow them to leave early some days

The downside to losing an employee like Harper would be losing an employee who is qualified and maintains corporate performance. Unfortunately, Harper’s knowledge and skills are difficult to replicate because of her time working there. In addition, hiring a new employee is more expensive and time-consuming for the company’s resources.Given that Harper will still be leaving behind five team members, their morale will suffer in addition to the training and expenses involved with her leaving. If one of your finest employees decides to resign, it sends a message, and it’s not a nice one.