Zidan Ahmed
Brielle Buckler
Business 104
October 12, 2023
Apple is notoriously one of the leading tech giants in our world. They have revolutionized technology, along with our lives altogether. With being such a force, there comes the need to consider the ethical, moral, and social responsibilities that they are obligated to possess. These values need to reflect on their means of production, manufacturing, corporate environments, and overall brand image. Fortunately, Apple has taken many strides in order to fulfill these needs, as well as developed elaborate plans to make sure their company is the most efficient and effective as it can be.
The topic of sustainability and environmentally friendly practices has been a conversation across various industries in recent years. With the effects of climate change already upon us, it has never been more urgent to address issues such as pollution and waste at the hands of major companies. Apple was no stranger to taking action and admitting their own faults. In a graph highlighting carbon emissions by Apple provided by Statisa, Apple emitted about 38.4 million metric tons of greenhouse gasses in 2015; their highest to date. Since then, Apple has developed a plan to reduce this number by a staggering 75 percent by 2030, in an effort to become carbon neutral by that time. In a July 2020 press release, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook commented, “Businesses have a profound opportunity to help build a more sustainable future, one born of our common concern for the planet we share. With our commitment to carbon neutrality, we hope to be a ripple in the pond that creates a much larger change” [2]. Cook expresses the notion of businesses having the opportunity to enforce progress against climate change on a macro level. He hopes that their decisions influence others to follow in these footsteps. Apple is now manufacturing low carbon product designs; products composed of 100 percent recycled and reused materials. This year’s Macbook Pro release consisted of laptops all composed with recycled aluminum. Apple is also investing in renewable efficient energy for all its suppliers. Apple reported, “the US-China Green Fund will invest $100 million in accelerated energy efficiency projects for Apple’s suppliers” [2].Through these methods and others alike, Apple is estimated to reach full carbon neutrality by 2030, a commendable feat for a company of their stature.
Businesses have an obligation to serve their communities as well. They have a moral and ethical obligation in overseeing the health, wellness, and stability of their consumers. Apple claims that it is, “establishing an Impact Accelerator that will focus on investing in minority-owned businesses that drive positive outcomes in its supply chain and in communities that are disproportionately affected by environmental hazards” [2]. Impact Accelerators are, “programs that help developing social enterprises get access to resources” [4]. Apple investing its resources into smaller businesses and enterprises for the plight of sustainability not only furthers their agenda of carbon neutrality, but supports individuals and communities alike. Furthermore, Apple claims that, “this accelerator is part of Apple’s recently announced $100 million Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, focused on efforts that address education, economic equality, and criminal justice reform” [2]. Apple has taken strides in order to address social and political issues. They have taken an initiative broadcasting and providing resources to many marginalized groups.
The corporate environment in every business should be one built on an ethical ground that has its employees and constituents best interests at heart. Apple’s brand image has always been about utilizing technology to connect and bring people together. Their brand rhetorics enforce an idea of sociability and togetherness, one that is also reflected in their corporate and retail environments. Apple is adamant about having their work environments be effective, fair, and without bias or discrimination. Apple’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs are run by Lisa Jackson, who overlooks the systems set in place to enforce ethical and moral operations. Apple is noted to possess a “Supplier Code of Conduct” that is very strict [6]. A Supplier Code of Conduct is, “created for the purpose of ensuring that a company’s suppliers adhere to high standards of safe working conditions, fair and respectful treatment of employees, and ethical practices” [7]. Apple has removed various suppliers from its chain due to them not complying with and/or passing their codes on human rights and labor standards. Moreover, Apple is adamant about gender and racial equality, as well as equity amongst all its employees. “The company maintains 1:1 pay equity for gender, race and ethnicity globally” [6]. Apple also has a plethora of employee benefits, including health insurance that caters to dental, optical, and disabled needs [8]. Altogether, Apple has taken efforts in maintaining corporate social responsibility, as well as ensuring an equitable industry to all its employees.
At the end of the day, Apple is still a high-end technology brand. The prices for their products and services maintain a premium that is not always accessible by the majority. I would recommend Apple to develop simpler, cheaper base models in order to be more socially sustainable. Lowering the prices on base models will make the quality of Apple’s products and services accessible to a greater audience. I believe Apple has done an admirable job in addressing their impacts on Climate Change, and has a foot in the right direction with their 2030 plan to be 100 percent carbon neutral. I believe they have maintained a corporate and social equity both within their operations and their projected brand image. I am both interested and excited to see how Apple’s plan for sustainability plays out in these coming years, and hope they maintain the corporate equity and social rhetorics they have enforced thus far.
Sources –
- Published by Ian Tiseo, and Aug 15. “Apple: GHG Emissions 2022.” Statista, 15 Aug. 2023, www.statista.com/statistics/528604/carbon-emissions-from-apple-by-segment/.
- “Apple Commits to Be 100 Percent Carbon Neutral for Its Supply Chain and Products by 2030.” Apple Newsroom, 10 Oct. 2023, www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/07/apple-commits-to-be-100-percent-carbon-neutral-for-its-supply-chain-and-products-by-2030/.
- “Apple Watch Pride Edition Celebrates the LGBTQ+ Community.” Apple Newsroom, 10 Oct. 2023, www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/05/apple-watch-pride-edition-celebrates-the-lgbtq-community/#:~:text=Through%20these%20efforts%2C%20Apple%20supports,U.S.%2C%20and%20GLSEN%2C%20an%20education.
- “Build Impact Management Capacity of Impact Accelerator Today!” Build Impact Management Capacity of Impact Accelerator Today!, www.sopact.com/impact-accelerator#:~:text=A%20social%20impact%20accelerator%20is,create%20and%20monitor%20social%20impact Accessed 14 Oct. 2023.
- Nathaniel Pangaro Product Review Specialist et al. “Apple Watch Pride: History and Timeline.” AppleInsider, appleinsider.com/articles/23/06/11/apple-watch-pride-collection-a-look-back-at-its-colorful-releases#:~:text=Apple%20took%20each%20purchase%20of,Equality%2C%20and%20The%20Trevor%20Project Accessed 14 Oct. 2023.
- “Apple Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Research-Methodology.” Research, 11 July 2023, research-methodology.net/apple-corporate-social-responsibility-csr/.
- “Supplier Code of Conduct.” EcoVadis, 22 Nov. 2021, ecovadis.com/glossary/supplier-code-conduct/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20Supplier%20code,of%20employees%2C%20and%20ethical%20practices
- Thiederman, Blaine. “Apple Employee Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide.” Progress Wealth Management, 30 Apr. 2023, progresswealthmanagement.com/apple-employee-benefits-a-comprehensive-guide/.