Student Researchers: Kiyanna Kinsey, Mizan Chin, Rokhaya Diop, Tachchapak Rittaprom
External Collaborators: Alex Alberto Santos and Tatiana Damasceno
Project Overview
In this project, we aim to identify and research medicinal plants and their cultural significance in various Afro-descendant communities in Brazil. We also provide a brief historical and cultural context of Afro-descendants, delving into the relevance of medicinal plants in Afro-Brazilian religious practices and cultural beliefs.
Our three primary research questions are:
- Which medicinal plants are used among different Afro-descendant communities in Brazil? How are these medicinal plant uses shared among these communities?
- What medicinal properties do these plants have, and how are they used?
- How are medicinal plants connected to Afro-Brazilian culture, religion, and spirituality?
Methods and Approach:
- Use keyword searches (ethnobotany, medical plants, ethnopharmacology, Afro-descendant, Afro-Brazil, Brazilian traditional medicine) in online databases to locate topic-relevant sources
- Evaluate sources to locate information
- Utilize online blogs and personal accounts to locate further information on everyday uses of plant
- Blogs described techniques and preparations of plants for various uses, including medicinal purposes
- Consult with collaborators from Brazil, Tatiana Damasceno and Alex Alberto Santos to develop a Brazilian cultural context
- Field trip to Reyes Botanica in Washington Heights, Manhattan to develop an understanding of the cultural uses of medicinal plants
Results and key findings:
Using information from ethnobotanical studies of various Afro-descendent communities around Brazil, we created a table containing a list of medicinal plants and indicated whether or not each plant is reported to be used in each of the communities.
From this table, we selected plants that occurred in multiple communities to research their medicinal properties and cultural significance.
From our research we created:
- An interactive map of Brazil highlighting several Afro-descendant communities in Brazil and a few medicinal plants used in each community
- An interactive diagram showcasing the effects of select medicinal plants on the human body
- A table identifying medicinal plants used by six different Afro-descendant Brazilian communities
- An interactive pamphlet highlighting the background, specific medicinal uses, chemical properties, and cultural significance of 5 select medicinal plants: Ruta graveolens, Capsicum Frutescens, Plectranthus Amboinicus, Hymenaea Courbaris, and Hyptis Crenata.