Here is the link for my Module #14:
Author: Thuc Thao Vy Tran
Thuc Thao Tran #DB13
In Bao Phi’s article it is possible to see that racism towards Asians or Asian Americans is never ending. We can see from Duy Ngo’s story when he works for the police, but his safety is 0%. on the contrary, Bao Phi also felt very surprised and confused when he heard the story of Duy Ngo again “From Duy’s account: the squad car rolled up to him with its lights turned off as he lay prone, and the officers failed to announce their presence – all against regulation. One officer then shot several bursts at Duy with a non-regulation MP5 submachine gun, shattering his left forearm, leg, and groin”. The resolution of that problem by the white police is extremely irresponsible. It can be said through Bao Phi’s article that even though we try to integrate, to change the way of life to become a white person, there is no meaning. Because it’s so obvious even in history, it’s right that it’s right to be like white people. But the treatment is never fair between people of color and white people.
More than that, through Zen’s article can be seen. The Asians protested in support of the NYPD because they were worried about their lives, it could be said there was too much violence against the Asians and the people who made it were black “Some of the more visible anti-Asian attacks were perpetrated by Black people, like the incident when an Asian man was sprayed with febreze on the subway”. But what Chinese immigrants want is the listening of the white policemen “But this is only the first step to more dialogue with them. Chinese immigrants know that the police aren’t good to Asians. They themselves have often encountered situations where they are treated poorly by the police because they don’t speak English fluently. So the conversations we need to have with them are really to start drawing the connections between these struggles and those of Black people.”
Thuc Thao Tran DB#12
Framework: “With love, from the end of the world” by Kai Cheng Thom page 4
For this quote by Kai Cheng Thom, we can see and understand the discontent among the people over the powerful people in America. In 2016, when Trump was elected, it affected people’s lives. Most of them are gay and black. In the years that followed, many brutal catastrophes occurred. At the end of the passage, the author alludes to love. And the author has said that believing in love makes life a happier life!
Stories: 100 MASKS by Guo Jing, Ariel Tan, & Joyce Tan page 21
This excerpt focuses on the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) issue in China. By January 20, cases in China were on the rise. And people in China have started to lock down, during the time of lock down a lot of people did not have masks to use “…sanitation workers wore old masks and some without masks used cloth to cover their mouths”. Even if they wanna stop or want to quit their job, they will be fined for more money than they have earned “…she earned about 70 RMB ($10 USD) each day, but if she didn’t show up for work, she could be fined 150 RMB ($21 USD)”.
Guo has provided 100 masks to people and created new relationships. More than that, political problems exist in society. In China, people are strictly controlled on social media and prevented from providing relief work.
Resources: ‘WASH YOUR HANDS’ | Malaka Gharib and Wanyu Zhang page 35
In this page, we can see there are 3 clear parts for the reader to be able to prevent and combat the spread of Covid-19. We have a total of 3 parts that is Wash Your Hands Often, Sneeze Into Your Elbows and Avoid Touching Your Face. All 3 part focus on clearly stating Covid-19 and have clear drawings that are easy for the reader to imagine and very easy to remember!
The reason I have chosen these 3 excerpts is because it’s practical and it makes it easy for me to connect what has been and is happening in today’s society.
Thuc Thao Tran DB #10
The Southeast Asian refugees arrived in the US, they did not get much support when they settled down. And without help, they followed the bad way like: “dropping out of school, committing gang-related or otherwise serious crimes and later facing deportation. Experts call this the migration-to-school-to-prison-to-deportation pipeline”.
And moreover, Southeast Asian refugees risk being deported from American society because of their negligence and the number of times Southeast Asians commit too many crimes “Compared to other races, Southeast Asian-Americans have some of the highest dropout rates in the country, and the majority of them have not attended college”.
It can be said that during that time the refugees had a very difficult life and moreover the number of Southeast Asians deported was very high. It can affect their children. In fact, the refugees just want the opportunity and acceptance of everyone to lead a new life. On the other hand, they need information and they need to know about immigration policy in order not to deport.
There are refugees, in my opinion, they only want a new life and they always want no one to repeat their past mistakes.
Thuc Thao Tran #DB8
The concept of a model minority was created 3 decades ago, it was about Asian American. Asian-Americans are considered smart and are well-law-abiding and effective. And it has also fueled the stereotype that Hispanics and African Americans are prone to crime and depend on welfare.
Based on the readings and videos, we can see the inequity between Asian America and Americans of other backgrounds. For example, based on the video, it can be seen that the strategist Edward Blum is the one who put his faith in the Asian American. Furthermore, the universities have a very high number of Asian American. Harvard College has a very high Asian American admitted number each year, higher than black students. And that shows a very clear disparity between the students.
Another thing I find very interesting is the end of the video. Hasan said “for those in Asian community who keep insisting, “we just want equality! We’re American citizens. Treat us like Americans” Fine…. You truly are an American. You just happen to be the worst kind”
I am Asian and this is my opinion. If you want someone to be fair to you, then what you should do is show to everyone what you are capable of and how well you do it! I am Asian, of course I will not compare Asians with any other skin color. But the important thing is that other people only judge a person or a group by what they can do and they could done something very well. Why do some people have such a good judgment about Asian American or Asian? Because as Hasas mentioned in the Video it was “he took the SAT only 1030 points” but he knew that the number would be too little for the Chinese. Because in fact, the Chinese may have more than 1030! Like I said, not all Asians are the same. Not all Asians are good, but I firmly believe that the Asians are all working hard to show themselves what they can do!
Thuc Thao Tran DB#7
After reading and watching the video, I found that the person with the most rights and the person allowed to become a citizen of the United States easiest was definitely white. The first thing that noticed was that in “Ozawa and Thind” I saw racism from the very beginning of my reading. Ozawa is Japanese, I see that Ozawa has “fought” a lot for Asian America’s fairness. ” “In Ozawa v. In The United States, the Court wrote that the term “white persons” included “only persons of what is popularly known as the Caucasian race…”. More than that, when it comes to the video we’ve seen, I think I got it more through the narrative. They are Asian, more specifically Japanese, they have to live in Camp and they are very limited in speaking Japanese.
And I’ve seen pictures of the Japanese getting hurt from soldiers. And when being interviewed, I feel that all the people have certain answers, it’s like everyone has memorized the answer before. And everyone got the same answer when they were asked, the answer are “No …, Yes … if …”
“No, I’m not loyal to the Emperor. Yes, I will serve in the US Army, If we attack then we get released”
I know there will be a lot more information that I haven’t mentioned here about the disadvantages of Asian-Americans in wanting to be recognized as Citizen. But what I want to say more than that is the circumstances and at anytime the “white people” are always a group of people with more advantages and interests than any other group of color.
Thuc Thao Tran DB#6
After watching the videos and reading through the articles, this is what I think, when I was a child I heard a few small details about the interviews before being accepted to emigrate in the United States. Because my family is Asian, but when I finished watching the videos and reading the articles, I knew that what I had known was too little. After the Exclusion Act, China was the first country to be excluded. And they are not allowed to immigrate to America, moreover the white people do not have sympathy towards them. A good example of that is “The Chinese are uncivilized, unclean, and lthy beyond all conception without any of the higher domestic or social relations; lustful and sensual in their dispositions; every female is a prostitute of the basest order.”
As for the Chinese, when they know they can no longer immigrate. They go through other countries to go to America!
For me the feelings I can feel are the severity of that time on entry, I find it a lot more comfortable now. I can see the fatigue and hard work of the Chinese people and more than that, a lot of people can say that immigration and living in America is very good. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy, because there are people who have to be away from their families for a very long time.
Thuc Thao Tran DB#5
One thing that I find very interesting in this class is that there are a lot of people who are interested in things that I’m also interested in and want to know more about (racism, economics, etc.). ..)
And more than that, when someone asks me about a song that I recommend to everyone, i don’t listen to too much music. So if anyone sees this post of mine, give me some good songs. Thanks!
Thuc Thao Tran DB#4
What I’m feeling about this reading is Asian Americans are the fastest growing minority population in the country. Moreover, they provide a wonderful lens on the experiences of immigrants and minorities in the United States more generally, both historically and today. In this timely new text, Pawan Dhingra and Robyn Magalit Rodriguez critically examine key sociological topics through the experiences of Asian Americans, including social hierarchies (of race, gender, and sexuality), work, education, family, culture, identity, media, panethnicity, social movements, and politics. The “yellow peril” is a racist color-metaphor that misrepresents the peoples of East Asia as an existential danger to the Western world and a “model minority” is a minority demographic whose members are perceived to achieve a higher degree of socioeconomic success than the population average, thus serving as a reference group to outgroups, race and gender is a social construct, defined by markers such as skin color, hair texture, eye shape, ancestry, identity performance and even name.
Thuc Thao Tran DB#3
Some of the common explanations I have heard about the reason people immigrate to the United States are because their family already lived in the US, they immigrated to the US with their family. The second reason is also quite popular is that they like the US, they want to be in a developed country in all aspects like America. And the next most heard reason is that they want a better future. More than that, maybe their life was not going well. They have no freedom and voice so they want to go to a place like America. Let them have their own freedom! Compared to what Yang mentioned, I feel very good and it is true that outbound migration shows the difference in wages between countries “….Moreover, it also stresses that international migration seeks to improve not only absolute income but income relative to other households”. And part of this text makes me feel the effect of migration “A new theory of Asian immigration, which may be labeled “multilevel causation theory,” proposed in this article argues that in order for Asia immigration to occur, there must be three clusters of factors: economic, political, social, and/or environmental disparities between Asian sending countries and the United States; economic, political, military, and/or cultural linkages between the sending and receiving countries, and social networks of potential migrants as well as their families and communities in the places of origin and destination; and U.S. immigration policy and emigration policies of Asian countries. Moreover, these factors affect Asian immigration cumulatively and interactively at different levels.” Page 28