How do I check my financial aid award package?

Log into CUNYfirst and navigate to your Student Center. Click on the “Financial Aid” tile:

After selecting the correct “Financial Aid Year”, click on “Awards” and then click on the sub-tab “Disbursements” to view details on your award summary and scheduled disbursement dates for each award:

How do I know if financial aid has PAID my tuition balance?

Log into CUNYFirst and navigate to your Student Center. Click on the “Financial Account” tile:

On this page, you can view your “Account Balance: Due Now”. To access your awards that have been authorized for payment (pending aid), click on “Account Activity” sub-tab, then navigate to “Pending Aid”:

How do I view my actual disbursement dates?

Log into CUNYFirst and navigate your Student Center and click on the “Financial Aid” tab:

Once your “Financial Aid” tab is open, click on “Awards” which would expand your options and then click on “Disbursements”.

Here you will find if your disbursement has already been applied and if not when it is scheduled to be applied.

What are ‘To Do’ list items on CUNYFirst?

After filing for financial aid online, you may be required to complete additional steps or submit documents to the Office of Financial Aid. Your CUNYfirst To Do list, located in the “Tasks” tile of your Student Center, will alert you of any outstanding requirements.

Click on “To-Do List” and you will find all the tasks and other steps you still need to complete.

Automated notifications are also sent to your BMCC campus email. Failure to complete important financial aid To Do list items may result in loss of potential financial aid.

How do I maintain eligibility of my financial aid?

  1. Apply for financial aid every year.
  2. Be sure to enroll full-time every Fall and Spring semester and attend your classes. If you have any concerns regarding attendance or full-time enrollment, be sure to contact your ASAP Advisor.
  3. Avoid financial aid suspension by meeting annual Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.