I can’t say enough about Alicia’s humanity, solidarity, and generous soul. She was always there to help with anything and everything. She would call me specifically to let me know that she knew I was super busy and that I should count on her to help with anything. Once, several years ago, in at a time where administrative work, classes, and family where just all happening at the exact same time, she took my ailing mother to her home so I could go on with my meetings, classes, and office work for that day. Needless to say, my mother had the time of her life while cooking, dancing, singing, etc. I will always remember Alicia’s act of kindness and outright love for everyone she could reach and specifically for, us, the lucky ones closest to her. In addition, Alicia was a force of nature in the classroom, in kitchen (we all had a taste of her culinary arts), when it was time to gather to enjoy some down time, with creative graphic designs and compositions that were present on Colloquium programs and posters, in the online courses she mentored so many of us, the exercises in BlackBoard she created for everyone who teaches Spanish, our class schedules when they needed advertisement, our webpage… Alicia’s spirit is everywhere and will remain with us for many years to come. You are sorely missed, friend. THANK YOU!!!