Author: Siddharth
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Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Agent Based Modeling(ABM): Prediction & Estimation of safe re-opening date

Priming with Furrow illusion

Dissociation of Awareness and Furrow Illusion

Automation and the Future of Work: Costs and Benefits

Using Entropy to Measure Risk in US Stock Prices

The Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Content of Minthostacys Verticillata

Identification and characterization of marine bacteria associated with Lytechinus variegatus

“Detect Accessibility Feature of Storefront Using Deep Learning “

Synthesis of BAlq Embedded Silica Nanoparticles

Pop-out without Attention

Compression Test Correlation of 3D Printed Structures Using Finite Element Modelling
Testing the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Xylopia aethiopica Aqueous Fruit Extract on Bacteria.