Hi class,

At least a third of the class have comments in Discussion Board 1, but are registered for a different section of my POL 100 classes. In other words, make sure that you’re NOT commenting on the website for a class that you are NOT registered for.

In order to receive credit for submitted work, you have to post your discussions on the correct POL 100 section that you have registered for.

Everyone, please double check which section of POL 100 are you registered for. This website is for my POL 100 – Section 0504.

If you are registered for section 0505 or 0507, you need to create accounts on the class website for those sections, and begin posting your work there. Otherwise, you will not receive credit for your work.

You can find those other websites from my initial welcome email posted via Brightspace. You can also check that section’s Brightspace page, where the link to the class website is posted. Lastly, you can simply search for that class website on the BMCC OpenLab homepage, using the magnifying glass on the upper right corner.

NOTE: work submitted on a class website for which you are not registered will not receive credit.

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