Week 5 – Workshop III

12 posts

Week 5 – Workshop III

Find a simple app and layout its user flow (you don’t have to include ALL the possible interactions, but there should be at least 7-20 screens in your user flow) with pen & paper. The drawings can be rough, but the flow of possible interactions should be clear.

Take a photo of your map, write a short description (which app did you select and why)  and post a link to your work on Open Lab. * Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop III ” and select the Category “Week 5 – Workshop III”

* Use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] workshop III ” and select the Category “Week 5 – Workshop III”

Due on 10/17

Shiza Qazi, workshop 3

I chose the Nike app for its user-friendly design, clear navigation, and seamless shopping experience. Its features like personalized recommendations and fitness content make it an excellent example for analyzing user flow and enhancing engagement.

the userflow continues


Isabelle Workshop III

The first image is the step by step process of ordering delivery from Chipotle for the first time (no shortcuts) directly from the application.

The second image is also a step by step process but it is the shorter version, for those who already placed an order before so the process now is much shorter.