Final Update on Sunday 12/15

Hi All, This is an update about your final projects.

Submitting Your Final

Remember that you will submit your final by posting to our clas site. I have made posts for all of you where you will add the information for your final project. Go to this page to view your posts:

Final Project Posts

And you can view instructions on how to edit your post in this video: View Video

Final Quiz

Also I will give a quiz on the final day, 12/18, that will be from the Quizlets you’ve studied. If this improves from your first quiz I will count it. If it does not improve then I won’t count it towards your grade. It’s a chance for many to help improve the quiz grade which is 10% of the overall grade.

Make sure to do some more studying of your Quizlet sets. View and complete this assignment as well if you haven’t It has instructions on how to get on Quizlet if you are one of the few who haven’t.