Ausra Final Project

Smart Study Skills Web Site

Technology Used:

I used HTML, CSS, Media Queriers, CSS Grid, and Java Script for this website.


The site information was written by Chris Stein, and designed by myself. For the most part I tried to keep it fairly simple yet a bit interesting with images and videos interspersed. The type headings are Lato, which is a sanserif similar to helvetica. The body is serif, Gentium Book Basic. The body text I kept black, while the titles are teal, azure blue, or white or grey/black. It is a clean and fresh color scheme, that is not too distracting, yet looks tidy and nice. The images are added just to add some interest to the site, the retrieval practice image with the writing “A is for Effort…”, was designed by myself in Photoshop. As far as the videos go, they are just centered and responsive, so they can fit any screen size. The top navigation bar changes into a hamburger when it is a mobile screen size.