Installing Scout and Basic Use

When you write in Sass (SCSS) you need to have those files converted (transpiled) into CSS. Scout App, is a quick way to do this.

This video walks through installing Sass on macOS. Note that you can install Sass on the Desktop or Documents so you can add it to a school computer without admin privileges.

Text Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to Downloads
  3. Click on the download for your OS (Linux, OSX, Windows)
  4. Move the file to the folder you want it to stay in
    1. At home you would do Applications folder. In school Desktop or Documents
  5. Open the file that is downloaded (may ask for permission).
  6. Scout App should open.

Then you can start adding projects (just folders, aka repositories).

  1. Click Add Project or drag folder over to Scout
  2. Make sure the Input Folder is pointing to your Sass folder
  3. Make sure the Output folder is pointing to your CSS folder
  4. Click the blue triangle to start compiling your Sass into CSS.
  5. Make sure to leave this running while you’re working on your files.
  6. Fix any errors that come up.