When you write in Sass (SCSS) you need to have those files converted (transpiled) into CSS. Scout App, is a quick way to do this.
This video walks through installing Sass on macOS. Note that you can install Sass on the Desktop or Documents so you can add it to a school computer without admin privileges.
Text Instructions
- Go to https://scout-app.io
- Scroll down to Downloads
- Click on the download for your OS (Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Move the file to the folder you want it to stay in
- At home you would do Applications folder. In school Desktop or Documents
- Open the file that is downloaded (may ask for permission).
- Scout App should open.
Then you can start adding projects (just folders, aka repositories).
- Click Add Project or drag folder over to Scout
- Make sure the Input Folder is pointing to your Sass folder
- Make sure the Output folder is pointing to your CSS folder
- Click the blue triangle to start compiling your Sass into CSS.
- Make sure to leave this running while you’re working on your files.
- Fix any errors that come up.
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