screenshot of quizlet course with study sets listed

Assignment 8: Study Quizlet

In order to complete this assignment you will need to do the following:

  1. Sign up for Quizlet
  2. Join the class. Click on this link to join:
  3. Use one of the seven study types (learn, flash cards, write, spell, test, match, gravity) for EACH of the five sets:
    1. HTML
    2. HTML Box Model
    3. CSS Selectors
    4. CSS Grid
    5. Media Queries

You can, of course, study more than one type for each set. Remember that you will take a test on these terms in December. To take advantage of Spacing in studying I’m requing that you start now. Also to use Interleaving, I suggest that you move from one set to the next and not spend too much time on a single set. Also try different types of study.

When you’ve studied each set at least once, post a comment for the Study Quizlet Sets 1 assignment to let me know I should look.

If you have problems getting on to Quizlet or studying, or you have questions, let me know.