class on Wednesday 11/13/2019
Today we will start with a quiz quizlet game.
Then we are sign to look at integrating GitHub into your editor. We will focus on Brackets with Brackets Git but many of the same ideas also apply to other editors. Most notably: Atom (made by GitHub), Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code.
I have created some videos that help explain the process that I will make available after class. For now we will all follow along in adding the files.
Connecting a local folder to a GitHub repository through Brackets Git
We will first see how to connect our local files to GitHub.
Git/GitHub Workflow
Then we will look at the typical workflow. The basic process is:
- Pull changes from GitHub
- Work and make Commits
- Push Changes to GitHub
New Base Responsive Page
This new base page adds a number of things:
- Modernizr:
- Selectivizr:
- jQuery:
- Normalize:
- HTML5 Boilerplate: this project is very similar but intended to be not quite as complex to look at on the GitHub page and includes some example HTML and CSS.
Updates to Project File
We are going to use our new GitHub skills to make some changes to your project files to prepare for being more fully responsive and for using Sass, which we’ll start next week.