Class on Monday 11/11/19
Media Queries
Today we are going to focus on Media Queries. They are the last major piece of the puzzle we need to make a responsive web site. We’re going to go over what media queries are and practice using them in CodePen. This Media Queries post has the information we need.
This is both a reminder that you should be studying the sets for our class. We will do a quick game with CSS Selectors
Remember that you can study other sets in Quizlet than the ones for our class if you’re interested. And you can create them for studying for other classes.
Sign up for Quizlet and join the class with this link if you haven’t:
I have downloaded all of the midterm projects and will be grading them over the next two weeks. Any updates you make to your repository won’t be factored in to the midterm grade (but feel free to keep updating since we will use that for your final).
If you haven’t completed the midterm meedback you can still do that: View Midterm Feedback Post.
We will also look at some more midterm projects in class.