LinkedIn Learning Accounts

When we tried getting into our accounts on the first day, everyone was not able to log in. The College is working on a fix, but there is a possible solution that you can try right now.

When you log in, remove the stu. part of your email. So if your email was, the you would use

Here is the process generally

  1. Create LinkedIn account on if you don’t have one already.
  2. Log out of LinkedIn.
    screenshot of site with the dropdown for Me selected and the Sign out link highlighted

    If you go to LinkedIn Learning while logged in to your account then it will show you the trial version of LinkedIn Learning.

  3. Got to
  4. Click SignIn
    screenshot of LinkedIn Learning page with Sign in button highlighted
  5. On the form that appears Click Sign in with your organizational account
    screenshot of sign in page with link to organizational sign in highlighted
  6. Next enter your BMCC email address but WITHOUT the stu.
    screenshot of login screen with in the form field
  7. Click Continue
  8. You will be redirected to a separate BMCC login screen
  9. Enter your correct username/password WITH the stu. this time.
    screenshot of BMCC login screen
  10. You will next be presented with another login screen (yes, I know) and this time they are asking for your LinkedIn account. This is the one you created back in step 1.
    screenshot of LinkedIn login screen
  11. After you enter your login, click Sign in and you should be taken to the LinkedInLearning home page.
    screenshot of LinkedIn Learning homepage.