Accounts for Class

We will use the following accounts during the course of the class.

BMCC OpenLab:

This is where the class content will be and it will be a hub for most of the action for the class. You will need a special code to complete signup for the OpenLab. Prof Stein will give it to you in class. If you miss the first class email me with your name and CUNYfirst ID and I will send you the code,


We will use Blackboard to turn in and grade your work. You should have access to this through your CUNYfirst username and Password. If you don’t see the class then you may not be officially registered yet. Let me know if you have problems.


You will use GitHub to complete assignments and also to host your midterm and final projects.

GitHub is the largest online version control system. It’s a site that allows you to not just save your work but save versions of your work. GitHub is based on Git, a version control system. Knowing how to use Git and GitHub is becoming an essential skill for a web designer. We will learn more as the class goes along. For now, just create an account and then browse around.

REMEMBER THAT YOUR ACCOUNT, YOUR USER NAME AND THE CONTENT YOU UPLOAD WILL ALL BE PUBLIC. If you prefer to remain more anonymous then you can use an alias. Still, I encourage you to use your name and just remember that everything you do is public.

Codepen (sign in using your GitHub Login):

CodePen is a great site where people put web design examples. We will use it in class both as a source of inspiration and a place where you will do assignments. Sometimes I will start a project and then ask you to fork it (create a copy) and finish or modify it on your own. Sometimes I will ask you to create a project on CodePen all by yourself.

While you can use CodePen without an account having an account allows you to more easily save and collect your work.

Instead of creating a separate CodePen account, use the option to sign in with your GitHub account. This links the two accounts and saves on the number of usernames/passwords you have to remember.


LinkedIn Learning:

LinkedIn Learning (formerly is a video tutorial site with literally thousands of videos on many topics including web design. I will link to their videos in the class. To watch them you need to be signed in. Luckily the school provides free accounts for everyone. 

You now get access with your BMCC uesrname and password. However because it’s tied to LinkedIn it will also try to merge your accounts. So I recommend that you

  1. Create a LinkedIn account if you haven’t yet ( )
  2. Then sign in to LinkedIn Learning

When you tie the two together if you earn a badge or anything on LinkedIn Learning it will appear on your LinkedIn Profile.

Once you have your LinkedIn account, the process for claiming your LinkedIn Learning account is:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign In
  3. Near the bottom of the box that appears click Sign in with your organization account
  4. The next screen will ask for your email. Type in your BMCC email.
  5. You will be redirected to a login screen. Enter your BMCC username and password. The same one you use for your email, wifi, computer login etc.
  6. In the next step it will ask you to sign in to LinkedIn; do that.
  7. There may be more questions if you’ve never signed in to or LinkedIn Learning
  8. Then you should be in to LinkedIn Learning. Explore around and look at anything that interests you.

BMCC email:

While I can use another email for you, much of the official BMCC email goes through you official address. Blackboard may also contact you that way. You should check it regularly. Connect it to your phone. It’s also a life lesson: use the email of the organization you’re a part of.