The Animated Film that I choose was the Disney movie Encanto . The reason why I chose this film is because it really resonates with me because not only does the film based on hispanic heritage which I know because I my myself are hispanic but also because the overall backstory behind the film resonates with me because I in a way can relate to it .
Select a recent animated full feature film, short or TV series (created in the past 10 years). This does not have to be a piece we discussed in class. I would recommend picking a piece you’ve already seen (preferably several times) and feel strongly about (positively or negatively).
Describe the film: What is the story ?
The story behind the movie Encanto is based on Colombian History and all the struggles that were shared by a generation of Columbians caught up in the endless Civil war.
Who are the characters?
Mirabel Madrigal , Isabela Madrigal , Bruno Madrigal , Luisa Madrigal , Dolores Madrigal , Camilo Madrigal , Pepa Madrigal , Marano Guzman , Agustin Madrigal ,Julieta Madrigal , Antonio Madrigal , Abuela Alma Madrigal , Felix Madrigal , Pico
What does it look/sound like?
Very festive and suspenseful music at times and brought together in such an interesting way.
What is the tone of the piece (funny, sad, serious etc.)…
A mixture of funny serious and ect
Contextualize the film: Who created it?
Clark Spenser & Yvette Merino
When and where was it produced?
November 24 2021 and it was produced in rural Colombia
How many people worked on it?
800 people 108 who were animators
What animation technique was used to bring it to life?
Computer animated as well as eye bulge support
How was it presented to the public?
Through social media such a Tick Tok where songs that would play in the movie
Was it a commercial success?…
Analyze the film and highlight its relationship to the works/concepts we covered this semester.
This is where I want to hear YOUR thoughts on the piece.
Your paper shouldn’t just be an accurate description of the film and its historical context but should express your reaction to it and how YOU feel it relates to the history of animation: How is it visually distinct/similar to what came before it?
What are its influences outside of animation (painting, comics, live-action film etc.)
. Which works from previous eras/cultures seem to have influenced the work (technically, aesthetically, narratively, politically etc.)? Colombian culture influenced it
How does it depart from its influences? What is the filmmaker trying to express/convey?
Is it innovative (technically, aesthetically, narratively)? Yes
Is it representative of the place and time it was created in (or is it trying to )? Yes
Do you think the filmmaker could have made different choices that would have led to a stronger piece?… no I feel the film came out really good
Quote from at least two of the assigned readings to support your analysis.
Organize your paper. Clearly state the focus of your paper (along with the name of the film and director) as a thesis in the opening paragraph. Once your topic is clearly established, the following paragraphs should each start with a topic sentence to help you develop the thesis and support a major point of your analysis. In each paragraph, provide specific references (examples) within the film that support your ideas and thesis. The final paragraph (conclusion) should tie together the threads and leave the reader with a final thought or question that has emerged from your study.