Kelvin Cortez

11 posts

WEEK 13 PROMPT 1 ( Kelvin Cortez )

Studio Ghibli’s work often has themes about conflicts between man and the natural world. Pick one of the films they produced and explain how this theme is integrated into the story. Which characters represent the natural world? How is the conflict shown? Is it resolved?

A film that I think best represents this question is the movie Life of Pi. The reason why I think this film answers these questions is because throughout the film you can see the conflict between the main protagonist and the animal and throughout the film you see the struggles that both parties involved. In  this case a boy and a wild animal and as time goes on you see the relationship between the boy and the tiger progressively get better opposed to how it was at the beginning. In this case the conflict is the need to survive and to find a way home. As well the way the conflict is resolved is by the end of the film the boy and the tiger form a bond and reflect all the obstacles they had to overcome.  In order to survive that being said  I feel this film is a good representation of how there is conflict between man in this case a boy and natural world in this case a lion and how it’s resolved.

WEEK 12 PROMPT 2 (Kelvin Cortez )

A film that I believe exemplifies the blurred line between animation and live action is. The 1996 movie  Space Jam the reason why I believe this movie exemplifies both points is because throughout the film you can see the combination of both animated characters and animated ones. For example in the category I believe this falls under in live action reason being as I mentioned earlier how throughout the film you can see how the film is brought together with a combination of live action characters in this case Michael Jordan and others and  the animated cartoon version  bug bunny and others .  As well as see how live action and animated cartoons are brought together into an animated cartoon environment and vice versa throughout the film. 

Long Paper outline week 11 ( Kelvin Cortez )


The Animated Film that I choose was the Disney movie Encanto . The reason why I chose this film is because it really resonates with me because not only does the film based on hispanic heritage which I know because I my myself are hispanic but also because the overall backstory behind the film resonates with me because I in a way can relate to it .


Select a recent animated full feature film, short or TV series (created in the past 10 years). This does not have to be a piece we discussed in class. I would recommend picking a piece you’ve already seen (preferably several times) and feel strongly about (positively or negatively). 

Describe the film: What is the story ? 

 The story behind the movie Encanto is based on Colombian History and all the struggles that were shared by a generation of Columbians caught up in the endless Civil war. 

 Who are the characters?

 Mirabel Madrigal , Isabela Madrigal , Bruno Madrigal , Luisa Madrigal , Dolores Madrigal , Camilo Madrigal , Pepa Madrigal , Marano Guzman , Agustin Madrigal ,Julieta Madrigal , Antonio Madrigal , Abuela Alma Madrigal , Felix Madrigal , Pico 

 What does it look/sound like?

 Very festive and suspenseful music at times and brought together in such an interesting way.  

 What is the tone of the piece (funny, sad, serious etc.)… 

A mixture of funny serious and ect 

Contextualize the film: Who created it?

 Clark Spenser & Yvette Merino 

 When and where was it produced? 

 November 24 2021 and it was produced in rural Colombia 

 How many people worked on it? 

 800 people 108 who were animators

 What animation technique was used to bring it to life?

 Computer animated as well as eye bulge support 

 How was it presented to the public? 

 Through social media such a Tick Tok where songs that would play in the movie 

 Was it a commercial success?… 

Analyze the film and highlight its relationship to the works/concepts we covered this semester. 

 This is where I want to hear YOUR thoughts on the piece. 

Your paper shouldn’t just be an accurate description of the film and its historical context but should express your reaction to it and how YOU feel it relates to the history of animation: How is it visually distinct/similar to what came before it?

 What are its influences outside of animation (painting, comics, live-action film etc.) 

. Which works from previous eras/cultures seem to have influenced the work (technically, aesthetically, narratively, politically etc.)?  Colombian culture influenced it  

How does it depart from its influences? What is the filmmaker trying to express/convey?

 Is it innovative (technically, aesthetically, narratively)? Yes 

 Is it representative of the place and time it was created in (or is it trying to )? Yes 

 Do you think the filmmaker could have made different choices that would have led to a stronger piece?… no I feel the film came out really good 

Quote from at least two of the assigned readings to support your analysis. 


Organize your paper. Clearly state the focus of your paper (along with the name of the film and director) as a thesis in the opening paragraph.  Once your topic is clearly established, the following paragraphs should each start with a topic sentence to help you develop the thesis and support a major point of your analysis. In each paragraph, provide specific references (examples) within the film that support your ideas and thesis. The final paragraph (conclusion) should tie together the threads and leave the reader with a final thought or question that has emerged from your study.

Week 10 Prompt 2 Kelvin Cortez

Product placement is a very effective way to market a product and especially in this day in age on an animated TV show given the huge audience base it would have. One of the more recent examples I can think of comes from one of my favorite shows from childhood, Curious George. Being a monkey, Curious George would eat a lot of fruits and especially bananas in the PBS TV series and I very vividly remember DOLE being on the wooden crates where Curious George would get his bananas from. As I grew a little older I also started noticing that some bananas I got at the supermarket in real life had Curious George stickers on them. The DOLE company was very smart to do this since I remember wanting to always get bananas at the supermarket because it reminded me of Curious George – I had an emotional reaction to the product. Companies want to create a following and loyalty and attaching themselves to an animated TV show which targets kids, teens and young adults primarily helps them build loyal customers from an early age.

Week 9 Prompt 2 Kelvin Cortez

Based on the film “ Rooty Tooty Toot “ how I feel color pattern drawing and movement was used throughout the entirety of the film . As far as color was a mix and what I mean by that is for example in some of the scenes it was surreal with the music and the actual movement so the colors were relaxed and surreal. For most of the dramatic scenes the colors were more extravagant and exaggerated. As for how pattern was used throughout the film for example when all the witnesses told their view on what happened something that was consistent was Frankie’s lawyer always patted her on her right arm as a form of reassurance. As for drawing each of the drawings depicts an accurate account of each scene. Finally how movement was used throughout was by as I mentioned before for surreal scenes the movement was relaxed and tranquil. As for most of the dramatic scenes the movement was more dramatized and extracted for example when Frankie found out that Johnny was in the back with another girl you can see her movement from normal to jumping and pissed off. Therefore you can see how each of these elements were used in their own scenes in their own time throughout the duration of the film.

WEEK 8 PROMPT 2 Kelvin Cortez

I feel  that the difference in animation  between the West and the East was different .In  the  sense that in the west animation was more modern when it came to animation and what I mean by that is the level of themes and idea that were used were more advanced.  Given the  economic situation was much better and artists were able to produce higher quality films given the opportunity that they could be more  open minded when it came time to create films. Opposed to the East that was not in the same position economically speaking and therefore had to be more closed minded in a way and what I mean by that is they created more  average films that had to relate to specific themes and ideas.


After analyzing the video “ Private Snafu” how I believe they used humor to get their point across was by using  the Fighting Tools. What I mean by this is when the soldier was in his tent he was singing a song about his weapons being the best and unbeatable but when it came time to prove it didn’t turn out so well . What I mean by this is when he came in contact with an enemy soldier he grabbed his rifle and for a minute had the soldier scared until he realized his weapon was useless because they didn’t take care of their weapons. What made this even more humorous was how every time the American soldier weapon did not work the enemy soldier sang a song on how his weapons were useless because of lack of care. You can also see the humor in the different scenarios whether it be the voice which was sarcastic and funny. As for the drawing you can see the clear black and white scene and the extractive explosions. As for the movement you can see a clear sense of frantic movement of the soldiers and overall you can see how everything came together in place to bring the film together. 

Journal Entry Week 5 Prompt 2 (Kelvin Cortez )

After watching the video of when Snow White meets the seven dwarfs what I noticed about them that makes them all similar are their animated features.  One being their big red noses but what sets them apart from each other is their personalities  and their body language two specific dwarfs that chose were Bashful & Grumpy. The characteristics as well as the body language that separates bashful from the rest is when his name is called  he responds in an almost dramatic oh  form as well he twists his beard around and his face turn bright red as one could say are qualities of being bashful or shy in a way. What sets Grumpy apart from the rest is when  the seven dwarfs peek their head over everyone else’s facial features are surprised but Grumpy facial expression is mad and not in a mood and even when he responds saying. “ How do you do what “ in a upset way with a sense of no patience and you can even see he crosses his arms as a form to assert his dominance of being upset and showing his mood through vocal and physical form.


                         The Adventures of Prince Achmed


  1. What is the story
  2. What is the history behind it what inspired the film to be created 
  3. What year did the story come out 
  4. How long did it take to produce the final version 
  5. How many people worked on the project 
  6. Materials used 
  7. Who are the characters of the film 
  8. What does it look like put all together 
  9. What is the tone of the story

   10. What is the story (including main characters/plot points)

  • What is the tone of the story 
  • What does the film look/sound like? 
  • Length 


  • Influences (based “1001 nights”, visual: shadow puppetry, German scherenchnitte, Reiniger’s training and background with bauhaus)
  • First full-feature animated film
  • What year did the film come out 
  • How long did it take to produce the final version 
  • How many people worked on the project 
  • Materials/technique used 
  • Use of sound/sound accompaniment
  • Critical and popular reception


  • What do you find beautiful/interesting/problematic about the film?
  • How is it visually distinct/similar to what came before it?
  • What is the filmmaker trying to express/convey? How does it hold up today – does the visual style/animation feel old-fashioned or modern?
  • Influence on other filmmakers (i.e: Bartosch, Michel Ocelot)
  • Quote from at least one of the assigned readings to support your analysis. You should demonstrate that you are able to interpret and assess information from an external source. 

Kelvin Cortez week 2 Journal Entry 2 prompt 1

I really enjoyed the early cinema animation work we reviewed in class. I was particularly inspired by two examples and found both commonalities and differences in them. One was the shadow puppetry and the other was the magic lanterns. In terms of commonalities between these two artforms – something they both share is that they were used for entertainment purposes. Shadow puppetry and magic lanterns are both used to engage and entertain whoever interacts with them. Magic lanterns were given as gifts to children to entertain them and the shadow puppetry was put on for tourists. Another commonality is that they were no match for the advanced cinema technology and subsequently became obsolete with time. In terms of the biggest differences between both, shadow puppetry has its roots in China while magic lanterns originated in America/US. The time periods were also a big difference between the two since shadow puppetry can be found as early as the first millennium BCE and magic lanterns dated from the seventeenth century (around the time America was established as a nation).

Kelvin Cortez

Kelvin Cortez – Journal 1 – Prompt 1

Good Evening everyone my name is Kelvin the reason why I picked this course was because I am a huge fan of anime and want to learn how everything is bought together to make a film or tv show from the different technical equipment used to the first drawing that’s made and it’s bought all together. my major is Studio Arts this is my second semester at BMCC my career goal after bmcc is to transfer to FIT for sneaker design. Activities that I love to do on my free time is drawing as well I am a avid Sneaker Collector and I also enjoy studying the sneaker industry and see the ins and outs of the industry and how it works.