Jennifer Uzhca

9 posts

Jennifer Uzhca W12 – Prompt 1

Disney and other big studios closed their 2D animation divisions by the late 1990s/early 2000s. Like many other companies, Disney decided to go for the most profitable and trendy option. I wouldn’t say that it was a good choice because this did lead them to make one of their most successful movies, Toy Story, but believing that 2D animated projects wouldn’t bring them profit or benefit wasn’t exactly right. Disney Channel’s Gravity Falls is one of the most believed animated shows that proves Disney wrong about 2D films. Other shows like Family Guy and The Owl House are 2D films, yet they gained major popularity and appreciation from their audience.

Jennifer Uzhca W10 – Prompt 1

A movie that comes to my mind is definitely Wreck-It Ralph 2. When I saw the trailer for the movie, I remember being blown away by the number of references the movie had to social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. When I saw how the movie was centered around Ralph and Venelope trying to buy something from eBay, it made me laugh and actually look into the movie just to see how many more references they would have. 

Jennifer Uzhca W8 – Prompt 2

I think that the film was seen as subversive by the communist government because Jiří Trnka’s short film “The Hand” (1965) was an accurate representation of the fear and situations that the people of Czechoslovakia felt during these times. They felt trapped and controlled and if they didn’t listen to what the government was telling them to do, they would end up like the puppet. The government felt as if this film was too much of a threat to raise awareness of what was happening.

Jennifer Uzhca W7 – Prompt 1

In almost all propaganda, the enemy is depicted as being clumsy and dumb. In ‘Bury the Axis’, racist stereotypes were used to pick at the clay figurines of the Axis Powers leaders and also made them look like foolish losers. In ‘Momotaro no Umiwashi’, Americans were the center of the propaganda and were made to be seen as unorganized fools.

Jennifer Uzhca W5 – Prompt 2

When watching the clip from Snow White, I see that each Dwarf has different movements and reactions to match their character. An example could be between Grumpy and Dopey. Grumpy always walk in an angry way, never really smiles, and has a rough voice when he speaks. Dopey on the other hand is a goofy character. He had his sleeves covering his hands which makes him look goofier. It is also explained that he doesn’t talk because he never tried, this really adds to the goofy character he has. 

Jennifer Uzhca LP Outline

The animated film that I chose to do my long paper on is Disney’s Turning Red which was released on February 21, 2022. What really draws me to this film is how different it is from previous movies by Disney. I find it interesting how Disney didn’t hesitate to touch on “taboo” topics that teenage girls encounter and how it’s the second film to talk about generational trauma, the first movie being Encanto (2021) What I would like to research for this essay is:

  • Background on who? When? Where? Why? What?
  • Summary of the film, what is this movie about?
  • The music and creation of a new boy group for this film’s universe. How did old 2000s songs from Backstreet Boys and Kpop group, Super Junior influence the soundtrack?
  • No censoring sanitary pads? How is the mention of periods in the film go against the mindset of periods being something hidden?
  • This movie is similar to many coming-of-age films where a group of boys is the protagonists, why did this movie face so much backlash even before being released?
  • Turning Red is the second Disney movie that touches on the subject of generational trauma and family issues, why is it important that Disney touches on this subject?

Jennifer Uzhca SP Outline

  1. The name of the film I will possibly focus on will be Snow White. 
  2. I chose to talk about this film because Snow White was the second Disney princess movie I had watched as a toddler with my mom, the first movie being Mulan. I like the aesthetic of the movie and the nostalgic yet creepy feeling it gives. I also find it funny how it’s a movie that scared me as a kid even though it was a Disney Princess movie. 
  3. Some things that I want to talk about in this short paper are the actors that had to play out certain scenes of the movie so animators could animate the characters more precisely. I also wanted to talk about if Snow White had any impact on any future Disney film and the procedure of the movie. I think something that I would mention would be any challenges that the director had encountered or what exactly the director had to do to achieve a successful film.

Jennifer Uzhca W2

Can you imagine being an audience remember at one of Gaspard Robertson’s “Fantasmagorie” shows in 1797? What do you think your reaction would have been? Can you think of any form of entertainment that would elicit the same emotions today?

If I were to be in the audience at one of Gaspard Robertson’s “Fantasmargorie” shows in 1797, my most realistic reaction would be that I would have left the theater in tears. I would be absolutely terrified from what I had just witnessed. In a show like this, seeing something come to life in front of my own eyes would make me feel scared yet intreguied in this new technology. It would also make me wonder that if people were able to bring this advanced technology to us now, I can’t imagine what more wonderful ideas and gadgets people would bring in the future. Although I would be terrified watching it the first time, I would try to watch it again to learn more about it. I think that something that would elicit the same emotions today would be the development of 3D films, seeing something jump out the screen, looking so real, would make me feel scared of how realistic it looks.

Jennifer Uzhca W1

One of my favorite animes that I’ve watched is Re-Zero. The studio for this is White Fox, the artist is Tappei Nagatsuki and the first season was released on April 4th, 2016. Re-Zero was originally a light novel that I haven’t read yet and look forward to reading in the future. I’m not a big fan of extremely gory anime, but this anime was too good to stop watching. It got darker as it approached season 2, but what I really liked about this anime was how it involves every character in the main plot. In many movies or series, we see how the side character always appears for a bit and then never makes an appearance again. In Re-Zero, every character has their own important contribution to the plot and one of the characters I appreciated seeing often was Otto and it took me by surprise to see how important he had become in the future episodes.