After analyzing the video “ Private Snafu” how I believe they used humor to get their point across was by using  the Fighting Tools. What I mean by this is when the soldier was in his tent he was singing a song about his weapons being the best and unbeatable but when it came time to prove it didn’t turn out so well . What I mean by this is when he came in contact with an enemy soldier he grabbed his rifle and for a minute had the soldier scared until he realized his weapon was useless because they didn’t take care of their weapons. What made this even more humorous was how every time the American soldier weapon did not work the enemy soldier sang a song on how his weapons were useless because of lack of care. You can also see the humor in the different scenarios whether it be the voice which was sarcastic and funny. As for the drawing you can see the clear black and white scene and the extractive explosions. As for the movement you can see a clear sense of frantic movement of the soldiers and overall you can see how everything came together in place to bring the film together. 

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